College of Business and Economics B&E Scholar Summer Research Grant 2015 Application Form Deadline: March 15, 2015 INSTRUCTIONS Prepare and type your proposal according to the specific instructions included for each section located on the following application form. All instructions must be followed to be considered for funding. Applications that do not adhere to the format requirements will not be reviewed. Write your proposal with such clarity that it may be understood by any member of the committee. Keep in mind that the committee is interdisciplinary and reaches decisions by consensus. Each page of the application must be consecutively numbered. Proposals must use a typeface no smaller than 10 points and have at least 1/2” margin on all sides of the page. The Proposal Body (Sections IIIVIII) is limited to five pages single-spaced plus references and attachments. The application is comprised of ten sections: Section I: Cover Page and Abstract Section II: Use of Funds Section III, IV, V, VI, and VII: Proposal Body (limited to a total of five [5] single pages) You must identify your collaborators and the role of each. SECTION I – COVER PAGE 1. Project Title: Rank: 2. Principal Investigator: Department/Division: Email: Phone: 3. Co-Investigator (if applicable) Rank: College/School: Department/Division: Email: 4. Is this an interdisciplinary project? Yes No 5. Number of previous B&E Scholars Summer Research grants received in past five years: Please do not include any Faculty Senate, Faculty Travel or Development grants that you have received. 6. Regulatory Approvals: Does your project involve: Human Subjects: Yes No Have you applied for IRB Approval Yes No If yes, Approval # 7. Abstract (Use only the space provided) SECTION II – Use of funds Clearly state how the funds will be used. SECTION III – SIGNIFICANCE OF PROJECT Clearly state the need for your project. Describe the contribution of your project towards increasing knowledge in the field of study. SECTION IV – BACKGROUND Briefly summarize the current and significant work in the field of study of this proposal. Please be selective rather than exhaustive. SECTION V – OBJECTIVES Precisely list the objectives of the project considering time, funds, and available project personnel. SECTION VI – PROJECT PLAN Describe the experiments, methods of analysis, and/or other investigative approaches of the project. State what is to be done, when it is to be done, where it will be done, and who will do it. Cleary state if human subjects will be involved. SECTION VII – EXPECTED OUTCOMES If successfully completed, indicate the anticipated contributions this project will make to your professional development and to the university. Please quantify the anticipated outcomes. Examples of academic research outcomes include the authorship of a journal paper, the presentation of a paper or work of art at a reputable forum, the production of an archival data set of which will support substantive future research, or the submission of a proposal for external funding. Where will you attempt to publish or present the results of your research? PREVOUS B&E SCHOLARS SUMMER RESEARCH GRANT AWARD FUNDING Has a B&E Scholar Grant led to you submitting an application for external funding? Yes No If yes, please indicate to whom the application was sent, dates of proposal(s), if it was funded, and if so, how much was awarded? PUBLICATIONS List your publication citations resulting from previous internal and/or external awards.