The 1830s to the Civil War

Section IV Outline
Critical Years of Transition: 1824-1828
The election of 1824 marks the death of the Democrat-Republicans and the end of the Era of Good
Candidates: John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Crawford, Henry Clay
John Quincy Adams: Had been Monroe’s Secretary of State, great diplomat, part of the Adams political
dynasty. Supported in Northeast but not otherwise popular.
William Crawford: Secretary of Treasury under Monroe, from Georgia. Nominated by Republican caucus.
Supported by Martin Van Buren and his friends the “Bucktails” (believers in strong party loyalty) Became
seriously ill during the election.
Henry Clay: Speaker of the House of Representatives, Author of the “American System” of internal
improvements under Monroe & the Missouri Compromise.
Andrew Jackson: Popular War Hero of Tennessee, and an amazing campaigner. Originally nominated for
political reasons in TN but became serious candidate
1. All four candidates were from the same party, Democrat-Republican.
2. The split in candidates was based on ideology based out of the changes in the Republican party under
Monroe. Part of them are Nationalistic (Adams and Clay) while others were Old-Guard Jeffersonians
(Crawford and Jackson).
3. The separate nominations from different state legislatures ended the power of the congressional caucus.
Election Results: No one got a plurality of electoral college votes.
Jackson -- 99 & a plurality of the popular vote
Crawford -- 41
Adams -- 84
Clay -- 37
Because no one got a plurality of Electoral college votes, the election is thrown into the House of
Representatives. The 12th Amendment (which fixed many of the voting problems from the Aaron Burr
incident) said only the top THREE candidates could be considered, which ruled out Henry Clay, who
otherwise probably would have been elected. Instead, Clay became kingmaker, being able to choose who
was next in line. Although both Adams and Jackson lobbied him (Crawford was too ill and also effectively
out of the running) Clay was Jackson as a possible political opponent in the west for his next election and
chooses Adams. Adams then appointed Clay the Secretary of State, which outraged Jackson’s followers
and who referred to it as “the Corrupt Bargain”
Adams’ Presidency is marked by failures, primarily due to interference by the Jacksonian-controlled
Diplomatic Failure -- Simon Bolivar, liberator of Venezuela, and the Panama Convention of 1826
National Programs failed
Failed Indian Program (the Conflict between Georgia dn the Creek * Cherokee Indians)
Tariff was a protective import tariff
Supported at first in North and hated in South
Pushed by Jacksonians to get Adams to veto and lose northern support
Raises costs of raw materials west and south, nullifying advantage of the
tariff and making everyone unhappy with it.
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The Election of 1828 and the Rise of Jacksonian Democracy
Jackson ran as a Democrat -- Adams as a National Republican
Lowering of property requirements on the vote encourages “Common Man Politics” espoused by Jackson.
First modern campaign, run on personalities and smear campaigns rather than issues.
Jackson wins overwhelmingly, and the celebration at the White House is boisterous. Not the beginning of
the “Spoils System” but the most flagrant user of it. Jackson takes liberties with Presidential Power.
Avoids formal advisors and utilizes his “kitchen Cabinet.”
TWO SCANDALS Fundamentally affected Jackson’s psyche:
The attacks on Rachel Jackson (his wife) before his election;
The Eaton Affair -- “Eaton Malaria” and the Nullifaction Crisis causes the overhaul of Jackson’s Cabinet
Jackson’s 2 Great Challenges: Sectonalism & National Bank
Sectionalism and the Nullification Crisis: Tariffs unpopular in South
Cotton: $.31/lb in 1818; $.18/lb in 1831
Tariff of Abominations (1828) seen as root of problem.
Enunciated (at first anonymously) by John C. Calhoun, Jackson’s VP
in South Carolina Exposition and Protest
• States, not the people, created the Constitution
•Belief in State Sovereignty
In responding to Senator Hayne (SC) on the Congress floor, Senator and lawyer Daniel Webster
(Massachusetts) gave one of his greatest speeches: an oration and defense of nationalism and federalism.
Jackson expresses his views at the April 13, 1830 Jefferson Day Banquet
Jackson’s Toast: “Our Federal Union, it must be preserved.”
Calhoun’s Reply: “To Union -- Next to our liberty, most dear.”
