Dilley Independent School District Gifted and Talented Education Program Handbook 2014 – 2015 Revised August 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Philosophy ................................................................................................................................... 5 Definition ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Needs Assessment Statement .................................................................................................... 5 Overall Program Goal .................................................................................................................. 6 Special Program Goals ................................................................................................................. 6 Elementary Identification Procedures .......................................................................................... 6 Secondary Identification Procedures ........................................................................................... 8 Transfer of Identified GT Students ............................................................................................. 10 Furlough Process ....................................................................................................................... 10 Exit Process ............................................................................................................................... 10 Appeals ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Program Prototype ..................................................................................................................... 11 Curriculum ................................................................................................................................. 11 Staff Development ...................................................................................................................... 11 Community Awareness .............................................................................................................. 12 Parent & Community Involvement ............................................................................................. 12 Program Evaluation ................................................................................................................... 12 G/T Referral Forms .................................................................................................................... 13 Teacher Referral ........................................................................................................................ 14 Parent Referral .......................................................................................................................... 15 Parent Referral (Spanish) .......................................................................................................... 16 Peer/Self Referral ...................................................................................................................... 17 Peer/Self Referral (Spanish) ...................................................................................................... 18 G/T Screening Form ................................................................................................................... 19 Parent Consent Form ................................................................................................................ 20 Parent Consent Form (Spanish) ................................................................................................ 21 Guidelines for Selection of Kindergarten Services ..................................................................... 22 2 Kindergarten Profile .................................................................................................................... 23 Guidelines for Selection Grades 1-12…………………………………………………………………26 1st – 5th Grade Profile ................................................................................................................ 27 6th – 12th Grade Profile.............................................................................................................. 30 Teacher Checklist Grades K-2 ................................................................................................... 33 Teacher Checklist Grade 3-5 ...................................................................................................... 34 Purdue Academic Rating Scale: English .................................................................................... 35 Purdue Academic Rating Scale: Mathematics ........................................................................... 36 Purdue Academic Rating Scale: Science…………………………………………………………….37 Purdue Academic Rating Scale: Social Studies……………………………………………………..38 Cover Letter for Parent Checklist (English Form)…...…………………………………………….…39 Parent Checklist K-12 (English) …..…………………………………………………………………..40 Cover Letter for Parent Checklist (Spanish Form)…………………………………………………..41 Parent Checklist K- (Spanish Form)…..………………………………………………………………42 G/T Selection Forms .................................................................................................................. 43 Selection Notification ................................................................................................................. 44 Selection Notification (Spanish) ................................................................................................. 45 Selection Notification-DNQ ......................................................................................................... 46 Selection Notification-DNQ(Spanish) .......................................................................................... 47 Conference Record Form for Exit from G/T………………………………………………………….48 Conference Form for Furlough/Re-Entry from G/T…………………………………………………..49 Parent / Student Request Exit Form ........................................................................................... 50 Elementary Evaluation Report (K-2) ........................................................................................... 51 Elementary Evaluation Report (3-5)............................................................................................ 53 School Staff Evaluation of Program Form ................................................................................... 54 Parent Survey ............................................................................................................................. 55 Parent Survey (Spanish)............................................................................................................. 56 3 Student Evaluation of the Gifted and Talented Program …………………………………………57 4 This School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, or national origin in its education programs, activities, or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504, and Title VI. PHILOSOPHY The Dilley Independent School District includes in its educational philosophy that all students should be given the opportunity to fulfill their potential. The classroom provides the setting for the development of academic potential. Because gifted/talented students possess the ability to progress beyond the regular curriculum, the district offers a differentiated program to cultivate these exceptional abilities. By providing a curriculum and environment that will enhance the uniqueness of the gifted learner, we will improve the quality of education for all students. DEFINITION §29.121.Definition In this subchapter, “gifted and talented student” means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: (1) exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area; (2) possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or (3) excels in a specific academic field. NEEDS ASSESSMENT STATEMENT In assessing the need for a gifted/talented education program many factors must be included such as national, state, and local needs and goals. 1. Research indicates that approximately 3-5% of students in the nation are gifted and talented. According to these statistics, approximately 73 students within the Dilley Independent School District may be gifted and talented and in need of a differentiated program. 2. The Texas Legislature has mandated education of the gifted and talented and the Texas State Board of Education has rules for this area of education. Districts are required to identify and serve gifted students. 3. A study of the Dilley Independent School District shows the community is rural and agricultural in nature. A large percentage of the students within the district fall into federally established criteria for low-income families. Because of this rural location and socioeconomic problems it is easy to understand that parents experience greater difficulty in providing enriching experiences for a gifted child than parents in more affluent or suburban areas. The school district needs to provide challenging, enriching educational experiences for these students. 