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K-2 Word Study Calendar: Sight Words & Blending

Word Study Calendar of Spiraled Skills
What is this document?
This is a document that can be referenced when planning for the word study block. This will give you examples of
sight words, word families, words to blend, and other skills that you can practice with scholars. This will ensure that
our classrooms are vertically aligned (i.e. the same sight words are taught in a Kindergarten, 1​st​ grade, and 2​nd​ grade
classroom). This document also outlines the purpose of each skill so that teachers will know when to transfer a certain
skill from the word study block to a guided reading lesson based on scholar need.
How was this document created?
This document was created referencing the objectives in the MAP Learning Continuum, the TEKS for every grade level,
and the Journeys common resources that campuses share. There was a focus on specific skills (blending, segmenting,
etc.) as well as specific words that we want scholars to know (sight words, word families, etc.) This allowed data to
drive when we introduce certain sight words and word families as well as ensuring that our 2​nd​ grade was being
pushed in a rigorous way to be ready for 3​rd​ grade. Any specific word family, sight word, or word referenced for
blending/ segmenting comes from a specific MAP objective, TEKS, or Journeys.
How can I use this document?
This document should be used to determine how to build your whole-group or small-group word study lessons. Not
only should specific words be introduced, practiced, and mastered, but there are vital skills that should be practiced
repeatedly for scholars over the course of the year. This is the best way to ensure that scholars understand phonics
rules with specific words but also specific skills that are needed to make them a fluent reader.
This document can also explain how specific skills come together to create a fluent reader and how those skills
progression from a kindergarten classroom to a second grade classroom. The purpose of each set of skills is listed so
that when a scholar is struggling in guided reading, the teacher can reference a word study lesson and have that
scholar practice that skill in context.
Word Study Skill:​ ​Sight words
Purpose: Sight words are words that scholars cannot sound out. Scholars should memorize how these words so that they can read them in
context and spell them correctly in writing. Sight words are not the same as high frequency words. High-frequency words are words that
scholars ​could ​sound out but have seen the word so often that they can read or spell instantly.
Guided Reading Transfer: Scholars can practice, reading writing, and orally spelling sight words out of context of a book. If a scholar is
struggling to read a sight word in a text, refer the scholar to the word wall. If you have introduced and practiced that word, that should be
a reminder to the scholar that they cannot sound out this word and it’s a sight word.
1​st​ Grade
2​nd​ Grade
what, for, have, pretty, go,
like, the, boy, girl, have, do,
please, I, no, said, and, day,
now, she, come, they, by, her,
we, to, me, my, you, how, all,
he, make
about, again, all, always,
animal, any, are, ate, away,
baby, bear, because, before,
birthday, both, bring, buy,
carry, came, could, does,
done, eat, every, family, far,
fly, four, friends, from, full,
funny, goes, gone, grow, have,
head, here, hold, hurt, know,
laugh, learn, live, made,
money, more, move, myself,
now, oh, of, old, once, one,
only, other, own people,
please, put, read, right, said,
saw, says, should, small,
some, thank, the, their, there,
these, they, think, those,
together, two, use, very, walk,
want, was, watch, eater,
wear, went, were, what,
when, where, which, white,
who, why, would, write,
yellow, your
most, second, sleep, three, work, air, cried, pictures, told, try,
window, eye, few, happy, high, open, starts, afraid, dark,
kept, many, might, show, better, really, another, hard,
heard, light, against, along, different, morning, night, part,
someone, everything, first, slowly, store, story, two, world,
front, hair, never, party, sky, warm, after, care, ever, knew,
off, thought, also, fly, horse, look, river, something, blue,
doing, else, studied, sure, teacher, turned, anything, been,
draw, mother, soon, under, words, good, sound, talk, too,
begins, being, flower, ground, ready, stood, tall, very, across,
behind, house, how, nothing, out, took, voice, everyone,
field, floor, found, toward, coming, down, give, great, idea,
knew, large, though, began, brother, brown, Earth,
surprised, without, hear, leaves, our, through, young, ago,
alone, follow, called, even, father, maybe, outside,
tomorrow, town, water, above, enough, happened, sorry,
want, while, eight, near, paper, seven, upon, wash, woman,
almost, dear, pushed, remember, sometimes, years
** There are more than 25 words
(what the TEKS says) because
MAP lists more words to get to
the college-ready quintile.**
**The TEKS references 300 high-frequency words. Suggest start at
BOY with preassessment from previous grades sight words to see
which need to be taught whole/ small group. The mastery of the 3
lists combined will meet the 300 requirement of TEKS. Words
should not be repeated unless preassessment data indicates this.
**There are 100 sight words
(TEKS wording) suggested to
introduce 4 words per week. **
Word Study Skill:​ ​Word Families
Purpose: Word families allow scholars to develop blending and rhyming skills by starting with the initial sound and onset rime. This allows
scholars to see how changing one letter can change an entire word. This build as scholars learn how to blend sounds and then chunk words in
order to read them in context.