When the Tariff of 1832 is passed, South Carolina is Outraged.
SC Legislature Nullifies the tariff in November of 1832; says that after February 1, 1833, the government
could not longer collect tariff revenues in South Carolina. SC expects the rest of the South to follow with it
but the South does not.
Jackson responds forcefully, gets Force Bill (Force Act of 1833) passed.
Henry Clay, the great compromiser, helps put together the Compromise Tariff of 1833. SC Backs down,
but to save face “nullifies” the Force Act.
Could have been Civil War then had Jackson not acted, but this does not solve the problem.
The South, from 1836-1844, passes “Gag Rules” in Congress
The Election of 1832 & the National Bank
The hinge issue of the election of 1832 was the National Bank, which Jackson hated, saw as a refuge for
privilege and power, and wanted broken up. Jackson’s “War on the Banks”
Democrats: Jackson & Van Buren (Calhoun out since the Eaton Affair & Nullification Crisis)
Whigs: Henry Clay
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Anti-Masonic Party (William Wirt of Maryland)
•Story of Morgan the Bricklayer
• Clay and Jackson both Masons
•Fear of Fraternal organizations
•End of all fraternities in United States until after Civil War
except Pi Beta Kappa (renames itself honor society)
The National Bank (The Bank of the United States, or B.U.S.)
•Not have to apply for rechartering until 1836
•Nicholas Biddle, Bank President, pushes for early recharter (thinks Jackson won’t risk it in
election year)
•Jackson VETOS the Bank Rechartering Act of 1832 on grounds the bank was “unconstitutional,”
defying the Supreme Court ruling of McCulloch v. Maryland.
•Jackson then orders his Secretary of Treasury not to send federal dollars to the B.U.S. during its
last four years from 1832-1826. He goes through 2 Secretaries of the Treasury who won’t do it until he
appoints Roger B. Taney, who agrees. Federal dollars are now deposited in state “Pet Banks” and western
“Wildcat” Banks.
The Bank War is a sectional victory for the South but a nationals disaster.
•Biddle begins to tighten credit
•Jackson tries to curb wild land speculation by issuing a “Hard Currency” policy -- the “Specie
Circular” of 1836.
Jackson leaves office after a second term, leaving Van Buren to deal with the aftereffects, the Panic of
Other Issues of the Jacksonian Presidency
Indian Removal Policy:
1828 - The Cherokee Constitution (land held in NW Georgia)
1830 - Indian Removal Bill : Votes in Dollars to buy all of Indian Lands East of the Mississippi River.
1832 - John Marshall’s Court, in Worcester v Georgia rules that states cannot extend laws into Indian
1832 - Sac and Fox Indian Wars in Illinois and Wisconson
1835 - Seminole War for Indian Removal in Florida
THE TRAIL OF TEARS TO OKLAHOMA: Removed: Seminole/ FL; Sac/ WI; Cherokee/ GA; Fox
IL/Iowa; Chickasaw / Chocktaw / Mississippi; Creek / AL.
Texas and the Slavery Issue:
1836 -- Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna centralizes rule in Mexico City (Mexican 1808-1815; Spain 18151820; back to Mexico from 1820-on) In response, Texans Declare the Independence on March 2, 1836.
Famous battle (loss) at the Alamo by Texans on March 6, and Sam Houston’s victorious vengeance win at
the Battle of San Jacinto April 21 captures Sanata Anna.
The addition of another slave state would have rocked the balance and jeopardized Van Buren’s chance at
election, so Jackson suggests to Houston they wait for Annexation. The petition in congress is killed when
ex-President then Representative J. Q. Adams Fillibusters the Annexation Treaty in the House.
1836 -- Martin Van Buren Elected President
He Continues Jacksonian Policies, and a new Supreme Court with Roger Taney as Head Justice supports
many of his policies.
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Many problems: The Panic of 1837 and Depression by 1839 from the problems of Banks, Wildcat
speculation, Hard Currency, and low cotton prices
By 1840 a new political group has come into existence, the WHIGS.
