STUDY GUIDE Semester 2 Exam A. Key Names to Study

Semester 2 Exam
A. Key Names to Study
John C. Calhoun (p. 364)
Dred Scott (p.495)
Ralph Waldo Emerson (p.432)
Meriwether Lewis (p.317)
Francis Cabot Lowell (p.384)
Daniel Webster (.341)
Andrew Jackson (p.349)
B. Key Concepts to Study
What made Thomas Jefferson uneasy about purchasing the Louisiana Territory? (p.316)
What is judicial review? (p.263)
Why did the North and the South have different attitudes toward higher tariffs? (p.364)
Why did Andrew Jackson oppose the National Bank? (p.362)
In which industry did the Industrial Revolution begin? (p.384)
What were the terms of the Missouri Compromise? (p. 404)
What was a common attitude about abolition held by some Northern workers? (p. 426)
What was the goal of the American Colonization Society? (p. 422)
Why did American settlers in Texas come into conflict with Mexico in the 1830s? (p. 454)
What was the cause of the Texas War for Independence? (p. 455)
How did the South react to Abraham Lincoln’s election as President in 1860? (p. 500)
What was John C. Calhoun’s position on states’ rights? (p. 484)
What was President Lincoln’s main goal throughout the Civil War? (p. 524)
By 1865, what had happened to the South because of the North’s strategy of total war? (p. 536)
What was Abraham Lincoln’s main goal when Reconstruction began? (p. 546)
C. Critical Thinking and Writing
Describe one action or policy of President Andrew Jackson which benefited the nation, and one action or policy
which was not in agreement with U.S. government principles. (pp.349-367)
Decribe two specific reasons why people chose to move West in the 1840s. (pp.444-467)
Some historians say, “The Civil War was unavoidable.” Provide two pieces of evidence to support this
statement, and two pieces of evidence to refute this statement. (pp.482-503)