SUFAC Meeting Minutes October 30, 2008 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Call to Order- Tania called the meeting to order at 5:19 pm. Roll call- Lindsay Acterberg, Lynsy Beckett, John Lee, Andy Locke, Brianna Markowski, Sheila Schroeder, Chris McDermott, Joe Tyrrell, OFO- Sarah Pratt, Ricky Staley, Kervin Blanke, Jason Askew, Yue Yang, Tessa Pieper, Ryan Conohan, Matt Kehl, Tania Galligan, Ron Ronnenberg Guests- Danielle Verbanac- SHRM; Jay Morth- Ballroom Dance, Maggie Gertz- Ancient and Medieval History Club; Abbie O’Toole- Ancient and Medieval History Club; Lisa Tetzloff- Student Life; Jeremy Schultness- German Club; Corinne Lundquist- German Club Approval of Agenda- Matt motioned to move the ballroom dance request to item “B” under discussion items. Yue seconded. Brianna called the question. Chris acclimated. Tania entertained the motion to approve the agenda with the change. Joe motioned. Lynsy seconded. Ricky called the question. Approval of the minutes- Tania entertained the motion to approve the minutes. Matt motioned. Yue seconded. Joe called the question. Ricky objected to calling the question. The executive board met on Monday, not the environmental chair. Andy made a friendly. Lynsy called the question with the changes. Chris acclimated. Reports A. OFO- $30,917.63 and $1,500.00 small org start up fee. B. Senate- No report C. Honorarium task force- We met last Friday to discuss really what an honorarium is. Meeting again next week. D. Senate ad-hoc committee- is in the process of deciding if and what the constitution should be changed to. E. SGA Exec- A revised smoking policy was discussed and will soon be brought up for voting. Exec. Meeting next week; we will discuss the policy. F. GTP- No report G. Vice Chair- org budgets are due Friday Oct. 31 by 4:30. H. Chair- Matt and I met with the Kress Center and they have a lot of good things to present. They have many diagrams to present exactly what we had requested from them. Senator Ryan Birdsall has left the board. Discussion A. Office of Student Life Auxiliary Budget- Some of this information is the information that was specifically requested by the board. Only non-allocable funds are completely funded by segregated fees. S&E budget includes transportation, food, expenses that support the UW system and UWGB; we have no control for these, we just pay them. Some of these things include: computer, music licenses’, liability insurance, workers comp. insurance, and etc. We don’t really gain a whole lot of revenue other than what SUFAC provides. Once in a while, there is a charge on tickets for events so that students will take advantage of the tickets that they get and not give up seats while others wanted them. Most likely this will be the case in 09-10. If there is a major act such as Mythbusters it may change a bit. There was an increase for adding a full time position. Student life collaborates with numerous other orgs to further amounts and the budget. We had exceeded our reserve because we are never sure of how many students will buy tickets or how many will not take advantage of the programs. We will use our reserve to pay for major acts, increase the minimum wage, and a new staff position. This in turn will make our reserve continue to drop steadily in the next few years. It is very rationale that we add a full time program director because there is an increase in demands for nights and weekends. The director will be off Sunday and Monday, and will work nights through our extended office hours. At the current moment we share the responsibilities but the total number of programs continues to grow, participation grows, and weekend programs continue to grow. Grant Winslow is beginning to process these more and is always looking into new events. We have built up Frost Fest, Family Weekend, Cheap Seats, Grooving Grounds, and etc. The Office of Student Life and AIC have merged into the same suite and we would like to have a full time professional staff from Student Life in there at all times. The increase would bring each student segregated fee up $4.00 more per semester. Joe asked why they wouldn’t be able to take their reserve down faster. Lisa stated that they actually would be able to do that. Ricky asked if the addition of the new staff member would better the programs we have now. Lisa stated that they would actually be making later night activities better and a lot more often. Matt stated that we are expecting that you will ask for an increase in S&E for these programs. Lisa claimed that they had actually built in and was coming out of the reserves and revenue. Joe asked if we were to theoretically drop that can be in the reserve is 15%. Matt asked if with the new area there were any new costs or anything less. A new computer and a phone but that’s minimal. Matt asked why they wouldn’t be able to have a student do this job or even a part time person. Lisa stated that they could have a part time position but there is enough work to be done for a full time. Student workers are not the same; a Master’s is preferred they bring a lot of graduate experience and the work experience necessary for the level of service. Four students, for instance, would not be able to provide the amount of service with expertise needed. Matt asked with the state budget being where it’s at and the fact that we are in between chancellors, do you feel it will affect this position. Lisa stated she is not sure about the growth agenda; the position could be used and definitely the extra help is needed. B. Ballroom Dance request- Travel request for the upcoming competition. 