Democrats: Appeal to the Common Man, Westerners, Southern planters; against banks and federal
improvements; drew intellectuals
Whigs: Part Anti-Jacksonian and a mixture of ideals: Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, and Henry Clay;
the party is somewhat “Conservative,” but also appeals to oppressed minorities -- free blacks and
immigrants -- as well as bankers, professional tradesfolk, editors, and teachers. Moral reformists flock to
the Whig Party.
1840: Whigs nominate William Henry Harrison (“Old Tippacanoe”) and John Tyler as VP (Tippacanoe
and Tyler too)
Harrison dies almost immediately in office after being elected on April 4, 1841. Was a question as to
whether Tyler would remain President or new election would be called, but Tyler acts as if it is permanent
and sets the precedent for long-term Presidential succession.
1841 -- Tyler becomes President. Slowly Tyler begins to be seen more as a Democrat than a Whig, and all
the Whigs resign from his cabinet.
1844 -- James K. Polk elected as Democratic President. Polk issues in the Era of MANIFEST DESTINY -seeking the expansion of the United States as a nationalistic force to overwhelm sectional conflict -focusing on Texas, Oregon, and Maine.
1. The “re”-Annexation of Texas
2. Oregon: Fifty-four Forty or Fight
Mexican War
1845 -- Texas Admitted into the Union
1845 -- John Slidell sent to Mexico (to buy CA, NM, settle on Rio Grande) for up to $25 million
Texas boundary dispute:
1816: Spain’s line -- Nuces River
1836: Santa Anna -- Rio Grande
May 1846 -- 13th Congress declares War; Zachary Taylor, Winfield Scott, John C. Fremont
Nicholas Trist & Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo
($15 million and $3.25 million forgiven in American debts)
1842 -- Acquisition of Maine’s Boundaries, exchange of some of Maine’s land for land west of Lake
Superior: Webster-Ashburn Treaty
1846 -- Oregon or Bust: Joint Occupation with Britain since 1818 (Convention of 1818) Agreement finally
at 49th parallel -- Carves out Oregon, Washington, Idaho/Wyoming and Montana.
1848 -- Failure to buy Cuba from Spain for $100 million. Election of Zachary Taylor ends expansion of
CODA: The Gadsen Purchase of 1853 --$10 mil for Transcontinental Railroad
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The Reform Movement of the 19th Century
and the Attitudes near the Civil War
The Reform movement occurred in both Britain and America. In America, the roots could be found in four
Eighteenth century Enlightenment Ideals
The Bills of Rights *state and then federal)
The Rise of the Jacksonian “Common Man”
While the British tended to be ahead of the Us, particularly on antislavery, some of the most extreme forms
of reform movements flourished in the United States.
Seven Example Reform Areas:
1. Alcohol: The American Society for the Promotion of Temperance
Originally promoted moderation in drink, eventually radicalized for total abstinence, roots of the
Prohibition movement.
By 1856, 13 states had in some way prohibited sales of some liquors.
2. The Mentally Ill: The rise of the asylum in America showed a new understanding that not all who had
social problems were criminal -- mental illness began being treated as a disease / a medical problem. Chief
amongst those pushing for reform was Dorothea Dix.
3. Criminals: Many capital offenses were reduced; a movement was made from mutilation and humiliation
as punishments to incarceration.
Historiography: One major challenger of the model that reformers made changes in prison systems
due to humanitarianism was the modern French theorist Michel Foucault. In his most famous work,
Discipline and Punish, Foucault suggests economic changes in the value of labor -- that an industrial society
valued labor wherein a medieval society peasant labor was not valued -- caused the imposition of discipline
upon the body. This was first seen in Armies, but later spread to schools and prison concepts, as people
used discipline systems to control and mold criminals, students, and soldiers into usable labour resources.
One major criticism of Foucault’s theories is that he does not account for what humanitarians
SAID their work was about. It seems difficult to assume a world conspiracy of silence made reformers all
decide they wished to turn criminals into useful labour and left little record of such.
4. The Physically Challenged: Advances in helping the physically challenged integrate into society were a
hallmark of the 19th century reform movement. Samuel Grady Hopkins created the Braille system for the
blind; Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet used sign language in order to help the deaf communicate.
