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Math 5: Decimal Problems - Addition & Subtraction

Department of Education
Mathematics 5
Solve Routine and Non-Routine Problems
Involving Addition and Subtraction of Decimal
Numbers Including Money by Using Appropriate
Problem Solving Strategies and Tools
Second Quarter – Week 3
Melvin D. Ama, Gerald P. Bansag, Klarize B. Bermejo
Ernah T. Diaz, Gina A. Fernandez.
Annabelle P. Vecina, Richel R Yabut
Dr. Shella C. Navarro, Ana Lyn S. Dacara
Annie D. Pesito, Noema Gillego
Dr. Emelita D. Bautista Engr. Rolando S. Muldong,
Joseph D. Nilo, Randy M. Vargas
Quality Assurance Team Members
Schools Division Office – Muntinlupa City
Student Center for Life Skills Bldg., Centennial Ave., Brgy. Tunasan, Muntinlupa City
(02) 8805-9935 / (02) 8805-9940
Before you start answering the SLeM, I want you to set aside other tasks that
will disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the instructions below to enjoy the
activities of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page on
this SLeM.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the lessons.
Writing enhances learning – that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the SLeM.
4. Analyse conceptually the post test and apply what you have learned.
5. Enjoy studying!
After going through this module, you will be able to:
a. Solve routine and non-routine word problems in adding and subtracting decimal
b. Solve routine and non-routine word problems involving addition & subtraction
of decimal numbers including money using appropriate problem solving
strategies & tools.
Read and analyze the questions below. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Pedro weighs 31.14 kg, Maria weighs 28.37 kg and Jenny weighs 29.18 kg.
What is their total weight?
A. 78.96 kg
B. 88.69 kg
C. 89.88 kg
D. 96.78 kg
2. The worker needs a pipe with a length of 73.45 meters. He already has 24.83
meters and 13.57 meters. How long does he still needs?
A. 35.05 m
B. 35.10 m
C. 35.15 m
D. 35.25 m
3. Gary bought jeans for P764.50 and a shirt for P365.75. How much change will
he get if he gave the cashier P1 500.00?
A. P369.75
B. P376.75
C. P389.57
D. P396.57
4. The difference of two decimals are 63.09. The bigger number is 353.48. Find the
smaller number.
A. 391.39
B. 319.39
C. 299.39
D. 290.39
5. Mr. John deposits a check amounting to P32 341.95 into his account. He now
has a total of P94 548.87 in the account. How much was his money on the bank
before the deposit?
A. P60 465.89
B. P62 206.92
C. P65 484.98
D. P67 595.81
6. Four babies in the Nursery weighs (in kilograms) 5.511, 4.952, 5.324, and 5.617.
What is the difference in the weight (in kilograms) between the heaviest and the
lightest baby?
A. 0.559
B. 0.663
C. 0.665
D. 0.889
7. Peter went to a supermarket to buy the following groceries: shampoo for P126.85,
canned goods for P238.42, bread for 109.48, and soap for 118.64. How much
change did he receive if he gave the cashier P1 000.00?
A. P291.56
B. P339.84
C. P406.61
D. P508.84
8. What is 5.05 more than 7.48 minus 3.41 more than 7.3?
A. 1.81
B. 1.82
C. 1.83
D. 1.892
9. A ball is dropped from a height of 3.048 meters. Each time it hits the ground,
it bounces 0.53 meters less of its previous height. How high was the 3rd bounce?
A. 1.188
B. 1.228
C. 1.368
D. 1.458
10. Vince bought a math book for P215.50, a pencil case for P35.25 and a compass
for P52.75. If she had P24.35 left, how much money did she have at first?
A. P550.25
B. P525.90
C. P525.25
D. P327.85
Read each item carefully then solve.
Problem 1:
Mike bought a pair of shoes for P2 375.95, undershirts for
P954.50 and a polo shirt for P1 399.95. How much change did he
receive if he gave P5 000 to the cashier?
Source: mca-nclc.nolz
Problem 2:
At Hillsborough Elementary, students travel an average
of 3.375 km to get to school. At White Plains Elementary, students
travel an average of 3.35 km. Which school has the higher
Source: mca-nclc.nolz
In this module, you will have the opportunity to explore more about decimals.
Word problems in math can be either routine or non-routine. You can solve it by
using the steps in solving word problems.
Read and answer!
Mr. Dela Cruz presented two different word problems in
Mathematics for his class.
Photo owned by the author
The problems presented are of different levels of difficulty and each has a
solution to be followed.
After reading these word problems, were you able to guess which one is easier
or difficult?
Here are the steps in solving word problems.
Problem 1
Know what is asked
Know the given facts
Determine the
operation to be used
Write the number
The amount left with Tom
P60,500 budget,
P18,999.75 cost of sofa,
P7,299.37 cost of dining table,
P25,346.65 cost of bed
Addition and subtraction
P60,500.00 - (18,999.75 + P7 299.37 + P25 346.65) = N
Show the solution
Check and Look Back
Review and recheck the You can use a calculator to add P18 999.75, P7 299.37
and P25 346.65 then subtract the sum from P60 500.
The final answer for Problem 1 is P8 854.23.
This problem contains a hidden question; it is “the total cost of furniture
bought”. The answer of the hidden question is needed to find the final answer. A
routine problem may involve multi-steps or more than one-step to arrive with the
correct solution.
Problem 1 is an example of a routine problem. It is a type of word problem
that involves at least one operation and its contents can be viewed as a realistic one.
Problem 2
How much more is Mark’s grade than
Know the given facts
4.23 ; 89.38 ; 2.19 ; 88.14
Determine the operation to be used
Addition and subtraction
Write the number sentence
(88.14+2.19) - (89.38-4.23)= N
Know what is asked
Show the solution
Check and Look Back
Review and recheck the answer
You can use a calculator to subtract
4.23 from 89.38, then add 2.19 from
88.14 and finally subtract 85.15 from
The final answer for the Problem 2 is 0.80.
This problem contains some hidden questions like John and Mark’s final
grade. The answer of the hidden question is needed to find the final answer. A nonroutine problem may involve more than one-step or multi-step to arrive with the
correct solution and more regarded as complex problems.
The Problem 2 is an example of a non-routine problem. It is a type of word
problem that requires more complex strategies and techniques.
To solve routine problems, follow the 4-step rule: Understand, plan, solve
and look back.
To solve non- routine problems: Read and analyze the problems:
Identify what is asked, what are given, and use other strategies like: act out
the problem, listing method, guess and test, drawing/making a pattern,
working backwards, and etc.
Read the problem carefully and solve for the answer using the 4- step method.
Tony, Abel and Eric had joined the marathon race. The record shows 42.195
km as the sum of distance taken by them. Abel and Eric ran the same distance of
11.024 km. How long is the distance ran by Tony?
Know what is asked
Know the given facts
Determine the operation to be used
Write the number sentence
Show the solution
Check and Look Back
Review and recheck the answer
Read and analyze the questions below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The difference of two decimals are 63.09. The smaller number is 243.48. Find the
bigger number.
A. 291.39
B. 306.57
C. 309.39
D. 490.39
2. The exchange rate of US dollar to Philippine peso last month was 50.417 and
this month is 50.179. How much bigger was the last month’s exchange rate?
A. 0.236
B. 0.237
C. 0.238
D. 0.239
3. Mike purchased a bag for P334.50, a book for P128.25 and a tie for P90.75. How
much is left with him if he had P1 000?
A. P446.50
B. P546.00
C. P645.50
D. P746.50
4. On the first day of a cycling competition, a cyclist covered a distance of 74.9 km.
On the second day, he covered 69.05 km, and on the third day, 79.142 km. What
was the total distance covered by the cyclist for three days?
A. 223.092 km
B. 343.95 km
C. 458.124 km
D. 545.24 km
5. Grace practices swimming three days in a week. She practiced for 2.03 hours on
Monday, 3.7 hours on Wednesday, and 5.34 hours on Friday. How long did she
practice in three days?
A. 10.07 hours
B. 11.07 hours
C. 12.07 hours
D. 13.07 hours
6. Tina bought P214.50 worth of vegetables and P184.40 worth of fish. How much
did she pay?
A. P254.84
B. P398.90
C. P893.90
D. P989.09
7. Nelia bought five apples weighing 0.74 kg, 0.19 kg, 0.95 kg, 0.44 kg, and 0.68. If
one kilogram of apples is P68.50, how much change did she receive from her 500peso bill?
A. P294.00
B. P294.25
C. P294.50
D. P294.75
8. What is 5.05 more than 7.48 plus 3.41 more than 7.3?
A. 42.32
B. 34.23
C. 22.42
D. 23.24
9. Tim bought 3 notebooks costing P45.74, P34.25, and P27.98. How much money
must he give the cashier?
A. P107.37
B. P107.97
C. P108.79
D. P108.96
10. Betty is answering a number sequence problem where she need to fill in the
missing term. She found out that the pattern adds 1.54 for every term. Find N
in : 0.23, 1.77, 3.31, N, 6.39
A. 4.85
B. 6.39
C. 7.31
D. 9.93
Gromio, E., et.al Realistic Math Scaling Greater Heighs, 161
Cruz, et.al, Math and Beyond
Department of Education Teachers’ Guide in Mathematics 4 and 5
Answer Key
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. B
Problem 2:
P8 854.23
Problem 1:
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. D