Guided Reading Transfer: If a scholar is struggling to read a word and it’s a word family that you have covered, you can ask them if there is a
part (word family) of the word that they recognize. This will allow the scholar to read the word on their own.
1​st​ Grade
2​nd​ Grade
Short vowels/ simple word families
Long and short vowels/ more complex word
Word families focus on alternative spellings,
superlatives then prefixes, suffixes, etc.
ab, ad, ag, am, an, ap, at, ed, en, et, ig, families
in, ip, it, ob, og, op, ot, ub, ug, un, ut,
ar, ox
ail, ake, eep, ell, ee, ing, ime, ow, oat, ain,
ant, ink, onk, ick, ent, ine, ill, are, all, ack,
ock, ank, ay, ump, one, ust, ame, unk, age,
ide, ew, ask, eat, eck, ike, uff
y i, ore, ight, arm, art, est, ild, ind, ine,
ite, ood, ook, ork, orn, oy, are, air, ear,
ite, tion, sion,
Word Study Skill:​ ​Blending/ Decoding
Purpose: Blending sounds to create words is the foundation for scholars to read independently. Scholars first learn to manipulate just the sounds
of letters to create words. This begins with blending an initial sound with the onset rhyme (i.e. /f/ /eet/). This aligns with word families and
begins the process of blending sounds. This moves then to blending 3 or more phonemes (sounds) to create a word (i.e /f/ /ee/ /t/). The
progression of skills moves to scholars blending CVC words in isolation, then blending longer, more complex words. Finally scholars are given
sentences and paragraphs where they blend words in context.
Guided Reading Transfer:
When a scholar is struggling to read a word in a book, take a notecard and write the word on it. Have the scholar practice blending the sounds
together out of the context of a book. Once the scholars can blend/decode the word outside of the text, then have the scholar go back to the
sentence with the word and have them reread that sentence. This allows the scholar to build blending and decoding in isolation and within the
text. Scholars may struggle to make the connection if they see the same word again, keep the notecard you used visible to the scholar. This will
allow you a quick reference to practice if the scholar struggles again.
1​st​ Grade
2​nd​ Grade
1. Blending only initial sound and the on
1. Blending words with 3-5 sounds. This is done 1.) At this point, blending is done visually in
complex sentences similar to choral reading.
set rime (word family) at the end of the
orally with scholars practicing repeatedly
Scholars should be practicing with multiple
word. For example: book is /b/ /ook/
with many different vowel sounds. These
syllabic words, sight words, words with
2. Blending CVC words OR words with 2-3
sounds will involve beginning and ending
alternative vowel spellings, r controlled
sounds. This is done orally with scholars
blends as well as long and short vowels.
vowels, different tenses, etc. Scholars should
have practice identifying individual sounds in a
practicing repeatedly with many
When you introduce an alternative vowel
word and then blending those sounds
different vowel sounds. For example:
spelling, give multiple examples of words
together. As an introduction to chunking, have
am is /a/ /m/; book is /b/ /oo/ /k/; and
that have this spelling so that scholars can
scholars blending beginning and ending blends
cat is /c/ /a/ /t/
practice. For example: truck should be
together. For example, there are 3-4 sentences
3. Blending CVC words with 2-3 sounds
broken down by /tr/ /u/ /ck/ AND /t/ /r//u/
on the board. Word by word, scholars identify
sounds and blend sounds together. Scholars
with visible words in isolation. For
/ck/ ; play should be broken down /pl/ /ay/
should identify independently that a word is a
example, the word cat is one the board
and /p/ /l/ /ay/.
sight word and that they can’t blend those
and scholars blend sounds as the
2. Blending words with 3-5 sounds with visible
sounds to make the appropriate word.
teacher touches each letter.
words in isolation. These sounds will involve 2.) In some of the complex sentences
4. Blending CVC words with 2-3 sounds in
beginning and ending blends as well as long
mentioned above, scholars should be explicitly
taught how to find chunks in unknown words
context of 1-2 sentences intermixed
and short vowels. When you introduce an
to help them decode those words. For
with sight words. For example: The red
alternative vowel spelling, give multiple
example: If a scholar gets to the word
bag is big.
examples of words that have this spelling so
“information” and cannot read the word, have
that scholars can practice. For example, the
them find a chunk that they know (“in” or
‘for”) Now have the scholar sound out the
word truck is one the board and scholars
word but chunking those parts that they know.
blend sounds as the teacher touches each
“/in/ /for/ /m/ /a/ /tion/”
3.) By the end of the year, scholars should be
3. Blending words with 3-5 sounds in context
able to blend/ decode 4-6 sentences presented
to them. Scholars should self-identify words
of 1-2 sentences intermixed with sight
words. For example: I saw a boy and girl play that they will need to chunk in order to blend/
decode the word. Prefixes and suffixes can be
together for a long time.
introduced/ referenced as chunks of words to
** Even if a scholar can read a word as a high
frequency word, they should still practice
blending sounds together. This will ensure that
blending is done automatically in context as well
as in isolation. This ensures that is a habit for
scholars and doesn’t require prompting from
the teacher when reading a text. **
help scholars. Scholars will struggle more the
longer the text is that they have to blend.