5. Sexual Roles / Women’s Rights: Many important strides were made in women’s rights though certainly
not known as women’s rights at the time. Great access to education was given to women, along with new
rights to custody of children and suing in courts, as they were able to have property and sue in court under
their own names rather than their father’s or husband’s name. Very importantly, women were able through
wills to bequeath property and slaves to their heirs, giving them greater control over their own lives and the
destiny of their families. (Compare this to Grevin’s article, and the father’s power of wills and
The first major convention for actual women’s rights met in 1848, headed by Elizabeth Staunton and
Lucretia Mott. In their “Declaration of Sentiments,” the convention stated their desires for improvements in
women’s lots in life, including the suggestion that women were capable of having the vote.
6. Education: Horace Mann, a member of the Massachusetts legislature and later the Secretary of the State
Board of education which he helped create, led the way toward seeing public free elementary education as
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something all children were entitled to. During this same time, Oberlin College was founded as the first
coeducational college facility, and colleges such as Mount Holyoke became the first colleges for women.
7. ABOLITIONISM: No movement more reflected the ideals of the 19th century and was more profoundly
affecting on the mindset of the North during the coming of the Civil War as the Abolition movement. Most
people did not believe in emancipation, but in “colonization” of blacks.
William Loyd Garrison, a northern newspaper editor, was a radical and believed in full immediate
emancipation. He drafted help from the Grimke sisters, Sarah and Angelina, daughters of a Southern
planter who became convinced of the rightness of emancipation and spoke through the country.
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and eloquent freed slaves such as Frederick Douglass put a
human face on slavery.
However, emancipation was not originally started in the 19th century. Some groups, such as Quakers, had
advocated the elimination of slavery as early as the 18th century. One of the most remarkable of these
Quakers was educator Anthony Benezet of Philadelphia, a friend of Benjamin Franklin’s. He taught the
first school in the continent for women and later the first school for black children and uttered the heretical
notion blacks could learn as easily and as much as whites under the right circumstances. However, he
believed in colonization, not emancipation into white society.
Catalysts and Changes of the Reform Movement:
A. Religion, North and South
Northern religion began to place an emphasis on the parts of the Bible that looked to the equality
of mankind. The abolitionists’ understanding of the Bible made them see slavery as a moral evil.
Southern Religion saw the Bible differently, and justified slavery as Biblical: the Mark of Cain was
blackness, and that slavery existed in Biblical times: “Slaves, obey your masters.”
B. Cults of Self-Improvement
The notion for reform moved people to try and improve themselves -- such unusual cults such as
transcendentalism and the “science” of phrenology -- the study of bumps and shape of the head as part of
understanding the human mind -- flourished.
C. Utopian societies
Many groups sought inner reform through socialistic or otherwise utopian societies.
1. George Ripley was the head of Brook Farm, which was the center of transcendentalism -- a
movement to transcend pure logic and seek understanding.
2. Shakers -- a religious community that believed in sexual abstinence and became famous for
their furniture-making.
3. Oneida Community -- community founded on the idea of “complex marriage” -- every woman
was the wife of all men, all men were the husbands of each woman, but sexual relations very tightly
controlled. The goal was highest commitment to the Community, even over commitment to any one partner
or pleasure. The communal living was a failure but their economic output of silver plate and flatware
4. Amana Community -- German community of Christian socialism
5. Owenities -- Robert Owen was a British socialist and philanthropist who began a Utopian
community called New Harmony.
6. Mormons -- first truly American religion; Joseph Smith founded it based on the Book of
Mormon and founded a religious colony in Salt Lake City, Utah.
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A> Literature
James Fennimore Cooper: Natty Bumpo and the Leatherstocking Tales; Oliver Wendell Holmes -- legal
genius; Edgar Allen Poe, Henry Wordsworth Longfellow, Herman Mellville -- Moby Dick, Washington
Irving -- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle; Nathaniel Hawthorne -- The Scarlet Letter.
B> New Newspapers and Magazines
For the educated: New York Times and New York Tribune
Penny Press for the common man: The New York Sun
“Gentleman’s Magazines” -- Atlantic Monthly and Harper’s
C> Recognition of American as separate language, Noah Webster’s Dictionary
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Causes of the Civil War: Overview
SECTIONALISM: North, South, West
Northeast: Mixed industrial / Agricultural/ Shipping economy
Comprehensive transportation (railroads and canals) and communications -- mostly tied to the West
Better educational opportunities
Immigrant populations
Free Labour -- “Wage slavery”?
