Annual Monitoring: Research Degree Programmes (2014/15 Provision)

2015/16 Annual Monitoring Exercise
Annual Monitoring: Research Degree Programmes (2014/15 Provision)
Please complete this form and return it to Quality and Standards, Academic Services
Division by Friday, 18 March, 2016 at .
Please list here the School/ Department submitting the form. Please also list all
campuses and programmes covered, eg PhD, MPhil, MRes, any professional
doctorates etc. or whether the form relates solely to a Doctoral Training Centre.
Research Training
This section will note any changes to research training requirements for students that
are needed in light of changing requirements in the discipline and for graduates from
doctoral programmes in general. If no such changes are needed, this section should
simply confirm that the current research training requirements remain relevant and
Training of Supervisors
This section will note any comments which the School/Department wishes to make on
the training available for academic staff who are new to supervision (for example, via the
PGCHE) and training run within the School/Department on continuing professional
development needs for experienced supervisors (for example, School away days). If no
such comments need to be noted, this section should simply confirm that the current
supervisory training remains relevant and appropriate.
Annual Review
Summary of changes to procedures used by the School to monitor students’ progress via
confirmation, progression or annual review as appropriate. If no such changes are
needed, this section should simply confirm that the current annual review procedures
remain relevant and appropriate.
Student Performance
A check on whether the correct number of supervision records have been kept as
appropriate at School/ Department level for each student should be carried out.
Research degree examination outcomes and progression statistics with respect to past
performance and institutional/Faculty norms. If data suggest any concerns, this section
should include any measures proposed to address these concerns.
2015/16 Annual Monitoring Exercise
Summary of enhancements to supervisory practice and academic support, particularly
where these could be of wider interest within the University.
This section to be completed by the Students’ Union:
Feedback from Students
This section should provide a range of views and opinions representative of the cohort,
and not the experiences of an individual representative. Feedback should be provided on
the student experience within the School, particularly in relation to teaching and learning.
Please note that this section applies only to UK campuses.
a): Please provide comment on the student involvement in quality assurance processes
in relation to the programmes noted at the top of the form:
b): Please comment on School responses to sections 1-5 of the form:
This section to be completed by Academic Services Division:
This section indicates whether any of the student performance data scores are outside
the normal range for the Faculty and the University.
8. Other Comments
Where relevant, further comments may be provided in this section to draw attention to
issues arising from Academic Services’ consideration of the completed form, for example
where it appears programmes may not have been included in the exercise.