Reading Guide subunit? What is the function of the  subunit?

Reading Guide: Pratt & Cornely, Chapter 10.3-10.4
1. Describe the overall structure of the insulin receptor. What is the function of the 
subunit? What is the function of the  subunit?
2. What is autophosphorylation? What is the name of the protein that
phosphorylates itself in this pathway? What activity does the autophosphorylation
3. Draw a simple diagram of a receptor tyrosine kinase pathway leading to altered
transcription factors. Label points at which the pathway can be turned off.
4. How can the receptor tyrosine kinase pathway lead to cellular change on both the
shorter and longer time frame?
5. What is an oncogene? Give examples of how oncogenes are related to signal
transduction pathways.
6. Why do lipid hormones not require a membrane receptor? What is binding target
of a lipid hormone within the nuclear DNA called? How does they function to give a
cellular response?
7. Why are eiconasoids sometimes referred to as local mediators rather than
8. Hormones such as glucocorticoids can decrease inflammation response. What is
their molecular mechanism of action?
9. Drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen are called non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). They all have what target? How does this elicit
reduction in pain and inflammation? Why are these drugs all slightly different in
their effects? How does a drug like Celebrex attempt to minimize the side effects
typically observed in NSAIDS?