PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY College of Education Department of Teaching and Leadership SPED 550 Methods—Primary Children with Disabilities Credit Hours: Instructor: Course Time Schedule: Office: Office Phone: Office Hours: Email: FAX: 2 Dr. Martha A. York 210 Hughes Hall (620) 235-4965 M/W 1:00-5:00 (or by appt.) T/Th 11-12, 1-3 myork@pittstate.edu (620) 235-4520 Course Description This is an undergraduate course designed to provide the trainee with knowledge and skills relating to the methods, materials, and techniques needed to design an individualized program for teaching preschool exceptional children in an inclusive setting. Appropriate delivery systems, curriculum, and intervention strategies will be considered. Purpose of the Course The course content is build upon the standards developed and approved by the Kansas State Department of Education that lead to the Early Childhood Unified Birth through Third Grade license. Building the course on this foundation should enable students to develop skills such as independent thinking, effective communication (both oral and written), and participation in the decision-making process. Professional collaboration will be encouraged, as it is necessary when designing programs of instruction and intervention for young children with disabilities. This course emphasizes that the goal of early intervention is to optimize each child’s learning potential and daily well being as well as to increase opportunities for the child to function effectively in the community. Programs for young children with special needs must be based on evidence based strategies that have been found to be effective with all children. In addition, children in the elementary setting should be educated with their typically developing peers to the greatest extent possible. In this course, preservice teachers will learn how to apply assessment information in writing goals and objectives to meet the individual needs of the child. They will also learn how to plan appropriate programs and interventions and design appropriate learning environments for teaching in inclusive settings. In addition, collaboration techniques that can be used between special education and general education teachers in a kindergarten through third grade setting. This course will focus on the following KSDE Early Childhood Unified Standards: Standard #1 The birth through third grade teacher understands and respects families as the primary decision-maker for general education and exceptional students and assures that services are family-focused and culturally sensitive. Standard #2 The birth through third grade teacher meets the unique needs of general education and exceptional students and families within communities. Standard #3 The birth through third grade teacher possesses a high level of professional skills and knowledge about how general education and exceptional students develop and learn. Standard #4 The birth through third grade teacher uses a variety of informal and formal assessment strategies in collaboration wit other professionals and family members to plan and individualize curriculum, instruction, interventions, and transitions for general education and exceptional students. Standard #5 The birth through third grade teacher establishes, maintains, and promotes physically, psychologically safe and health learning for general education and exceptional students in their natural environments (home, community, and/or school). Standard #6 The birth through third grade teacher collaborates with the family and other professionals to design a developmentally appropriate and research-based curriculum that meets the unique needs, capabilities, and interests of general education and exceptional students. Standard #7 The birth through third grade teacher has experiences in varied settings. Bold type is used to emphasize the parts of the standards that will be addressed in this course. Activities related to the material contained in Standards 8-13 will be addressed in the curriculum planning portion of this course. Required Readings: Mercer, C. & Mercer, A. (2011). Teaching students with learning problems, 8th ed. Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. ISBN –13-112807-8 Teaching Strategies: Lecture, class discussions, student presentations, small group activities, projects, audio/visual presentations, and activities posted on ANGEL. Attendance: Attendance and participation in class discussions, presentations, exams, and projects are required. Because this class is experience and discussion based, attendance is vital and it will be impossible to duplicate what has been missed. Please inform the instructor if you will not be in class. Points will be deducted from your grade for assignments that are turned in late without prior approval of the instructor. Course Evaluation: Materials Project Classroom Environment Project Primary Unit Plan Project Adaptations Table Interventions Project Total 50 points 50 points 50 points 50 points 140 points 340 points Tentative Class Schedule Date 8/29 Chap. Topic 1. Creating Responsive Learning Environments 9/12 2. Planning and Organizing Instruction MTSS 9/19 3. Assessing Students for Instruction MTSS 9/26 4. Teaching Students and Managing Instruction 10/3 5. Promoting Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Development PBS 10/10 6. Assessing and Teaching Language Assignments Due Materials Project Due Classroom Environment Project Due English Language Learners Behaviors/Social Skills interventions Due 10/17 10/24 10/31 11/7 7. 8. 9. 10. 11/14 11. 11/21 12. 11/28 13. 