4. Teachers in the district have indicated an interest in providing additional options for gifted/talented students. a. Elementary and secondary level teachers cite the need for enrichment of interests and activities outside the general curriculum for these students. b. Many teachers have shown interest by attending workshops and university classes on teaching the gifted and talented. 5 5. Parents and school board members have indicated a desire for the district to meet the needs of the gifted and talented. 6. Dilley Independent School District currently provides for underachieving students through Title I Regular, Title I Migrant, Special Education, and other programs. It is necessary to extend the district's provisions for individual educational needs by providing for gifted/talented students. The statements above all clearly indicate a need for serving the gifted and talented students in the Dilley Independent School District. OVERALL PROGRAM GOAL The goal of Dilley ISD is to implement a substantially differentiated program in grades K-12 that will enable gifted and talented students to develop their potential and/or demonstrate exceptional abilities. SPECIAL PROGRAM GOALS Goals that are specific, yet flexible, are essential in a program to serve gifted and talented students. Specific goals for the Dilley Independent School District are as follows: 1. To understand the abilities and basic needs of each gifted child. 2. To implement a procedure for identifying gifted and talented students through the use of multiple and appropriate criteria. 3. To implement a plan for identifying, selecting, and training professional personnel to work in the program. 4. To implement program options and an appropriate curriculum of study to meet the program and student goals. 5. To inform parents and community of the implementation of the gifted/talented program. 6. To develop and implement evaluation procedures for effective programming and for program continuation, refinement, and expansion. ELEMENTARY IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES K - 5 The procedures utilized by the Dilley I.S.D. in the identification of students who may be gifted are as follows: I. REFERRAL STAGE A. Teachers and counselors have the opportunity to refer students for entry into the G/T program. They may refer new-to-the-district students and kindergarten students by the 6 end of January. The window for all other referrals will be open March first of the current school year. Services will begin once identification is made and paperwork is complete. B. Parents or other interested persons will also be given the opportunity to refer students at the same time teachers refer students. A special request for parent referrals will be made each school year through letters to parents and through newspaper and district web. Parents will be asked to pick up a Parent Referral Form from the campus office. C. Parent permission for special screening must be received. II. SCREENING STAGE A. Assessment tools may include but are not to be limited to the following: 1. Divergent Thinking Test (NNAT) 2. Achievement Test Scores (Iowa Test of Basic Skills ITBS) (APRENDA Spanish Achievement Test for non-English speakers) 3. Teacher Checklist 4. Parent checklist 5. Additional criteria may be employed as needed (Student work sample/Portfolio) B. Screening procedures must consider all students who might reasonably benefit from the specific program. In no way should the process discriminate against any person or group for reasons of sex, race, creed, ethnic origin, or religious preference. C. The information gathered on students through the screening process will be in conformity with legal standards regarding the rights of privacy of the individual. Only professional educators who can assure confidentiality will collect the data and make it available to those who need to use it for educational purposes. D. In addition, an Environmental Factors Sheet may be used to give supplemental consideration to any student identified as educationally disadvantaged because of factors used on that sheet. III. SELECTION STAGE A. A profile will be prepared for each student screened. The designee of the school will compile and organize the data on the profile. Once all data has been collected and entered on the profile, the names of those students referred are removed and replaced with numerals before being sent to the selection committee. The profile will be used to evaluate student performance on the screening criteria. B. The campus selection committee will be comprised of a minimum of three professional educators. The designated campus member (non-voting) will make the presentation to 7 the committee. The selection committee members must have received training in the area of nature and needs of gifted students. IV. NOTIFICATION Parents and/or students shall be notified in writing of selection for the gifted education program. Participation in any program or services provided for gifted students is voluntary, and before a student is placed in a gifted program, the District shall obtain the parent’s and the student’s written permission. V. REASSESSMENT In accordance to school board policy EHBB (LOCAL), the district shall not perform routine reassessments. SECONDARY IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES (6-12) The procedures utilized by the Dilley I.S.D. in the identification of students who are gifted are as follows: I. REFERRAL STAGE A. Teachers or counselors have the opportunity to refer students for entry into the G/T program for the following school year. Teachers may refer new-to-the-district students and all other canidates during the designated time frame utilizing the teacher referral form. B. Parents and other interested persons will also be given the opportunity to refer students in the spring. A special request for parent referrals will be made each school year through letters to parents and through newspaper releases and the district web page. Parents will be asked to pick up a Parent Referral Form from the campus office. C. Peer referrals will take place for the Mary Harper Middle School/Dilley High School in the spring. D. Parent permission for special screening must be received. II. SCREENING STAGE A. The following minimum criteria shall be considered in the selection process: 1. Assessment Tools 2. Achievement Test Scores (APRENDA Spanish Achievement test for non-English speakers) 3. Teacher checklist 8 4. Additional supportive documentation may be employed as needed. B. Screening procedures must consider all students who might reasonably benefit from the specific program. In no way should the process discriminate against any person or group for reasons of sex, race, creed, ethnic origin, or religious preference. C. The information gathered on students through the screening process will be in conformity with legal standards regarding the rights of privacy of the individual. Only professional educators who can assure confidentiality will collect the data and make it available to those who need to use it for educational purposes. C. In addition, the Environmental Factors Sheet may be used to give supplemental consideration to any students who are educationally disadvantaged as listed on that sheet. III. SELECTION STAGE A. A profile will be prepared for each student screened. The profile will be used to organize, rate, and weigh student performance on screening criteria. The campus designee will compile and organize available data on students being considered for the Gifted and Talented Program. This form must be one which facilitates decision-making by the selection committee. The campus selection committee will make professionally sound decisions on student placement. B. Once all data has been collected and entered on the profiles, the names of those students referred are removed and replaced with numerals before being sent to the selection committee. At the time this committee meets, any teacher may advocate, in person or by letter, consideration of any student who did not qualify by numbers but whom that teacher feels would best be served by the Gifted and Talented Education program. C. The Campus Selection Committee will be comprised of a minimum of three professionals who have received training in the area of nature and needs. IV. REASSESSMENT In accordance to school board policy EHBB (LOCAL), the district shall not perform routine reassessments. V. NOTIFICATION Parents and/or students shall be notified in writing of selection for the gifted education program. Participation in any program or services provided for gifted students is voluntary, and before a student is placed in a gifted program, the District shall obtain the parent's and/or the student's written permission. 