Scaffold by increasing the amount of sentences
as well as the complexity of words.
Word Study Skill:​ ​Segmenting/ Syllabication
Segmenting is the foundation for scholars to be able to accurately spelling a word. This skill ensure that scholars can hear a word spoken, break
down that word into sounds, and then write the correct spelling that corresponds to that sound. The more a scholar has practice blending and
segmenting, the more practice they have seeing alternative spellings and identifying the correct one for the word that they are trying to spell.
Blending and segmenting go hand in hand. If a scholar is struggling to identify the correct spelling that goes with a sound, you can give that
scholar words in isolation or context to blend in order to give that scholar context to be able to spell the word correctly. Syllabication is tied to
chunking. Just as a scholar should identify chunks of a word that they can blend or identify easily, they should do the same when they are trying
to spell a word. The syllables are the chunks that the scholar should use as reference to spell the word.
Guided Reading Transfer:
If a scholar is struggling to spell a certain sound spelling, during guided reading find example of that sound spelling and point it out as the scholar
is reading. Have the scholar read the words and identify similar characteristics of the words. Then have the scholar segment the word, the
teacher should be focuses on sounds that the scholar is missing when they segment these words. Then remove the text from the scholar’s sight
and have the scholar segment those words again and try to spell them orally. Make note of any sounds scholars are struggling to identify or
spelling wrong. For segmentation, when a scholar gets to a multisyllabic word that they are struggling to blend, have the scholar break down the
words into syllables and blend each syllable individually and then finally blend all the syllables together.
1​st​ Grade
2​nd​ Grade
1. Scholars begin segmenting words into
1. ​Segmenting CVC words into beginning,
1. Scholars begin segmenting 2-3 syllables
two parts: initial sounds and word
middle, and ending sounds. This is done
words with a variety of spellings
family ending (on set rime). For
orally (with kinesthetic hand motions) and in
(beginning and ending blends, alternative
example: The teacher says the word
print throughout the year. Scholars are
vowels, r controlled vowels, different
“cat,” the scholar identifies the
given a word and write that word. This
tenses, etc.) Scholars should be able to
beginning sound as /c/ and the final
allows the teacher to know which sounds
break down the word into syllables and
sound as /at/. This is done with a
the scholar can identify and find the
then segment the syllables one by one.
variety of CVC words with mostly short
matching sound in print.
This should be done orally and in print.
vowels. Scholars practice orally at first.
2. Scholars then begin segmenting CCVC, CVC,
2. Scholars should develop their visual
2. Segmenting CVC words into beginning,
and CVCC words (beginning and ending
checking system using what they know
ending, and middle sound. Most
blends). This is done orally (with kinesthetic
about word families. This knowledge
scholars will find identifying the middle
hand motions) and in print. Scholars should
should be used to determine is a word
sound the most challenging. This is
be able to identify the blend that they hear
“looks right” and scholars should be able
done with a variety of CVC words with
in the word and then the letters that make
to connect to another word they know.
mostly short vowels. Scholars practice
up this blend. This will allow scholars to
For example if a scholar is trying to spell
orally at first.
master spelling these blends.
the word “compare,” they should write
3. Segmenting CVC words into beginning,
3. Scholars then begin segmenting words with
out choices for spelling the word
middle, and ending sounds. This is done
alternative vowels spellings. The focus on
“compare, compair, and compear” Then
in print towards the middle of the year.
this is their ability to determine the correct
scholars should refer to the word families
Scholars are given a word and write
vowel spelling when they are writing the
they know. Is there a word family that has
that word. This allows the teacher to
word. This is how we develop a scholar’s
words that sound similar to the one they
know which sounds the scholar can
visual checking system while writing. For
are trying to write? If so, does that help
identify and find the matching sound in
example: “ea”, “ee,” and “e_e” make the
them pick which word is spelling
long e sound. If a scholar is trying to spell the
4. Throughout the year, scholars are
word “keep” then a scholar should write
3. By the end of 2​nd​ grade, scholars should
identifying how many syllables a word
“keap,” “keep,” and “kepe.”Then they
be able to independently know that when
has and “clapping out” those syllables.
should determine which spelling “looks
they want to write a word they aren’t
Since scholars are really just writing
right.” This can connect to word families.
sure of spelling, they should break up the
CVC words and sight words, they aren’t 4. Throughout the year, scholars are identifying
word into syllables, break down each
chunking word in print yet.
how many syllables a word has and
syllable, spell each syllable individually,
“clapping out” those 2-3 syllables. Words
and then combine those spellings to spell
with 1-2 syllables should be broken down
the entire word. This connects to their
into syllables and then segmenting in order
chunking ability because if they know how
to spell them. For example if a scholar is
to spell a chunk of the word, then they
given the word “uplift,” they should identify
should just focus on the chunk they don’t
the 2 syllables: up and lift. Scholars should
know. Scholars should be able to edit
segment each syllables and then write them
their own writing for words that “don’t
as one word.
look right.”