12/5 12/12 Assessing Reading Teaching Reading Assessing and Teaching Spelling Assessing and Teaching Handwriting and Written Expression Assessing Math Teaching Math Teaching Learning Strategies, Content, and Study Skills Perceptual Skills/Sensory Diet Final Language Interventions Due Primary Unit Plan Project Reading Interventions Due Spelling Interventions Due Handwriting/Written Expression Interventions Due Adaptations Project Due Math Interventions Due Sensory Diet Interventions Due Materials Project Each student will be responsible for presenting seven (7) different materials that could be used in the general education classroom either for all students or as adaptations for students with special needs. Each student will be required to submit 2 different materials for reading, 2 different materials for math, and 3 other materials of their choice. Among the seven (7) materials presented, please include at least 2 computer programs that could be used to supplement instruction. You may find materials in the IRC in the basement of Hughes Hall, the internet, libraries, catalogs, etc. The documentation provided for each material should include the following: Name of Material and Publisher Subject Area for which Material May be Used Ages/Grades/Ability Levels for which Material is Appropriate How Material May be Used Brief Summary/ Evaluation of Material The dropbox for this assignment will be available to the other students in the class. Classroom Environment Project For this assignment, candidates will assume the role of a general education classroom teacher who has five children in the class who have been identified with special needs. They will prepare a Classroom Environment Plan with the following components: Daily Schedule Routines for transitions and other daily classroom activities and chores Times built in to work with individual students Map/seating chart Classroom procedures Rules Policies (tardiness, uncompleted work, etc) Primary Unit Plan Project Students will work in pairs on this assignment. They will design a thematic unit that could be taught at the K-3 level as part of a social studies requirement. This unit will be planned for a general education classroom of approximately 20 students and should include the following: Unit objectives that are clearly stated, developmentally appropriate, aligned with state standards, and described in terms of student performance, not activities. A plan outlining the activities that will be included in your week of teaching. A plan outlining the way that student performance on stated objectives will be assessed. A combination of formative (ongoing) and summative (end of unit) assessment should be employed. A reflection on the process used and the choices that were made in planning the unit. This reflection should be an individual project—both members of the pair should submit their own work. Adaptations Table Students will work in the same pairs as the unit plan project. They should take the unit plan above and adapt it to meet the needs of five individual students with disabilities who are part of the original group of twenty. The profiles of the students from the disability table will be used and three additional profiles will be created. Each day’s lesson should be listed with the adaptations that will be used for all five students. It is permissible to not adapt every lesson for every child—a well-designed activity may be very appropriate for students with disabilities. The same adaptation may be applied to more than one student. I will look to see if the adaptations are appropriate and intentional. Day/Date Day 1 Objective Instruction/Activity The students The actual activity will demonstrate… Assessment How you will know whether the students have met the objective Adaptations Adaptations for all five students with disabilities SPED 550 Methods: Primary Children with Disabilities Intervention Manual See due dates below Assignment: To develop an Intervention Manual that can be used as a resource for selecting effective interventions that meet the unique instructional needs of students. This document will more specifically provide assistance for problem solving teams when they work through the Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS)/Response to Intervention (RTI) process of selecting appropriate intervention strategies to improve student performance. Your task is to develop a manual that includes specific instructional strategies and interventions that address common learning and behavioral problems. You are to research identified areas or behaviors and from the literature, choose the strategies or interventions that you think are most effective in meeting student needs. Follow the format provided for each strategy or intervention on one page, include a table of contents; the document must be user-friendly and easy to understand. Intervention Manual Format Intervention Area: Problem addressed: Procedures to implement intervention: (Steps) Modifications: Assessment of progress: (how will we assess the students’ progress using this intervention?) Rationale/Effectiveness: (based upon research) Source: (Cite source from which you found your intervention) Attachment: (separate page) Identified Areas Include strategies and/or interventions for each of the following academic areas. Make certain that the intervention specifically relates to the indentified sub-topic; there must be appropriate alignment to receive credit for the intervention. Each of the sections below is worth 20 points for a total of 140 points Area Behaviors/Social Skills (At least 1 strategy or intervention for each) Motivation Disruptive or talking out Concentration or on-task behavior Friendship Conflict resolution Initiating conversations Language (total of 5 strategies or interventions) Speech articulation Language comprehension Activities for English Language Learners Reading (At least 1 strategy or intervention for each) Phonemic awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Spelling (total of 5 strategies or interventions) Written Expression (total of 5 strategies or interventions) Writing skills Communication Handwriting (addressing the mechanics of handwriting) Mathematics (total of 5 strategies or interventions) Basic facts (at least one strategy specific to this subject) Problem Solving (at least one strategy specific to this subject) 3 other interventions to address math concerns Sensory Diet (At least 1 strategy or intervention for each) Provide 3 strategies or interventions Due Date 10/10 10/31 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/28 12/12 Each section will be due on ANGEL on it’s specified due date. You are urged to describe these interventions in precise detail. This intervention manual will be an invaluable resource when you are teaching.