9 TRANSFER OF IDENTIFIED G/T STUDENT (K-12) When a transfer student from another school district who was identified as gifted, the student’s records shall be accepted for placement in the district program for gifted and talented. FURLOUGH PROCESS (K-12) A parent, teacher, or student with parental consent may initiate furloughs from Gifted and Talented Education classes through the campus selection committee. The processes are as follows with approval of the campus selection committee. Minutes, outcomes and signatures of all participants will be taken and placed in students G/T folder. If granted a furlough, another meeting must take place before the next district snapshot in order to determine if a student should be provided G/T services or exited. PEIMS clerks must be notified if a student is furloughed from the G/T Services in order to code the student as “G/T but not being served”. Teacher Initiated: 1. Conference between teacher and student 2. Conference between teacher and parent/guardian with administrator and or administrator designee present Parent Initiated: 1. Conference among teacher, student, and parent/guardian with administrator and/or administrator designee present Student Initiated: 1. Conference between teacher and student 2. Conference among teacher, student, parent/guardian with administratorand/or administrator designee present *The G/T committee decides if a student should be furloughed. EXIT Exiting a student from G/T Services requires a G/T Campus Committee meeting with parent to discuss why exiting is needed. Minutes, outcomes and signatures must be obtained and placed in student G/T folder. The PEIMS clerk must be notified in order to change the code from “GT but not being served” to “exited”. If a student is exited from the program, they must go through the referral process to re-enter. 10 APPEALS (K-12) Parents or students may appeal any final decision to the Campus Selection Committee regarding selection for or exit from the Gifted and Talented Education Program. Any subsequent appeals shall be made in accordance with Policy FNG (Local) beginning at Level Two. PROGRAM PROTOTYPE ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY LEVELS: G/T students will be provided a differentiated curriculum in the general education classroom along with other special classes as designed by the campus. Dual credit courses and/or advanced classes may also serve as curriculum options at high school and middle school. CURRICULUM As with any program, the curriculum for the gifted includes the content to be learned, the processes to facilitate the learning, and the products that result from the learning. Since gifted/talented students possess characteristics and needs that make them different from other students, their curriculum is differentiated from that of other students. Curriculum for the gifted involves the use of course content, methods, and materials beyond those practical or essential for other students at the same age and grade level. It must be determined where the students are and take them from that point to their maximum abilities. Differentiating the curriculum so that it is appropriate for the gifted implies modification of student goals and objectives, instructional strategies, learning experiences, and evaluation. STAFF DEVELOPMENT In-service is a continuous process designed to increase competencies of instructional staff members and enhance the quality of instruction. As a vital, ongoing part of the program, ample time should be devoted to planning and conducting in-service. In-service plans that are practical, assessable, and offer teachers and administrators’ valuable information or training are most likely to result in improved instruction for students. In the Dilley Independent School District, teachers will be trained to work in the programs to meet each student's needs. They will be trained in specific areas to stimulate higher level thinking skills and achievement of students. Staff development will be promoted in the following areas: 1. Training of teachers to work with gifted students (30 hours initially, 6 hour update per year) 2. Training for counselors and administrators (6 hours) The in-service programs will focus on the following areas: 1. Nature and needs of gifted and talented students 11 2. 3. 4. 5. Guidance and counseling services to meet the students’ needs Assessing students' needs Appropriate materials and activities in areas of identified needs Development and use of curriculum materials In addition to the activities listed above for all staff members, those teachers selected for Gifted and Talented Education Program will be provided the following: 1. Opportunities to attend workshops and conferences at regional and state levels 2. Release time for visitation to exemplary programs and curriculum development COMMUNITY AWARENESS The district shall ensure information about the district’s Gifted and Talented Education Program is available to parents and community members and that they have an opportunity to develop an understanding of and support for the program. Bi-annual meetings will be held for parents of gifted and talented students. During these meetings the students may showcase their projects. PARENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT The Dilley Independent School District makes every effort to involve parents and other community members in the development and implementation of the Gifted and Talented Education Program. Parents are given the opportunity to refer their children for the program. An orientation session is held for parents of students selected for the Gifted and Talented Education Program. Other community members are invited. Parents of gifted and talented students are also encouraged to assist with programs, field trips, and guidance at home. Parents are asked to evaluate their child’s development and the organization of the program. Community participation and response are welcomed. The community is kept aware of the programs through the Frio Nueces Current, automated phone messages and the district web and marquee. The school board will be notified regularly of the Gifted and Talented Education Program activities and student accomplishments. PROGRAM EVALUATION The district will evaluate the effectiveness of the program annually and use the data to modify and update district and campus improvement plans. Parents are included in the evaluation process. (TEC§11.251-11.253) 12 G/T FORMS REFERRAL FORMS 13 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION PROGRAM TEACHER REFERRAL ____________________ TEACHER _______________ CAMPUS ______________ GRADE _____________ DATE According to the Texas state definition: §29.121. Definition In this subchapter, “gifted and talented student” means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: (1) exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual area; (2) excels in a specific academic field. The purpose of this form is for teachers of grades kinder through fourth to refer students who may be gifted in general intellectual ability, specific subject matter aptitude, and/or creative and productive thinking ability. Teachers of grades 5-12 will be identifying students who may be gifted in language arts, social studies, science, and math. As a professional educator, you are in a unique position to refer students with particular characteristics. I would like to refer _____________________ as a candidate for the Gifted and Talented Education Program as defined above. For grades 6-12, please circle the subject area(s) for which you are referring the above student: Math Science ________________________ Teacher Signature Language Arts Social Studies _____________ Date 14 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION PROGRAM PARENT REFERRAL FORM FOR ELEMENTARY OR SECONDARY __________________________________ NAME ______________ GRADE ___________________ PROGRAM §29.121. Definition In this subchapter, “gifted and talented student” means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: (1) exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual area; (2) possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or (3) excels in a specific academic field. I would like to refer ___________________________________ as a candidate for the Gifted and Talented Education Program as defined above. For grades 6-12, please circle the subject area(s) for which you are referring the above student: Math Science Language Arts _______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Social Studies. ________________________ Date 15 Distrito Independiente Escolar de Dilley Programa de Talentosos/Dotados Referencia por padre de primaria o secundaria ___________________ Nombre _____________ Grado __________________ Programa §29.121. Definición En este subtítulo, “un alumno talentoso/dotado” significa un niño o joven que demuestra desempeño potencial en nivel notoriamente alto en comparación a otros de su edad, experiencias o medio ambiente y que: (1) demuestra capacidad de alto desempeño en una area intelectual (2) tiene una capacidad poco común para ser líder (3) sobresale en una area específicamente académica Yo quisiera referir a ____________________ como un candidato(a) para el programa de talentosos/dotados en base a lo anteriormente mencionado. Para los grados 6-12, por favor indique la area(s) de materia por cual esta referiendo al candidato: Matemáticas Ciencias ______________________________ Firma de padre/guardián Ciencias