Meiosis Review Sheet
Know cell reproduction vocabulary. There will be a matching portion on vocabulary.
-synapsis, zygote, haploid, monosomy, trisomy, notation, mutations (all 4), allele …
Know and understand how the process of meiosis works.
Sample questions: What’s the difference between anaphase I and anaphase II? What is the end result of meiosis? When do homologous chromosomes split apart, pair up?
What types of cells undergo meiosis? When does crossing over occur? When do homologues separate?
Be able to identify the different stages of mitosis.
Know and understand genetic recombination.
Sample questions: Why is the process of crossing over so important? Which types of chromosomes undergo crossing over? Can humans produce more than one type of zygote? Why is variation important to a species? Which cells produce identical offspring?
Review the analysis questions from the play-doh lab.
Review the following along questions from your lab book and the book bites. You will see questions regarding both these book assignments.
Be able to interpret a karyotype. Make sure you can give a proper diagnosis. The diagnoses will not be provided for you on the test, so make sure you study the 4 different types of chromosome abnormalities. You will also need to be able to interpret the karyotype and write its proper notation. You will need to be able to determine the sex of an individual looking at the sex chromosomes.
Be able to explain what a pair of stripped gym socks has to do with homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids.
Meiosis Review Sheet
Know cell reproduction vocabulary. There will be a matching portion on vocabulary.
-synapsis, zygote, haploid, monosomy, trisomy, notation, mutations (all 4), allele …
Know and understand how the process of meiosis works.
Sample questions: What’s the difference between anaphase I and anaphase II? What is the end result of meiosis? When do homologous chromosomes split apart, pair up?
What types of cells undergo meiosis? When does crossing over occur? When do homologues separate?
Be able to identify the different stages of mitosis.
Know and understand genetic recombination.
Sample questions: Why is the process of crossing over so important? Which types of chromosomes undergo crossing over? Can humans produce more than one type of zygote? Why is variation important to a species? Which cells produce identical offspring?
Review the analysis questions from the play-doh lab.
Review the following along questions from your lab book and the book bites. You will see questions regarding both these book assignments.
Be able to interpret a karyotype. Make sure you can give a proper diagnosis. The diagnoses will not be provided for you on the test, so make sure you study the 4 different types of chromosome abnormalities. You will also need to be able to interpret the karyotype and write its proper notation. You will need to be able to determine the sex of an individual looking at the sex chromosomes.
Be able to explain what a pair of stripped gym socks has to do with homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids.