Discussion Board

Discussion Board Participation
120 points
Each student is expected to participate on the weekly discussion boards. This takes the place of
in-class discussion. For one (1) of the weeks you will work with a small team to facilitate the
discussion (see Team Project: Discussion Board Facilitation for complete instructions). For the
most part, I will not take part in these discussions; however, I will be reading them and reserve
the right to join in the conversations.
Minimum Requirements
On each of the weekly discussion boards, students must post at a minimum of 500 words. How
you divide your minimum word count is up to you; however you must post at least:
1. an answer to at least two of the questions,
2. comments to at least two of your fellow students’ answers, and
3. at least one response to a comment left to one of your answers.
My hope is that you will participate more then the minimum. At the end of your comments
and responses, please put the word count in parentheses. You can easily determine
word count in a word processing program. Failure to include the word count will result in on
(1) point deducted off your final score for each time it is not included. You must post in the
appropriate week’s discussion board to earn credit. If you post after the deadline, it will not be
evaluated by the team who is facilitating that week.
Expressing an opinion is not enough. You will be evaluated on the consistency and quality of your
posts to the weekly discussion board. We (myself and the facilitators) will primarily be looking for
how well you support your comments. I expect you to work to make meaning of the material of
the course. We will look for depth of engagement, as well as level of critical thinking and inquiry.
Success hinges on keeping up with readings, and referring to them as much as possible when
you do respond. I recommend that you look at the Student Evaluation form in the Team Project:
Discussion Board Facilitation to get an idea of how the teams will be evaluating your
Please note that it is impossible to get over a 2.7 in the class if you do not participate
in the discussions and that is only if you ace all of the other assignments.
Learn Actively: 20 points
recognize key elements of human culture and have a basic understanding of
fundamental cultural anthropology concepts: comments are in-depth and indicate an
understanding of the readings (in other words, you make it clear that you’ve done
the readings by using material from the readings to support your point);
anthropological terminology and concepts used correctly
Communicate with Clarity and Originality: 25 points
have begun to develop or improve your communication skills: postings are coherent,
be able to clearly express your thoughts about human culture and adaptive
processes: student can use class readings to discuss topics; posts are logical and
well-written, and substantial; posts are spell and grammar checked; no Internet chat
room abbreviations used
easily followed
know how to properly cite sources and provide complete citations for sources:
readings are cited using author and page number; if bringing in supporting evidence
not included in the text book, complete citation is provided
Think Critically, Creatively, and Reflectively: 50 points
The following outcomes are demonstrated through critical, thought-provoking
 Understand how to look at culture at various levels (individual, community,
national) and from an anthropological perspective
 Be able to assess the interaction between culture, biology and the
 have learned to assess anthropological information in general and scholarly
 be able to interrelate your personal experiences and societal forces within
the context of cultural anthropology
 understand that while there are various ways of being human and we are
each unique, we also share some basic commonalities of experience and
Interact in Diverse and Complex Environments: 25 points
have some tools to use to help you identify ethnocentrism: student can recognize
have worked on your cooperative and verbal skills through team work: student
ethnocentric behaviors in readings as well as in themselves
makes minimum required responses