Sociales Arte Lingüística ___________________ Fecha 16 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION PROGRAM PEER/ SELF REFERRAL FORM/OR SELF REFERRAL SECONDARY PROGRAM ONLY __________________________ ______________ NAME _______________________ GRADE PROGRAM §29.121. Definition In this subchapter, “gifted and talented student” means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: (1) exhibits high performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area; (2) possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or (3) excels in a specific academic field. The purpose of this form is for you to refer any student whom, in your opinion, our referral system has missed. Remember, we are seeking students gifted in the area of language arts, social studies, science, or math. I would like to refer ___________________________ as a candidate for the Gifted and Talented Education Program as defined above. Circle the subject area(s) for which you are referring the above student: Math Science ___________________________________ Signature Language Arts Social Studies _________________________ Date 17 Distrito Independiente Escolar de Dilley Programa de Educación de Talento Referencia propia o por algun compañero (Solamente en el programa de secundaria) _____________________ Nombre _____________ Grado _________________ Programa §29.121. Definición En este subtítulo, “un alumno talentoso” significa un niño o joven que demuestra desempeño de potencial en nivel notoriamente alto en comparación a otros de su edad, experiencias o medio ambiente y que: (1) demuestra capacidad de alto desempeño en una area intelectual (2) tiene una capacidad poco común para ser líder (3) sobresale en una area especifícamente académica El propósito de esta forma es que usted refiere a cualquier alumno quien en su opinion el sistema de selecciones no lo ha referido. Recuerde, estamos en busca de alumnos que demuestran talento en las areas de arte lingüística, ciencias sociales, ciencia, o matemáticas. Yo quisiera referir a ____________________ como un candidato(a) para el programa de talento en busca a lo anteriormente mencionado. Indique la area(s) de materia pr cual esta referiendo al candidato: Matemáticas Ciencias _________________________ Firma de padre/guardián Ciencias Sociales Arte Lingüística ___________________ Fecha 18 G/T FORMS SCREENING 19 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION PROGRAM SCREENING PERMISSION FORM Your child has been referred for participation in the Gifted and Talented Education Program. Participation in this program is voluntary and on a selective basis. I authorize the use of school-adopted standardized instruments which are utilized in the screening process. I give permission for my child, _____________________________, to be screened. In the event I have a desire to learn more about the program, I understand that my questions should be directed to the school principal or GT coordinator. ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________ Date 20 Escuela Independiente Del Distrito de Dilley Programa de Educación de Talento Forma de permiso para ser seleccionado(a) e inscribirse Su hijo(a) ha sido referido(a) para participar en el programa de talento. La participación en este programa es voluntaria y en bases de selección. Yo autorizo el uso de diferentes formas de exámenes adoptados por la escuela, los cuáles van a ser utilizados en el proceso de selección. Yo doy permiso que mi hijo(a) ______________, sea examinado en el programa de talento. Si en el proceso de selección tengo interés de saber más sobre el programa, puedo acudir al director o la consejera de la escuela. ____________________________ Firma de padre/guardián ________________ Fecha 21 Guidelines for Selection of Kindergarten Students Dilley Independent School District 1. Profiles are to be prescreened by the GT Coordinator. Those profiles deemed appropriate by the counselor for acceptance into the G/T program are to be brought to the Campus Selection Committee. Acceptance is recommended if at least 4 of the 5 criteria on the profile are in the high to superior range. Other factors listed below are considered. 2. A score with one or two points from the cut off for the next higher column can be considered due to standard error of measure. 3. If a score is missing, ask, “If the score was in the high or superior range would it give the student 4 criteria in these higher ranges?” If so, the student can be considered. 4. If the parent checklist is the one criteria keeping the student from having 4 criteria in the high to superior range, give the student the benefit of the doubt. 5. The anecdotal comments and personal knowledge of a student’s abilities can be most helpful in borderline decisions. 22 GIFTED EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENT ASSESSMENT PROFILE KINDERGARTEN DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED AND TALENTED (GT) SERVICES DILLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 226 WEST CURTIS STREET DILLEY, TEXAS 78017 Ph. 830-965-1313 STUDENT’S NAME______________________________________________________________ GRADE KINDERGARTEN CAMPUS DILLEY ELEMENTARY DATE _______________ 23 Dilley Independent School District GIFTED STUDENT ASSESSMENT PROFILE – Kindergarten Date_____________________________ Grade KG Campus Dilley Elementary Student Name______________________________ I.D #____________ D.O.B._________ Range Teacher Checklist Parent Checklist ITBS ReadingAchievement Low 0.....51 0.....56 0.....49 Average 52.....58 57..... 60 50.....69 Above Average 59.....66 61.....66 70.....84 0.....49 50.....69 70.....84 85.....93 94.....99 0.....49 50.....69 70.....84 85.....93 94.....99 High 67.....69 67.....71 85.....93 Superior 70.....76 72.....80 94.....99 Test ITBS MathAchievement Test NNAT Divergent(Test Age specific) Subjective A. Checklist B. Parent Checklist Objective C. Aptitude TestNNAT %ile D. Achievement Test ITBS Adapted From Mary M. Fraiser, Ph.D., University of Georgia 24 Dilley Independent School District GIFTED STUDENT ASSESSMENT PROFILE – Kindergarten Nominated by: � Parent � Teacher � Product � Other (More than one can be checked) In a ESL Classroom: � Yes � No � Designation in Another Program Part I: Personal Characteristics Learning Style _______________________________________________________________________________ Special Interests _______________________________________________________________________________ Part II: Anecdotal Comments _______________________________________________________________________________ Part III: Mediating Factors Physical_______________ Visual_______________ Auditory_______________ Emotional ____________________________________________________________ Environmental_________________________________________________________ Language Consideration_________________________________________________ Part IV: Committee Placement Decision Accepted__________ Check The appropriate blank(s) NOT Accepted__________ Gather further information__________ Comments:__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Part V: Committee Member’s Signatures Date______________________ ______________________ Administrator /Designee _________________________ Member from Campus ______________________ Member from Campus _________________________ Member from Campus _____________________ -Member from Campus 25 Guidelines for Selection Grades 1-12 Profiles are to be prescreened by the G/T Coordinator. Those profiles deemed appropriate by the counselor for acceptance into the G/T program are to be brought to the Campus Selection Committee. Acceptance is recommended if at least 4 of the 5 criteria (Grades 1-3) and 3 of the 4 criteria (Grades 4-12) on the profile are in the high to superior range. Other factors listed below are considered. Background 1. Norm referencing refers to how a student compares to others. For instance a score of 95 percentile means that compared to the norm group, a student scored better than 94% of the students, but 4% of the students in the norm reference group scored better. A. Local norms - Parent Checklist, Checklist B. National norms - NNAT, Iowa Test Of Basic Skills (ITBS) C. State modified norms - TPRI, STAAR (Eng. & Spanish), EOC Guidelines 2. A score near the cut off for the next higher column can be considered due to standard error of measurement. 3. If a score is missing, ask, “If the score were in the high or superior range, would it give the student 4 criteria in these higher ranges?” 4. If the parent checklist is the one criteria keeping the student from having 4 criteria in the high to superior range, give the student the benefit of the doubt. 5. The anecdotal comments and campus representative(s) can be helpful in borderline decisions. 