Secondary Education Coordinating Committee 1 - Sept. 14, 2010



September 14, 2010

8:00 a.m.

Dr. Chuck Blatchley, Steve Brown, Dr. Chris Christman, Dr. Sunghee Choi, Dr. Hazel Coltharp,

Gil Cooper, Dr. James Dawson, Dr. Carol Deats, Dr. Marilyn Dishman-Horst, Dr. Jean Dockers,

Cris Elliott, Dr. John Franklin, Josh Johnson, Dr. Lyle Morgan, Dr. John Oppliger, Dr. Celia

Patterson, Dr. Alice Sagehorn, Dr. Dixie Smith and Dr. Howard Smith were in attendance.

Dr. Jean Dockers opened the meeting with introductions. Dr. Howard Smith then welcomed the committee and guests to the meeting. He shared that the NCATE visit is scheduled for October

24 – 27 and that the College of Education will calling upon individuals during this time to participate in different aspects of the visit. He also shared the College of Education has initiated an infrastructure study that will take place this fall 2010. The study will focus on two main items: reviewing the existing organizational structure and identify other departments/units, if any, which would appropriately align with the College of Education.

Dr. Dishman-Horst updated the committee on the NCATE previsit. The meeting went well. The

NCATE team did emphasize the need to address the Area for Improvement from the previous visit. This AFI targets the need for additional field experiences in secondary/PK-12 programs.

Secondary program representatives will be called upon for discussion groups. Further information will be sent to the committee as the visit schedule is finalized. Dr. Dishman-Horst also commended all programs for passing KSDE program review last year.

Steve Brown asked all programs to submit assessment data for their respective programs. An outline of procedures from the assessment handbook was distributed. Data submission has an

August 15 th

deadline. With this being the first year of implementation, the deadline is flexible.

Data for assessments 5 through 8 from each KSDE initial program review need to be submitted to the Office of Teacher Education as soon as possible. The assessments can be referenced in the appendix of the assessment handbook. It is specifically noted that NCATE will be looking to see that data is systematically collected and has been collected for the 2009 – 2010 academic year.

Steve will email spreadsheets for use in data collection to each department. He can work with each program individually as needed.

Students enrolled in Explorations in Education (CURIN 261) and Introduction to Music

Education (MUSIC 241) in the fall 2010 semester are purchasing LiveText and beginning to register their accounts. Amanda will send a list to each department of the students in their respective programs that have registered their account. This list can be expected later in the semester to allow time for all students to register their accounts.

Dr. Dockers distributed a proposed student concern form. The form is a preliminary draft to be used when any faculty member across the university has a concern about a Teacher Education candidate. It can be submitted for any student declared as a BSE or BME major regardless of their status in the Teacher Education program. A draft of the proposed protocol was also included. A suggestion was made to put the form online for easy access. A title change was also suggested as to clarify that the concern is about a student, rather than from the student. A change will be made to the title.

Dr. Dockers also noted that the Office of Teacher Education is currently working to update the

Teacher Education website. The goal is to make the site more user friendly.

Discussion was then held regarding the SAT cut score currently used to meet the Basic Skills

Requirement for admission to Teacher Education. Dr. Dockers distrusted a breakdown of the issues regarding the SAT. The current cut score, 1040, is based on the SAT exam prior to 2005 that included only two subsections. The current exam has three subsections with a possible score of 2400.

Amanda noted that updated Praxis scores from the July 24 th

administration will be distributed to all departments.

A decision was made to make a regular meeting schedule. The SECC minutes will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. The committee will meet in 126 Hughes Hall.

The meetings will be held on the following dates for the 2010 – 2011 academic year.

October 12, 2010

November 9, 2010

December 14, 2010

January – TBD

February 8, 2011

March 8, 2011

April 12, 2011

May 10, 2011
