ESOL LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Lesson Creator: Grade(s): Level(s): Language Background(s): OBJECTIVES, STANDARDS, ETC Content Objective(s): Language Objective(s): Strategy Objective(s): Content Standards: ESOL Standards: Key Vocabulary: Materials Required: FEATURES Check all relevant items Discuss below at least one item from each category in your narrative below Preparation Engaging Introduction Links to background Links to past learning Adaptation of content Skill Integration Reading Writing Speaking Listening Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Differentiated practice Assessment Group Options Whole class Small groups Partners Independent Strategies Individual Group Written Oral Enhanced Teaching Student- Acquire & Employ Bodily-Kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic Multiple Intelligences: Verbal-Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Visual-Spatial Adapted from SIOP SEQUENCE & REFLECTIONS: In this section, please describe your lesson with these four goals in mind: 1) Write so that someone else could pick up this lesson and teach it effectively 2) Discuss at least one checked feature from the list above 3) Demonstrate mastery of class and textbook concepts 4) Demonstrate empathy for your students: a. How will you ensure they remain engaged? Demonstrate variety in method, etc. b. What do you expect to be difficult for them? How will that affect your teaching?