Welcome to English II

Welcome to English II
Grades are determined by a total points system
The letter grade is awarded after dividing the total points the student achieved during the quarter by the total
points possible.
A: 100-90%, B: 89-80%, C: 79-70%, D: 69-60%, F: 59%
The expectations are that EVERYONE will practice and maintain high standards in
learning and completing work accordingly. This means that appropriate use of time is
employed to complete assignments, original work is turned in on time, and everyone
participates as responsible members of the class.
Also, work should be submitted on clean, lined paper with one’s name and date on all
papers. Legible handwriting is also a requirement; final drafts of essays or reports must be
typed, unless other arrangements are made. Final drafts for writing assignments will not be
accepted without evidence of the writing process (pre-writing, rough drafts, revisions, etc).
Writing your own material is mandatory; plagiarism will be penalized in accordance with
VHS policy. Most writing assignments will also require submission to www.turnitin.com for
plagiarism check. The target percentage for cited material is less than 35%. If you do not
meet these standards, your work may be returned to be redone, graded as is, or not accepted
at all.
Advanced notice will be given for paper and assignment due dates. “Late” is defined
as any work not handed in by stated deadline. You, the student, are responsible for keeping
track of assignment due dates, although I will make every effort to remind you of deadlines.
Work is due at the beginning of class, unless otherwise noted. Any late work may
receive a grade up to 50% of the original point value. To restate, if you turn in any
assignment late, 50% is the highest grade you can receive. Any late assignment will need to
be turned in by the first Part-Friday to be considered for any credit.
If you must be absent on a day work is due, either turn it in early, email me a copy, or
make sure a classmate can turn it in for you. In addition, if you are absent on a day when a
major paper or project is due, it is YOUR responsibility to call prior to class time;
otherwise, I am not required to accept your work. Missed tests or other daily assignments are
due the day you return. Before and after school, or part Fridays, will be the times to make up
missed exams, find out missing assignments, or turn in missing work. My school website
will also be a good place for you to find missing lessons or various handouts. You will have
two(2) days, unless other arrangements have been made with me, to complete missing work
that was assigned during your absence.
Message phone for absences: 541-473-0265
E-mail message: lfuller@vale.k12.or.us
I am looking forward to getting to know you and learning new ideas from you!