Opposed slavery -- some for moral, some for economic reasons
Social / Geographic mobility
South: Agricultural, rural
Cotton (1860 -- $200 million), Rice, Tobacco, Sugar
Debtor -- relied on North and West for food, shipping, manufactured goods
Plantations and Plantation Slavery: 1/4 whites owned slaves -- “Aristocracy”
Most whites yeoman farmers, some free blacks
1860 -- Slaves in the South values at $2 Billion -- individual male worth up to $1500
12 million in South: 4 million are black slaves
Southern Honor and Culture of deference
Poor industry, transportation, and telegraph lines
Lower rates of literacy -- poorer educational opportunities
Few immigrants, more homogeneous
Fear of slave Revolt
Comparison: Slaves v Industrial Workers
First slaves 1619 -- Jamestown
Constitution -- 3/5th rule, bans international trade / shipping of slaves by 1804
Northwest Ordinance outlawed slavery in NW territories
1819 -- 11/11 split slave/free; 1820 -- Missouri or “Great” Compromise
Nat Turner’s Rebellion: Slaves not allowed to learn to read, write, carry weapons, must have a pass to leave
Prohibition in South of Abolitionist materials
Causes of the Civil War: The Crisis of the 1850s
Polk, Mexico, and the Mexican War
August 8, 1846: David Wilmot (D-PA) Wilmot Provisio (rider to $2 million request by Polk)
Feb 19, 1847 -- Calhoun Resolutions (Ties 5th Amend. / Bill of Rights to slavery)
Polk -- Extend the Missouri Compromise
Stephen Douglas -- Popular Sovereignty
ELECTION of 1848
Democrats -- Lewis Cass
Whigs -- Zachary Taylor (bypassing Henry Clay)
Free Soil -- Martin Van Buren
Who were Free Soilers?
“Conscience” whigs (versus “Cotton” Whigs, called by Charles Sumner the Lords of the lash and the Lords
of the loom)
Democratic “Barnburners” (versus the Hunkerers)
Old 1840 Liberty Party Members
Taylor wins presidency, Millard Fillmore -- Vice President
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1848 -- Gold discovered in California; Confirmed in Polk’s December 1848 farewell speech, leading to 49
gold rush
June 1850 -- California adopts Free Soil Constitution
Mormons adopt “Imperial State of Deseret”
Clay’s Resolves (February 1850) -- Supported by Sam Houston
1. California enters as free state
2. Southwest organized with no restriction on slavery
3. Deny Texas land north through Rio Grande (for New Mexico)
4. Take on Texas debt
5. Uphold Slavery in Washington, D. C.
6. Outlaw Slave Trading in Washington, D. C.
7. Fugitive Slave Act
8. Deny Congress Authority to intervene in International Slave Trade
Who stood for what:
Jefferson Davis -- Proslavery argument
Zachary Taylor -- wanted to quickly admit the new states and be done with it, bypassing Congress entirely
in the matter
John C. Calhoun -- eloquent statement of need of states rights
Daniel Webster* -- March 7, once again takes theme of Union and tone of conciliation. Sacrifices some of
his political clout for good of nation
William Seward (whig) -- supposedly to enunciate Taylor’s views, instead speaks on the moral need for
Will be the last time the “Great Orators” of the period -- Webster, Clay, and Calhoun -- will come
together. Calhoun dies that year; Webster and Clay 2 years later.
Stephen Douglas -- the Little Giant” of Illinois -- guides Clay’s resolves through Congress TACTIC: Like
Compromise of 1820, break the Omnibus Bill into many smaller bills.