26 GIFTED EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENT ASSESSMENT PROFILE GRADES 1-5 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED AND TALENTED (GT) SERVICES DILLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 226 WEST CURTIS STREET DILLEY, TEXAS 78017 Ph. 830-965-1313 STUDENT’S NAME______________________________________________________________ GRADE __________ CAMPUS DILLEY ELEMENTARY DATE _______________ 27 Dilley Independent School District GIFTED STUDENT ASSESSMENT PROFILE – Grades 1-5 Date_____________________________ Grade _____ Campus Dilley Elementary Student Name______________________________ I.D #____________ D.O.B._________ Range Teacher Checklist Parent Checklist ITBS Reading Low 0.....51 0.....56 0.....49 Average 52.....58 57..... 60 50.....69 Above Average 59.....66 61.....66 70.....84 High 67.....69 67.....71 85.....93 Superior 70.....76 72.....80 94.....99 0.....49 50.....69 70.....84 85.....93 94.....99 0.....49 50.....69 70.....84 85.....93 94.....99 Acheivement Test ITBS Math Acheiv ment Test NNAT Divergent(Test Age specific) Subjective A. Teacher Checklist B. Parent Checklist Objective C. Achievement Test Iowa Test of Basic Skills READING %ile MATH %ile D. NNAT %ile Adapted From Mary M. Fraiser, Ph.D., University of Georgia 28 Dilley Independent School District GIFTED STUDENT ASSESSMENT PROFILE – Grades 1-5 Nominated by: � Parent � Teacher � Product � Other (More than one can be checked) In a ESL Classroom: � Yes � No � Designation in Another Program Part I: Personal Characteristics Learning Style _______________________________________________________________________________ Special Interests _______________________________________________________________________________ Part II: Anecdotal Comments _______________________________________________________________________________ Part III: Mediating Factors Physical_______________ Visual_______________ Auditory_______________ Emotional ____________________________________________________________ Environmental_________________________________________________________ Language Consideration_________________________________________________ Part IV: Committee Placement Decision Accepted__________ Check The appropriate blank(s) NOT Accepted__________ Gather further information__________ Comments:__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Part V: Committee Member’s Signatures Date______________________ ______________________ Administrator /Designee _________________________ Member from Campus ______________________ Member from Campus _________________________ Member from Campus _____________________ -Member from Campus 29 GIFTED EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENT ASSESSMENT PROFILE GRADES 6-12 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED AND TALENTED (GT) SERVICES DILLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 226 WEST CURTIS STREET DILLEY, TEXAS 78017 Ph. 830-965-1313 MARY HARPER MIDDLE SCHOOL 208 W. CURTIS STREET DILLEY, TEXAS 78017 Ph. 830-965-2195 DILLEY HIGH SCHOOL 245 W FM 117 DILLEY, TEXAS 78017 Ph. 830-965-1814 STUDENT’S NAME______________________________________________________________ GRADE _______________ CAMPUS __________________ DATE _______________ 30 Dilley Independent School District GIFTED STUDENT ASSESSMENT PROFILE – Grades 6-12 Date_____________________________ Grade _____ Campus _________________ Student Name______________________________ I.D #____________ D.O.B._________ Range Purdue Teacher Checklist Parent Checklist ITBS NNAT %ile Low 0.....15 0.....52 0.....49 0.....49 Average 16.....30 53.....57 50.....69 50.....69 Above Average 31.....45 58.....63 70.....84 70.....84 Language Arts Criteria Purdue English Teacher Checklist Low Avg. Above Avg. High 46.....55 64.....69 85.....93 85.....93 Superior 56.....60 70.....80 94…..99+ 94…..99+ Mathematics High Superior Parent Checklist Iowa Test Of Basic Skills Reading%ile or STAAR Criteria Purdue Math Teacher Checklist Low Avg. Above Avg. High Superior Above Avg. High Superior Parent Checklist Iwoa Test of Basic Skills or STAAR Math %ile NNAT %ile NNAT %ile Reading Science Low Avg. Above Avg. High Superior Purdue Science Teacher Checklist Criteria Purdue Reading Teacher Checklist Low Avg. Parent Checklist ITBS or STAAR Parent Checklist STAARScience %ile NNAT %ile NNAT %ile Social Studies Low Avg. Above Avg. High Superior Purdue Soc.Stds. Teacher Checklist Parent Checklist STARR NNAT %ile 31 Dilley Independent School District GIFTED STUDENT ASSESSMENT PROFILE – Grades 6-12 Nominated by: � Parent � Teacher � Self � Peer � Other (More than one can be checked) In a ESL Classroom: � Yes � No � Designation in Another Program Part I: Personal Characteristics Learning Style _______________________________________________________________________________ Special Interests _______________________________________________________________________________ Part II: Anecdotal Comments _______________________________________________________________________________ Part III: Mediating Factors Physical_______________ Visual_______________ Auditory_______________ Emotional ____________________________________________________________ Environmental_________________________________________________________ Language Consideration_________________________________________________ Part IV: Committee Placement Decision Check The appropriate blank(s) Nominated for : ___Language Arts ___Mathematics ___Science ___Social Studies Accepted for: ___Language Arts ___Mathematics ___Science ___Social Studies Not Accepted for: ___Language Arts ___Mathematics ___Science ___Social Studies Gather further information ______________________________________________________ Comments:__________________________________________________________________ Part V: Committee Member’s Signatures Date______________________ _________________________ Administrator /Designee _________________________ Member from Campus _________________________ Member from Campus _________________________ Member from Campus _________________________ Member from Campus 32 `DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED STUDENT PROGRAMS TEACHER CHECKLIST (k-2) Name__________________________ Date___________________________ School Dilley Elementary Grade _____ Age____________ Teacher completing this form______________________________________ How long have you known this child? _____years _____months Occasionally Considerably Almost Always Part I: Advanced Language Seldom or Never Directions: Please check one box for each numbered item. X1 X2 X3 X4 1. Unassuming use of multisyllable word. 2. Uses language to teach another child. 3. Uses verbal skills to handle conflicts or influence others behavior. 4. Expresses similarities and differences between unrelated objects. Part II: Analytical Thinker 5. Sees cause and effect relationships . 6. Takes apart and reassembles things and/or ideas with unusual skill. 7. Expresses relationships between past/present experiences. Part III: Meaning Motivated 8. Asks penetrating questions/is curious: asks how, why, and what if. 9. Displays unexpected depth of knowledge in one or more areas. 10. Wants to complete activities on own; independent. 11. Keeps at an issue until it makes sense. Part IV: Perspective 12. Sees another’s point of view. Part V: Sense Of Humor 13. Says or does something indicating a finely developed sense of humor. 14. “Plays” with language. Part IV: Sensitivity 15. Shows nonverbal awareness of other’s needs 16. Shows strong sense of justice Part VII: Accelerated Learning 17. Displays rapid accelerated learning after onset. 18. Reads consecutive passages at an advanced reading level and explains meaning of what is read. 19. Displays unexpected understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division and mastery of numbers Add Columns Multiple Each Column by Weight Above Add Weighted Columns: TOTAL 33 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED STUDENT PROGRAMS TEACHER CHECKLIST (Grade 3-5) Seldom or Never Occasionally Considerably Almost Always Name__________________________ Date___________________________ School Dilley Elementary Grade _____ Age____________ Teacher completing this form______________________________________ How long have you known this child? _____years _____months Directions: Please check one box for each numbered item. X1 X2 X3 X4 1. Has unusually advanced use of language for age or grade level. 2. Possesses a large storehouse of information about a variety of topics. 3. Becomes absorbed and truly involved in certain topics or problems beyond normal expectations of a child 4. Easily bored with routine tasks. 5. Displays a great deal of curiosity about many things; is constantly asking questions about anything and everything. 6. Generates a large number of ideas or solutions to problems and questions; often offers unusual(“way out”), unique, clever responses. 7. Has quick mastery and recall of factual information. 8. Has rapid insight into cause-effect; wants to know what makes things (or people) “tick”. 9. Needs little external motivation to follow through in work that initially excites him/her. 10. Strives toward perfection; is self-critical; is not easily satisfied with his/her own speed or products. 11. Is a high risk taker; is adventurous and speculative. 12. Displays a keen sense of humor and sees humor in situations that may not appear to be humorous to others. 