SECONDARY EDUCATION COORDINATING COMMITTEE October 11, 2011 8:00 a.m. Steve Brown, Dr. Sunghee Choi, Dr. Hazel Coltharp, Gil Cooper, Dr. Jean Dockers, Cris Elliott, Dr. Gloria Flynn, Dr. John Franklin, Dr. Kenny McDougle, Dr. Lyle Morgan, Dr. John Oppliger, Dr. Eric Rojas, Dr. Dixie Smith and Dr. Kelly Woestman attended the meeting. Doug Bennett attended in place of Gil Cooper. Ex-officio members in attendance were Dr. Alice Sagehorn, Dr. Khamis Siam and Dr. Howard Smith. Members absent were Dr. Chuck Blatchley, Dr. Rob Hefley, Dr. Andy Klenke, Dr. Matthew Montague, Mike Neden, Dr. Kent Runyan, Dr. Rozanne Sparks and Dr. Irene Zegar. The newly drafted Assessment System graphic was distributed and discussed. Recommendations were made for small changes. Dr. Dockers noted that the Assessment Committee is working to outline what information is due from each program and when it should be submitted. Dr. Dockers posed the question of accepting PSYCH 357 Educational Psychology from other institutions. Discussion ensued. There were many points opposing the acceptance of the course from any other institution, particularly community colleges. A proposal was made that the course could be accepted for any student that presented a passing score on the PLT and completed the classroom management project within their first semester at PSU. This topic will be revisited in the future. Dr. Dockers has asked that each department share what is required for their 479 and 579 courses. This is simply an attempt to better understand each program and allow for collaboration across the unit. Dr. Kelly Woestman and Gil Cooper will share at the November meeting. The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 8th at 8:00 a.m. It will be held in 126 Hughes Hall.