The compromise holds, especially with the death of Zachary Taylor
Millard Fillmore, now President, announces it as “Final Settlement”
October 1850 -- Fugitive Slave Law RIOT in Detroit
1852 -- Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1853 00 Solomon Northup, 20 Years a Slave
1852 Election
Democrats -- Franklin Pierce*
Free Soil -- John Hale
Whigs -- Winfield Scott
Pierce tries to concentrate on Manifest Destiny-like
Commodore Matthew Perry (Japan 1853)
Transcontinental Railroads
Southern Pacific, Gadsen Purchase (1853)
Kansas / Nebraska Act -- Stephen Douglas (Jan 1854)
Reaction: Boston, Anthony Burns, Free Soil Act
Emergence of Republicans -- Destruction of Whigs -- Rise of “Know Nothings”
Bleeding Kansas
Border Ruffians -- Vote of 1854
Topeka Free Soil government -- 1855
Evangelist Aid Society -- Beecher’s Bibles
May 1856 -- sack of Lawrence
Pattawatomie Massacre (May 24, 25, 1856) by John Brown
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Caning of Charles Sumner (D-MA/ Senate)
• Attacked Benjamin Butler verbally
• Preston Brooks
1856: Democrat - James Buchanan
Republican - John C. Frémont -- Free Soil, Free Men, Frémont
American (Know-Nothing) -- Millard Fillmore
March 6, 1857 -- Dred Scott -- Roger Taney
Kansas Lecompton Constitution (Slave)
August 2, 1858 votes it down 11,300 / 1,788
Panic of 1857
1858 -- Lincoln /. Douglas Debates
October 19, 1859 -- John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry, Virginia
End of National Ties
Division of Democrats: Fire- Eaters
1860 Charleston Convention
Baltimore -- Stephen Douglas (June 18)
Richmond/Baltimore - Vice President John C. Breckenridge
Similar Trends:
Division of Presbyterians, Methodists
Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln wins overwhelmingly
1860 -- with election of Lincoln, first wave of Southern Secession:
South Carolina first -- December 20, 1860
Buchanan fails to act: Hold Florida Islands, Fort Sumter (Charleston Harbor), Fort Pickens
• Fort Sumter -- Major Robert Anderson (69 men)
• Attempt of Star of West to resupply January 9
Last Compromise Attempts:
Senator John J. Crittenden (Kentucky)
Crittenden Amendment: 36’30”, guarantee slavery
House Representative -- Thomas Corwin (OH)
Corwin Amendment: Guarantee Slavery, Admit New Mexico
John Tyler, Virginia legislative peace conference
Feb. 1861 -- Willard’s Hotel
Fall of Fort Sumter
April 6 -- Lincoln notifies South Carolina
April 9 -- Jefferson Davis dispatches PGT Beaugregard
April 11 -- Demands Surrender
April 12 -- Shelling of Fort Sumter
April 14 -- Surrender of Fort Sumter
April 15 -- Call for 75,000 militia
April 19, 1861 -- Lincoln Declares Blockade
Second Reward of secession: VA,NC,TN,AR
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Stays in Union: Missouri*, Kentucky (“neutral”), Maryland*, Delaware, Formation of West Virginia
Robert E. Lee offered Federal Command; Resigns Commission
Purpose of War: Preserve the Union
Goals, Views, Advantages / Disadvantages:
SOUTH: Needed only to hold onto some territory
Saw Constitution as compact of sovereign states
•More Compact and United in Purpose
•Defensive War
•Much greater Military Leadership Talent
•Average Southerner better skilled (due to farming and hunting
background) for soldiering
•Expected “Economic Advantage” of King Cotton (re: Panic of 1857)
and foreign Aid (England)
NORTH: Had to retake ALL land or secession is proved possible
Constitution seen as indissoluble Union
•2/3 states remained in Union
•Greater population (22 million / 9 million (2.5 mil slaves))
•90% Industrial capacity in North -- South crippled in getting / manufacturing supplies
•Better communication and TRANSPORTATION -- 20,000 miles of railroads, multiple east-west
lines (south only 10,000, only 1 e/w line); also, South had no “universal gauge”
•Better Financial (3/4th Banks in North)
•North Already had set up government, diplomatic corps, army, and navy
•Early naval superiority / blockade
•Diplomatic success of King Corn over King Cotton
NORTH: Tariffs, income tax, bonds, paper money not backed by specie, inflation
SOUTH: Borrowing, excise tax, bonds, income tax (and Tax in kind), and ONE BILLION
Civil War
Problems: THE DRAFT (as an example)
