TL Oct 27-31

Title: Teen Leadership
Grade Level: 6, 7, 8th grade
Teacher: Tara Wyrwich
Date: Oct. 27th-31st
Objective: Research Based, Individual assignment, students will use computer or ipad to research a
teen leadership program and write about the programs, benefits, change their life or lifestyle, build
character, and make them better leaders
Standards Addressed: Leadership
Materials for Learning Activities
Materials: Computer, ipad, Paper, and pen or pencil
Procedures for Learning Activities
Research based writing
1. Journals at the top of class (5min.)
2. Research and write
Instructional Strategies (20 minutes)
1. Getting the students to do research, activity that students can learn about other programs that
relates to teen leadership.
C. Closure (5-10 minutes)
1. Explain or identify the difficulty level it was getting this project started.
2. After getting the activity started did the lesson flow smoothly?
Writing is a necessity!