Effectively Communicating Change Timing Messages Channels Safety Valves Tactics Strategy Audience Analysis Contextual Analysis Effectiveness A. Contextual Analysis 1. Key Issues Culture Non-complex & manageable Advantageous over past practices Benefits observable Key relationships Employee reactions 2. Principles Need to thoroughly understand org. context Need to assess type of change Need to understand implications of the change Need to anticipate possible resistance points Need to sustain focused flexibility Assessing Type of Change Receiver’s Perspective Routine Sender’s Perspective Routine Non-routine Non-routine B. Audience Analysis 1. Issues Major groups How impacted Resistance points Communication preferences “Lions” 2. Principles What is persuasive to one group may not be persuasive to another What is a specific point of resistance to one group may not be to another Influence is unequally distributed C. Strategy 1. Issues Unifying vision Communication objectives for all groups Unique objectives for specific groups 2. Principles Persuasion is a process Spend communication resources wisely Need Remedy Disadvantages Allocate resources according to AA D. Tactics 1. Issues 2. Principles Channels Use richer channels for more nonroutine changes Messages Link messages to pre-existing thought patterns Always discuss upside & downside Timing Balance managing expectations & dissent Safety Valves Legitimize employee concerns Monitor Look for continuous improvement ideas Who Match people’s skills with task