CONFEDERATE Government: States rights versus central authority
(Capitol moved form Montgomery Alabama to Richmond, Virginia)
Union Government” Lincoln took liberties with Presidential power
Thought of War versus Reality: First Bull Run on July 21, 1861
New Technologies:
Trench Warfare
Gatling Guns
Ironclads -- Merrimac / Virginia & the Monitor
Naval Warfare: Blockade -- exports drop from $200 million
to $4 million 1861-1863
Control of the Mississippi (Farragut/ New Orleans & Grant/ Vicksburg)
Winfield Scott’s “Anaconda” Strategy
Davis -- Seeks Diplomatic Support (Britain, France)
Early Confederate Victories (particularly in Eastern theatre):
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Battles of Bull Runs & Peninsular Campaign (East)
September 1862 -- Antietam / Sharpsburg
Emancipation Proclamation -- January 1863
Turning point is in 1863: Gettysburg (July 1863), Vicksburg, Chatanooga
Total War: William Tecumseh Sherman’s “March to the Sea” to Atlanta (July 4)
April 9, 1865 -- Appamatox Court House, Virginia
Aftermath: The Civil War and Reconstruction
Reconstruction During the Civil War: Lincoln
“Presidential” Reconstruction:
Lincoln Plan announced December 8, 1863. 10% Plan, based on Constitutional Power of
President to Pardon (Article II, Section 2) and that the states had not left the Union, though Lincoln
less worried about Constitutional abstraction as for how to practically put the union back together
By 1864, TN, AR, LA “Reconstructed,” but Congress refuses to seat Representatives
Election of 1864 (in Wartime) Republicans & War Democrats nominate Lincoln
Tide of War, Call of Pacificism, and rejection of the Wade-Davis Act causes “Radical”
Republicans to defect: Democrats nominate General George McClellan
Jefferson Davis’ Belligerency & The Capture of Atlanta favors Lincoln
First attempts at “Congressional” Reconstruction:
Congress Assumed states left Union and forfeited all rights
Senator Benjamin Wade (OH) and Representative Henry Davis (MD)
Wade-Davis Act -- July 2, 1864
• Repudiation of Confederate Debt
• Greater Exclusion of Voters & Officeholders (Ironclad Oath)
• Majority, not 10% of electorate needed
Andrew Johnson’s Presidency
Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan: similar to Lincoln’s with exceptions:
• South had to also agree to revoke all orders of secession
• South agrees to the 13th Amendment
• Wealthy Planters and high-ranking Officers of Confederacy denied general Amnesty
South’s response: re-elect old Confederate leaders, pass “black codes”
Northern / Radical Republican Backlash
•Congress again refuses to seat the South
•Johnson, Jackson Democrat, uses theme of strict Constitutionalism
Alienates both parties: Tries to Build National Union Coalition
Feb. 1866: Johnson vetoes two bills: expansion of the Freedman’s Bureau and
Civil Rights Act. Both Bills passed over his veto.
• Congressional Election of 1866
• Johnson’s Midwest “swing round the circle”
Radical Reconstruction: Congress (Reconstruction Act of 1867)
Scalywags, Carpetbaggers, the Myth of Black Rule (P.B.S.Pinchback, LA)
The Question of Corruption under Reconstruction governments vs.general corruption of era,
leading into the Guilded Age, Thomas Nast, Grant’s Cabinet
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Impeachment of Johnson: Based on Tenure of Office Act and dismissal of Secretary of War
Edwin Stanton (Radical Republican sympathizer)
Acquitted by 1 Senatorial vote, including 7 crossover Republicans
1868 Election of US Grant (serves two terms, through 1876)
“REFORMER” governments: 1869-1875, white Southerners begin to take back control (Red
Shirts, White Leagues)
1. Constitutional: 14th and 15th Amendments
2. Political: Destruction of Planter Aristocracy and rise of Northern business leaders as “new
3. Economic: The benighted, destroyed, devastated South
4. Economic: Sharecropping, crop lien system
5. Social: Beginnings of the Myths of the Lost Cause and “Moonlight and Magnolia”
“New South Myth” (Henry Grady)
6. Founding of KKK in 1866 (TN)
7. Leads to Plessy versus Fergusun in 1896, creation and justification of Jim Crow
segregation of the South (TN, 1870)
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