13. Looks for similarities and differences in events, people and things. 14. Reasons things out for himself; sees logical and common sense answers. 15. Often is self assertive (sometimes even aggressive); stubborn in his/her own beliefs. 16. Likes to organize and bring structure to things, people, and situations. 17. Is sensitive to beauty; attends to aesthetic characteristics of things. 18. Accepts disorder; is not interested in details; is individualistic; does not fear being different. 19. Is quite concerned with right and wrong, good and bad; often evaluates and passes judgment on events, people, and thing. Add Columns Multiple Each Column by Weight Above Add Weighted Columns: TOTAL 34 PURDUE ACADEMIC RATING SCALE: ENGLISH (Grade 6-12) NAME OF STUDENT_______________________________________ DATE_______________________ NAME OF TEACHER_______________________________________ GRADE/COURSE_____________ SCHOOL__________________________________________________ Read each item and rate the student according to this scale. 1 Rarely, seldom, or never 2 Occasionally, sometimes 3 Quite often or frequently 4 Always or almost always DK Don’t know or have never observed ___1. Interested in words, definitions, derivations; has an extensive vocabulary. ___2. See details, is a good observer, sees relationships, makes connections. ___3. Organizes ideas, and sequences well in preparation for speaking or writing. ___4. Has a good sense of humor; uses and understands satire, puns, and second meanings. ___5. Reads widely in a variety of types of literature; may focus on one type for a period of time, then switch and focus on another. ___6. Original and creative, comes up with unique ideas in writing or speaking. ___7. Develops convincing characters and situations in writing. ___8. Withholds judgment while investigating a topic, willing to explore a topic in greater depth than other students, curious. ___9. Recognizes authors or speaker’s point of view, mood, or intention. ___10. Elaborates well when speaking or writing, uses vivid expressions, which make words “come alive.” ___11. Visualizes and translates images into written or spoken forms. ___12. Likes independent study and research in areas of interest. ___13. Motivated to write even when writing is not assigned; writes stories, poems, or plays; keeps a journal or diary. ___14. Sees relation between literature and other art forms. ___15. Uses words effectively in writing descriptions and communicating emotions. _____TOTAL SCORE 35 PURDUE ACADEMIC RATING SCALE: MATHEMATICS NAME OF STUDENT______________________________________ DATE_____________________ NAME OF TEACHER______________________________________ GRADE/COURSE___________ SCHOOL_________________________________________________ Read each item and rate the student according to this scale. 1 Rarely, seldom, or never 2 Occasionally, sometimes 3 Quite often or frequently 4 Always or almost always DK Don’t know or have never observed ___1. Generalizes mathematical relationships, relates concepts in various applications. ___2. Organizes data to discover patterns or relationships. ___3. Persistent in learning math, concentrates, works hard, motivated, interested. ___4. Analyzes problems carefully, considers alternatives, does not necessarily accept first answer. ___5. Resourceful in seeking ways to solve a problem. ___6. Interested in numbers and quantitative relationships sees usefulness or applications of mathematics. ___7. Learns math concepts and processes faster that other students. ___8. Good at verbalizing math concepts, processes, and solutions. ___9. Identifies and restates problems, well at formulating hypotheses. ___10. Reasons effectively. ___11. Enjoys trying to solve difficult problems, likes puzzles and logic problems. ___12. Visualizes spatially, can create visual images of problems. ___13. Develops unique associations, uses original methods for solutions. ___14. Sometimes solves problems intuitively, then cannot always explain why the solution is correct. ___15. Recalls relevant information or concepts in solving problems, recognizes the critical elements. _______ TOTAL SCORE 36 PURDUE ACADEMIC RATING SCALE: SCIENCE NAME OF STUDENT______________________________________ DATE_____________________ NAME OF TEACHER______________________________________ GRADE/COURSE___________ SCHOOL_________________________________________________ Read each item and rate the student according to this scale. 1 Rarely, seldom, or never 2 Occasionally, sometimes 3 Quite often or frequently 4 Always or almost always DK Don’t know or have never observed ___1. Good at verbalizing science concepts makes good oral presentations. ___2. Interested in science books and television programs enjoys science fiction. ___3. Has science hobbies, is a collector, and likes gadgets. ___4. Good at planning, designing, decision-making. ___5. Sees connections, sees relationships of science to real world. ___6. Organizes experiments, capable of separating and controlling variables. ___7. Comes up with good questions or ideas for experiments. ___8. Good at exploring, questioning, investigating, studies things in detail. ___9. Good at visualizing, able to see complex patterns in ideas or dates. ___10. Interested in numerical analysis, good at measurement and data analysis. ___11. Understands scientific method, able to form hypotheses and conduct experiments carefully. ___12. Prefers science related classes and careers. ___13. Persistent, sticks with investigations in spite of difficulties or problems, has high levels of energy. ___14. Knows a lot of science information. ___15. Skillful in using lab equipment, able to improvise for experiments. _______ TOTAL SCORE 37 PURDUE ACADEMIC RATING SCALE: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME OF STUDENT______________________________________ DATE_____________________ NAME OF TEACHER ______________________________________GRADE/COURSE___________ SCHOOL_________________________________________________ Read each item and rate the student according to this scale. 1 Rarely, seldom, or never 2 Occasionally, sometimes 3 Quite often or frequently 4 Always or almost always DK Don’t know or have never observed ___1. Reads widely on social issues from a variety of books, magazines, or newspapers. ___2. Becomes absorbed in the investigation of topics. ___3. Displays intellectual curiosity, becomes interested in a variety of topics not required or assigned. ___4. Skilled in analyzing topics, finding the underlying problem, questioning, investigating. ___5. Attracted toward cognitive complexity; enjoys puzzles, paradoxes, mysteries. ___6. Asks questions that are open-ended or philosophical. ___7. Has a wide vocabulary, which is used precisely and appropriately. ___8. Enjoys language, reading, conversation, listening, and verbal communication. ___9. Sensitive to social issues, sees ethical and moral questions. ___10. Suspends judgment, entertains alternative explanations or points of view while exploring a question. ___11. Engages in intellectual play; enjoys puns, play on words, and language games. ___12. Enjoys the processes of research and investigating for their own sake. ___13. Recalls details about social science topics, makes unusual connections. ___14. Interested in social themes, complex public issues, explanations, and theories of causation. ___15. Curious about many things “goes off on tangents.” _______ TOTAL SCORE 38 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ____Dilley Elementary School 226 West Curtis St. Dilley, Texas 78017 ____Mary Harper Middle School 208 West Curtis St. Dilley, Texas 78017 ____Dilley High School 245 W FM 117 Dilley, Texas 78017 Date_________________________ Dear Parent/Guardian, Your child has been nominated for testing for the Gifted/Talented Education Program at school. We would like you to help us know more about your child’s abilities. Please complete the enclosed form and return to our school by ___________ ____________ . If you have questions, you may call the GT Coordinator or come by the school. Thank you. Sincerely, 39 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED STUDENT PROGRAMS Parent Checklist (Grade K-12) Occasionally Considerably Almost Always CREATIVITY 1. Displays a great deal of curiosity. 2. Generates a large number of ideas or solutions to problems and questions; often unique answers. 3. Likes to adapt improve, or modify objects and instructions. 4. Shows emotional sensitivity and is sensitive to beauty in ways that others may not. 5.Offers constructive criticism. MOTIVATION 6. Becomes absorbed and truly involved in certain topics or problems or interests; is persistent about finishing projects. 7. With work that excites him/her, the child needs little external motivation 8. Strives toward perfection. 9. Prefers to work independently. 10. Is quite concerned with right and wrong; good and bad. LEADERSHIP 11. Seems well liked by classmates and is cooperative and self-confident. 12. Can express himself/herself well. 13. Is flexible in new situations. 14. Participates in most social school activities. 