60 dances at $10 per dance per dancer (10-15 competitors). Spectators are $60.00, $25 to watch the competition and a dinner for $35. Transportation was calculated by OFO at 372.82 miles and three personal vehicles are being taken down. The club has already contributed 1/3 of the cost. Tessa asked who the spectators were. The spectators are members of the club who are not at the competing level yet. Matt asked if they would like to make the request an immediate action item this evening to discuss it and get back to you tonight. The question was brought up to whether or not the meal was included with the registration fee. Tania entertained the motion to make the request immediate action item “C”. Lindsay motioned. Lynsy seconded. Chris called the question. Lindsay acclimated. C. German Club request- They are requesting funds for the annual trip to Chicago. When we budgeted this last year we did not know of the additional interest because it is in Chicago. Increased participation this year and they are adding the costs of a bus and hotel. The hotel is located by the airport so it is priced at $112.00 per night; approx. $30 per student. The trip was budgeted for 28 students and the bus works very well for keeping everyone together. $840.00 in the agency came from the cost of 28 students at $30 per person. If additional students sign up we will use the money to offset the cost of the L pass for the day. D. Ancient and Medieval History Club request- the club was newly formed as of last March so a budget was not formed last year. We have been fundraising and we did sell t-shirts and are planning on selling flowers in the spring. OFO made a correction to the mileage; the 273.24 for the mileage plus 15 should actually be plus 30 because its 15 per day per van. The total is $303.24. Andy asked if there were any ideas if there will be anymore attending. Are they all students or non students as well? There is one non student who will be riding along. OFO points of reference- non students are not allowed to ride along. E. SHRM request- in order for the org to have a student chapter the union requires that students become members and pay reimbursement. Andy asked what the resources are for the members. Newsletters and magazines along with other things. Joe asked what they are doing with the agency. Speakers will come in and discuss with us different topics. 15-20 students are members plus 10 executives. This is a onetime cost for the year. VIII. Action Items A. Health and Services auxiliary budget- Tania entertained the motion and make recommendations. Matt made a motion to approve with no recommendations. Ricky seconds. Matt stated that the board needs to deal with all the auxiliaries and we need to comment on what is bad and what is good. We need to write more to the chancellor so he knows that we understand and were informed. Chris agrees with Joes statement about possibly looking into having the Psychiatrist and or Psychologist on campus more since there is an increased demand with this. Matt asked if we feel comfortable having segregated fees pay for Physicians. Andy stated correct me if I’m wrong, but the only thing that they had really increased was the pay for the Psychologist. Lynsy called the question. Matt objected. The budget increased is $33,000 or more from last year. Joe contradicted himself from before but he asked if there would be a possibility of having some sort of charge at all. Possibly a minimal fee may be beneficial if they are adding hours for the Psychologist and or Psychiatrist. Chris doesn’t see the purpose of charging people for use of a doctor. After a voice vote, half of the members were in favor of having a small fee or none at all. Chris stated that he would be in favor of charging if they weren’t reaching minimal visits, but the interest is there and students do need to get help with or without insurance. Two recommendations were made by the board: research the possibility for more hours for both the Psychologist and the Psychiatrist and research a fee for both of those services. The letter to the Chancellor should include that the board was split. Lynsy recalled the question. Matt objected. He wanted to add that segregated fees may increase $4.00 per student. Matt called the question. Joe objected to calling the question and motioned to make a friendly to change the motion to reflect the recommendations. Matt accepted. Chris seconded. Joe called the question. B. ASA request- Tania entertained the motion to approve. Joe motioned. Andy seconded. Andy discussed that they have done something similar to this before and it is not very expensive. Andy called the question. Motion passed 10-0-2. C. Ballroom Dance request- Tania entertained the motion to approve. Chris seconded. Chris stated that everything has gone through OFO; they have their hotels and their transportation. Lynsy would like to make a friendly to approve the amount of $1,902.73. Matt accepted. Joe asked if we usually pay for people that don’t participate but just attend. Tanis clarified that they had broken these up and showed the numbers like the board had asked. Brianna stated that she would like to look at this request without paying for the spectators. If you break this down it is roughly $122.00 per person and is open to only Ballroom dance club. After getting the opinion of the board, many felt that it was ok to spend this money on the competitors but not the spectators. Lynsy would like to make a motion to whomever made the motion. Joe friendlied the friendly made by Lynsy to friendly the new amount of $1523.84 (minus the spectators). Matt called the question. IX. Announcements- Kress budget in room 103 next week. They are a brand new building and they had a run through this year. Analyze the budget. Remember to vote on Tuesday. X. Adjournment- Tania entertained the motion to adjourn. Joe motioned. Chris seconded. Brianna called the question. Chris acclimated. Meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm. Respectfully Submitted by, Amanda Hart – SUFAC Administrative Assistant