Lungs • Function: to take oxygen from air that is inhaled and give off carbon dioxide and a small amount of water vapor in the air that is exhaled. 1. The lungs are apart of the respiratory system. 2. The epiglottis is a small flap of tissue above the trachea that prevents food from entering the trachea and lungs. • At the lower end of the trachea are two short branches called BRONCHI, that carry air into the lungs. • Within the lungs, the bronchi branch into smaller and smaller tubes called BRONCHIOLES. • At the end of each bronchiole are clusters of tiny, thin-walled sacs called alveoli. • The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place between the alveoli and the body (surrounding capillaries). • Capillary: blood vessels that form an intricate network throughout the body for the interchange of various substances, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, between blood and tissue cells. • The diaphragm is a muscle beneath the lungs that helps move air in and out of the body. 3. The right lung consists of three sections called lobes, while the left lung has two sections . The lungs are composed of spongy tissue surrounding tree-like branches of the bronchial tubes. Lung tissue feels like a wet sponge, except lung tissue is elastic, a sponge is not! 4. When we breath in, each tiny air sac is blown up like a balloon. When we breath out, these stretched air sacs squeeze the air from the lungs by shrinking down to a smaller size. 5.Do lungs have any true shape of their own? Disease of the Lungs: • Emphysema: It’s a condition in which the lung tissue has become overstretched and lost its elasticity. • When looking at the lung, the external surface of the lung in usually a red-black in color. This coloration is due to deposits of cigarette smoke, smoke, or coal dust. Emphysema lungs will appear to have lots of holes because of all the ruptured air sacs. • The leading cause of this is cigarette smoking. • There is no cure for emphysema. It is an irreversible disease. • One pack a day smoker puts approximately 1 qt. of tobacco tars into his lungs every year. As the lungs are painted with these sticky tars, they become stiff and brittle. This causes them to lose their elasticity and to burst with the pressures of coughing which plague the cigarette smoker. • Symptoms: shortness of breath, wheezing, chronic coughing, and foul smelling sputum from the lungs. 2.Bronchitis: inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the breathing tubes which take air from the windpipe to the lungs. Once again, all smokers have some form of bronchitis. It is commonly known as smokers cough. 3. Tuberculosis • Is a communicable disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Once the germ is inside the body it can spread to the whole body, but usually it stays in the lungs. Once in the lungs it forms a cheesy-like material, usually enclosed within a thick gray-white capsule. • Symptoms: coughing up blood, chest pains, loss of weight, and fever. Pneumonia • It’s an acute infection of the air sacs of the lungs. Usually, you become sick very quickly with a shaking chill, sharp pains in the chest, coughing, fever, and headache. Cardiac Lung (heart failure) Cardiac Lung (heart Failure) • Heart failure is a medical term referring to a condition in which the heart becomes weak to properly circulate blood throughout the whole body. This causes fluid to back up in the lungs or to the lower parts of the body. • Pulmonary edema: retention of fluid in the lungs. Symptoms: coughing, wheezing, progressive shortness of breath, and may appear to be pale.