15. Likes to organize people, thing, or situations. ACADEMIC ABILITY 16. Asks questions about the cause and reason for things. 17. Makes up or expands raps, songs, stories, riddles, or pictures about learning experiences. 18. Displays good mastery of basic skills in most subject areas, remembers. 19. May have unusually advanced vocabulary and /or reading level; reasons things out, thinks clearly recognizes relationships, and comprehends meaning. 20. Pick up on ideas of others; elaborates or makes them work. Add Columns Seldom or Never Name__________________________ Date___________________________ School Dilley Elementary Grade _____ Age____________ Parent’s Name______________________________________ Teacher’s Name_____________________________________ Directions: Please mark the box beside each statement that indicates your child’s ability in the areas listed below. X1 X2 X3 X4 Multiple Each Column by Weight Above Add Weighted Columns: TOTAL 40 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ____Dilley Elementary School 226 West Curtis St. Dilley, Texas 78017 ____Mary Harper Middle School 208 West Curtis St. Dilley, Texas 78017 ____Dilley High School 245 W FM 117 Dilley, Texas 78017 Fecha________________________ Estimados padres de Familia/Tutor, Su hijo(a) ha sido nominado(a) para que sea examinado(a) para el Programa de Educación SD/T a su escuela. Nos gastaría que usted diga mas de las habilidades de su hijo(a). Por favor complete el formulario acompañado y devuelvalo a la escuela de su hijo consejero antes de _______. Si usted tiene cualesquiera preguntas, usted puede llamar al consejero escolar o vienen por la escuela. Gracias. Sinceramente 41 ocasionalmente Frecuentemente Casi Siempre CREATIVIDAD 1. Demuestra gran curiosidad. 2. Tiene un gran numero de ideas o soluciones a problemas o preguntas: frecuentemente con respuestas raras y únicas 3. Le gusta adaptar, mejorar, o modificar objetos e instrucción. 4. Enseña sensitividad emocional y es sensitive a la belleza integral del mundo en maneras que otros no son. 5. Ofrece critica constructive. MOTIVACION 6. Se encuentra y se envuelve en ciertos temas o problemas, o interés. Es persistente para terminar proyectos. 7. Con trabajo que lo excita, el niño(a) necesita poca motivación externa. 8. Hace lo posible para obtener perfección. 9. Prefiere trabajar independientemente. 10. Se preocupa por lo correcto y incorrecto; bueno y malo. CARACTERISTICAS DEL LINDER 11. Sus compañeros lo aprecian; es cooperative y tiene confianza en si mismo. 12. Puede expresarse bien. 13. Es flexible en situaciones nuevas. 14. Participa en la mayoría de las funciones socials de la escuela. 15. Le gusta organizer gente, cosas, o situaciones. HABILIDAD ACADEMICA 16. Hace preguntas sobre la causa o razón de cosas. 17. Concibe o extiende “raps”, canciones, cuentos, o adivinanzas o cuadros de experiences de aprendizaje 18. Tiene Buena maestría de destrezas básicas en casi todas las materias, tiene buena memoria 19. Puede tener un vocabulario avanzado o un nivel de lectura alto; razona las cosas, piensa claramente, reconoce relaciones y comprende significado. 20. Elabora las ideas de otros; las hace trabajar. Sume cada columna Nunca o casi nunca Nombre de Estudiante____________________________________Fecha_______________________ Escuela Dilley Elementary Grado _____ Edad____________ Nombres de los Padres__________________________________________________ Nombre del Maestro(a)__________________________________________________ Direcciones: Lea lo siguiente y marque la columna que major describe su hijo(a) la mayoria del tiempo. X1 X2 X3 X4 Multiplique cada columna por el numero de arriba Sume los totales de las columnas: TOTAL 42 G/T FORMS SELECTION 43 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Selection Notification Dear Parent/Guardian, Your child, ________________________who was referred and screened, has been selected to participate in the Gifted and Talented Education Program at Dilley ISD. We are all very excited about our program, which seeks to serve the gifted students in our district. The teachers of the program will be working closely with parents, as well as teachers to ensure that the needs of your child are met. D.I.S.D. encourages parent input in the Gifted and Talented Education Program. We thank you in advance for your cooperation with the teacher(s) of this program. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at 830965-1313. Your child was selected in the following area(s): _________General Intellectual Abilities Program _________Math _________Science _________Language Arts _________Social Studies Respectfully, Please sign below if you wish for your child to participate in the Gifted and Talented Program at ______________________. ________________________________ Parent Signature ________________ Date 44 Distrito Independiente Escolar de Dilley Estimado padre/guardián, Su hijo(a), quien fue referido(a), ha sido(a) seleccionado(a) para participar en el programa de talento en la escuela de Dilley ISD. Estamos estimulados de nuestro programa en cual procuramos servir a los alumnos talentosos en nuestro distrito. Los maestros en este programa trabajan estrechamente con los padres y maestros para asegurar que las nececidades de su hijo(a) sean cumplidas. El distrito de Dilley recibe sus sugerencias para dicho programa. Le queremos dar las gracias anticipadamente por su cooperación con los maestros de este programa. Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede acudir al director o a la consejera de la escuela al número 830-965-1313 Su hijo(a) ha sido(a) seleccinado(a) en las siguientes areas: _______Abilidades General _______Matemáticas _______Ciencias _______Arte Lingüística _______Ciencias Sociales Atenta y respetosamente, Por favor firme si desea que su hijo/hija participe en el programa de Talento. ______________________ ____________ Firma del padre Fecha 45 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Selection Notification ___________________ Dear Parent/Guardian, Your child, _____________________who was referred and screened, has not qualified to participate in the Gifted and Talented Education Program at this time. Although your child did not qualify for services at this time, he/she may be referred again at a later date. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at 830-965-1313. Respectfully, APPEALS PROCESS: Parents or students may appeal any final decision of the G/T Selection Committee. First contact the campus principal and/or GT coordinator. If after a conference the parent or student feels the need to further appeal, they should follow school board Policy FNG. Appeals shall be made to the selection committee within ten school days of notification letter. 46 Distrito Independiente Escolar de Dilley ___________________________________ Estimado padre/guardián, Su hijo(a), quien fue referido(a) no fue seleccionado(a) para participar en el programa de talento en la escuela de __________________. Estamos orgullosos que su hijo(a) fue nominado(a) y tal vez él o ella podría calificar y ser seleccionado(a) en el futuro. Gracias por su cooperación. Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede acudir al director o a la consejera de la escuela al número 830-965-1313 Atente y respetosamente, El proceso de apelación: Padres o estudiantes pueden apelar cualquier decición final del comité de selección del programa de talento. Primeramente contacte al director o la consejera de la escuela. Adicionalmente, si después de la conferencia el padre o estudiante tiene la necesidad de apelar deben de seguir el curso de acciones de los miembros de la mesa directiva FNG en la poliza. Dichas apelaciones deben de ser mencionadas al comité de selección del programa de talento dentro de diez días al recibir la carta de notificación. 47 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Conference Form for Exit from G/T Name of Student____________________________________________________ Campus (circle one) DES MHMS DHS Grade Level __________ Classroom Teacher____________________________ Date of Conference _________________ Conference Initiated By _____Parent/Guardian _____School Personnel Area(s) of Concern: _____Unsatisfactory Academic Performance _____Behavior that jeopardizes self or others _____Undue stress _____Other_______________________________________________________ Relevant Information: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Committee Decision _____Furlough Granted Until____________________(not to exceed 1 semseter) _____Exit from G/T program ____________(date) _____Remain in G/T program with modifications _____Remain in G/T program without modifications Signatures of Campus G/T Committee Members: ___________________________________________ G/T Teacher ___________________________________________ Classroom Teacher ___________________________________________ Administrator ___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian ___Agree ___Disagree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Agree ___Disagree Copy 1: Parent/Guardian Copy 2:Campus GT Student File 48 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Conference Form for Furlough/Re-Entry from G/T Name of Student____________________________________________________ Campus (circle one) DES MHMS DHS Grade Level __________ Classroom Teacher____________________________ Date of Conference _________________ Conference Initiated By _____Parent/Guardian _____School Personnel Area(s) of Concern: _____Unsatisfactory Academic Performance _____Behavior that jeopardizes self or others _____Undue stress _____Other_______________________________________________________ Relevant Information: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Committee Decision _____Furlough Granted Until____________________ _____Remain in G/T program as scheduled _____Remain in G/T program with revised schedule Signatures of Furlough Committee Members: ___________________________________________ G/T Teacher ___________________________________________ Classroom Teacher ___________________________________________ Administrator ___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian ___Agree ___Disagree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Agree ___Disagree Date Re-entered (G/T)_______________ Signatures of Re-Entry Committee Members: ___________________________________________ G/T Teacher ___________________________________________ Classroom Teacher ___________________________________________ Administrator ___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian ___Agree ___Disagree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Agree ___Disagree ___Agree ___Disagree Copy 1: Parent/Guardian Copy 2:Campus GT Student File 49 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION PROGRAM PARENT/STUDENT REQUEST FOR EXIT Date: _____________________ All G/T student performance in the program shall be monitored. A student shall be removed from the program any time the selection committee or the parent determines that exiting the student would be the most appropriate educational decision. That decision may be based on the educational, psychological, and personal needs of the student. Just as no single criterion such as test scores, teacher referral, or grades can be determining factor for selection, neither can it be for the regular identification process for one full school year. ______________________ is to be withdrawn from the G/T program by parent/selection committee ____________________________________. Did furlough precede this exit? ______Yes ______No ___________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________ Selection Committee ___________________________ ___________________________ Administrator ___________________________ G/T Teacher 50 Dilley Independent School District GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION CLASS Evaluation Report - Grades K- 2 Student____________________ 1ST 6 Wks 2nd 6 Wks Teacher__________________ 3rd 6 Wks 4th 6 Wks 5th 6 Wks 6th 6 Wks Motivation toward learning Classroom participation Knowledge and interest in topics Ability to work with peers Ability to work independently Acceptance of responsibility Acceptance of leadership roles KEY These are comparisons to other gifted students, not the whole student population. 5= Excellent 4 = Above Average 3 = Average 1 = Poor 2 = Below Average PARENT SIGNATURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 51 Dilley Independent School District Determination of Grades of Gifted and Talented Students K- 2 5 = Excellent 4 = Above Average 3 = Average 2 = Below Average 1 = Poor Based on the following Areas: Contributes to and participates daily in class discussions Contributes to group assignments and activities Concentrates for longer periods of time on class activities/discussions Produces original ideas Becomes leader of group at times Attentive participation in problem solving (including math work) Products, permission slips, report cards, etc. turned in on time 52 Dilley Independent School District GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION CLASS Evaluation Report - Grades 3-5 Student________________________ Teacher____________________ 1ST 6 Wks 2nd 6 Wks 3rd 6 Wks 4th 6 Wks 5th 6 Wks 6th 6 Wks Motivation toward learning Classroom participation Knowledge and interest in topics Ability to work with peers Ability to work independently Acceptance of responsibility Acceptance of leadership roles Creative Expression Conduct KEY 5 = Excellent 4 = Above Average PARENT SIGNATURE 3 = Average 2 = Below Average 1 = Poor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 53 DILLEY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION PROGRAM SCHOOL STAFF EVALUATION OF PROGRAM FORM School_______________________ School Year_______________ Date_____________ Title: Teacher_________ Principal__________ Counselor_________ Other_________ 1. I have been informed of the new changes in the G/T Handbook. Yes No 2. I understand the referral, identification and selection process of the DILLEY ISD. Yes No 3. List 2 things that are positive about the G/T Program in DILLEY ISD. 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 4. List 2 things that need to be improved in the G/T Program. 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 54 Dilley Independent School District G/T Parent Survey 1. I have been given information regarding the changes in the handbook. Yes No 2. I understand the referral, selection and identification process of the DILLEY ISD. Yes No 3. Do you feel that your child has benefited from the G/T program at your school? Yes No 4. List 2 things that are positive about the G/T Program in the DILLEY ISD. 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________ 5. List 2 things that need to be improved in the G/T Program in the DILLEY ISD. 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ Please return this form to your child's school as soon as possible. We need a response from every family involved in the Gifted and Talented Education Program. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Dilley Elementary School- 226 West Curtis St., Dilley, Texas 78017 830-965-1313 Mary Harper Middle School- 208 West Curtis St. Dilley, Texas 78017 830-965-2195 Dilley High School-245 W. FM 117 Dilley, Texas 78017 830-965-1814 55 DISTRITO INDEPENDIENTE ESCOLAR DE DILLEY CUESTIONARIO PARA PADRES DEL PROGRAMS DE TALENTOSOS Y DOTADOSOS 1. He obtenido la informacion referente a los cambios en el libro de talento que ofrece el distrito de Dilley. Si 2. Yo entiendo el proceso de nominaciones, selecciones, y identificacion del distrito independiente escolar de Dilley. Si 3. No Usted piensa que su hijo/hija se a beneficiado de este programa en su escuela? Si 4. No No Escriba dos puntos que necesitan mejoramiento en el programa de educacion de talento en el distrito de Dilley. 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ 5. Escriba dos cosas positivas acerca del programa de talentosos y dotados del distrito independiente escolar de Dilley. 1. 2. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Favor de devolver esta forma a la escuela de su hijo/hija tan pronto sea posible. Necesitamos una respuesta de cada familia implicada en el programa de Talentosos y Dotados. Su cooperacion se aprecia mucho. Dilley Elementary School- 226 West Curtis St., Dilley, Texas 78017 830-965-1313 Mary Harper Middle School- 208 West Curtis St. Dilley, Texas 78017 830-965-2195 Dilley High School-245 W. FM 117 Dilley, Texas 78017 830-965-1814 56 STUDENT EVALUATION OF THE GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION PROGRAM Dear Student, We are reviewing the effectiveness of our Gifted and Talented Education Program. We want to know how you would evaluate both the program and its effect on you as a learner. Based upon your participation, indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. Also, feel free to make comments about the program on the back of the form. Thank you for helping us make the program effective next year. Grade Level (Circle Appropriate Level) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Number of years in the program _______ Please answer the questions below YES or NO 1. I understand why I was selected to participate in the Gifted and Talented Education Program. ___ ___ 2. I understand what objectives I am trying to reach in this program. ___ ___ 3. I can apply a lot of what I learn in this program to my regular classroom work.___ 4. I find the work in this program too easy.___ ___ 5. I find the work in this program too hard.___ ___ 6. I have learned research and study skills in this program to help me with other classes.___ ____ 7. I enjoy working with students of similar abilities.___ 8. I am able to keep up in my other classes.___ ___ ___ 9. I get to do more independent work in this program.___ ___ 10. As a result of program activities, I find it easier to solve problems.___ ___ 11. As a result of program activities, I am better able to organize my time.___ ___ 12. As a result of program activities, I am able to express myself better than I could before.__ __ 13. I enjoy school more since I started this program.___ ___ 14. I would like to continue in the program.___ __ 57 58