SUFAC Meeting Minutes for 23 Oct. 2008 I.

Meeting Minutes for 23 Oct. 2008
Call to Order
SUFAC Chair Tania Galligan called the meeting to order at 5:18pm.
Roll Call
a. Members Present: Lynsy Beckett, Andy Locke, Lindsay Acterberg, John Lee, Chris
McDermott, Joe Tyrrell, Jessica Olive, Jason Askew, Yue Yang, OFO – Nicole Mass,
Ricky Staley, Ron Ronnenberg
Recognition of Guests – Virgis Kajokas- ASA; Bari Gordon- Ballroom Dance Club;
Jerrod Rieckmann- Ballroom Dance Club; Robyn Wayne- Ballroom Dance Club; Jay MorthBallroom Dance Club; Tessa Pieper- At Large member; Ryan Conohan- At Large member;
Karen Swan- Health Services; Sarah Pratt- ASA; Emma Peterson- Ballroom Dance Club; Dan
Whelan- Fourth Estate
Approval of Agenda- Tania entertained the motion to approve and strike Item “C”.
Chris seconded. Joe called the question. Andy acclimated.
Approval of Minutes- Matt motioned to approve the minutes. Andy seconded. Yue
called the question. Matt acclimated.
a. OFO: Contingency is $34,570.63 and small org is $1500.00
b. Senate: No Report
c. SGA Exec: Environmental Chair met Monday. Smoking Policy was discussed again;
should decide something soon.
d. Good Time Programming: Grave Dancer’s Ball Wed. Oct. 29 8:30-11pm.
e. Vice Secretary: Updated the auxiliary budget question list a little; if there are any
more questions for the list let us know.
Secretary: Court case was past Tuesday. We argued SUFAC’s response and the court
will get back to us at a reasonable length of time. Org budgets are due Friday Oct. 31 by
VII. Discussion Items
a. At large member applicants: Ryan Conohan is a freshman this year. He stated he wanted
to join SUFAC to enhance his education. Tessa Pieper, a senior, stated that this was her last
year and she wanted to get involved. Tessa stated that with her major, she would be able to
bring things learned from classes, etc. to discussions. Joe motioned to package. Chris
seconded. Matt called the question. Matt acclimated. Tania entertained motion to approve
package. Joe motioned. Lynsy seconded. Chris called the question. Roll call vote carried: 9-00.
b. Health Auxiliary Budget: There was a change on the budget noted: Alcohol education
budget had always been separate and has now been incorporated. S&E funds will be used.
Greg Smith and Karen Swan have been head of counseling and health services and now Karen
is charge of both. (Moved to the 102 budget). They had moved a counselor from the 102
budget to the health budget. Revenue and the projection from the 9-10 budget is 89%
segregated fees funded. Interest from the reserve is very low so it will not produce many
dollars. Part time persons for clinical staff during breaks and summer we decrease time on
campus. One of the director positions is no longer reflected on the budget. 2007 and 2008
actual- we were not able to generate as much sales and revenues. Now, birth control has to be
purchased for $15.00 and HPV vaccine $120.00 and are not able to generate profit revenue.
Affected the operating margins and had a 22% deficit and had dropped the reserve down to
10%. S&E changes because of the expenditures were actually down which in turn gave us an
operating advantage. Joe asked why they wouldn’t want students to pay for birth control. That
would make it more of a hassle for students. They want to make it available for students to get
and if they made them purchase it, they would not be able to afford it. Health and counseling
services use NEWCAP for birth control and they actually pay them to have the products and
services available for free. By keeping rates so students can afford them rather than setting up
a third billing party service- they wouldn’t actually need to be an organization then. Are there
any planned charges for Psychology or Psychiatry? Last year, there actually was a user fee
present. Were both directors funded by segregated fees in the past? Greg was on the 102
budget and Karen stated that she was on the 128 budget. Matt asked if there were any reasons
for a reserve especially being concerned with campus wide health issues and at what point
does the state get involved? The reserve is a base fund for medications that may be needed
and the manpower that would be needed as well. Health and counseling services would in that
situation work with Brown County through the entire process, however, they would not
include vaccines, medications, manpower, etc. that would need to be paid by the school. Matt
asked where the money from the 102 budget was coming from. The 102 budget is coming
from tax supported money from the state. Chris asked if the increase in staff was resulting
from an increase in demand. The Psychologist position is the new position and the clerical
position that needs to be taken care of billing wise. Matt asked how they maintained a medical
contract. Counseling and health services are very fortunate to have physicians contracted.
They truly don’t make much money with us and if physicians would drop this contract they
would have to go out into the community and hire a physician to come in. Joe asked what the
cost of the Psychologist was and how many hours would they be receiving. There are 624
clerical hours available for them. The rate would still have to be negotiated, but possible that
it would be similar to our Psychiatrist working 1 day per month. Right now, physicians are
being paid $75.00 per hour plus the number of people they see. If during the days they are
available, they see more than $75.00 worth of people, they are reimbursed that amount. The
Psychiatrist is being paid $125.00 per hour and students are taking advantage of this service
that we offer; she is booked through December. In order to see the Psychiatrist, students first
are to see a nurse and she will refer them to the Psychiatrist if needed, also, it is important to
check into if the student is on prescription drugs; ruling our allergies, birth control, and other
prescriptions not for mental health.
c. Fourth Estate Request- Tania entertained the motion to switch with item “D”. Joe
motioned. Andy seconded. Chris called the question. Lynsy acclimated.
d. ASA Request- Sarah Pratt and Virgis Kajokas presented to the board a request to attend
a presentation by the Buck’s director of finance. They had previously requested the funds for
last year and were approved but were unable to attend because of a snow storm. Joe asked if
the request was open to all students. The event is open to anyone who is interested; only ten
places available on a first come first serve basis. Lynsy stated that they did go to a Packer
game earlier this year and was curious as to whether or not the event was similar or different
in any ways. Sarah stated that they did attend the Packer game, but that was to gain
experience networking with professionals in the community whereas this is primarily a
discussion on finances. The 1/3 amount will be paid from the agency for the trip. There are
people who had attended last year who are interested in going on the trip again.
e. Fourth Estate request- Dan Whelan requested the amount of $150.00 for the increase in
a camera lens. Last year they had been allocated the amount necessary for a new 35 mm
camera lens but then had to purchase a new camera and the lens is a bit more expensive. Dan
requested that this be an immediate action item so they can take advantage of the savings that
OFO had found on the lens. Joe motioned to make this an immediate action item “D”. Andy
seconded. Lynsy called the question. Matt acclimated.
f. Ballroom Dance request- Bari Gordon presented to the board a request of $9375.00 to
attend several Ballroom Dance competitions. The Twin Cities Open has been removed from
the list, but was never added to the total. The Ballroom Dance Club is asking for help because
it can be a very expensive sport. The members take lessons at $35.00 per lesson 3 hours a
week at a local dance agency, plus attire is expensive, and shoes are very costly. The Regional
Objection. Matt objected stating that a letter will be sent to the chancellor for final submissions.
Matt withdrew the objection. Joe called the question. Motion passed 9-0-0.
b. WGBX request- Joe motioned to approve. Matt seconded. Ricky stated that we will need a 2/3
majority to approve the contingency request because it is against the by-laws article 5 section G
describing debt incurred by an organization must be paid back to SUFAC by fundraising or
members. Tania stated that last year they were approved for promotional items and a banner. The
money given to them for promotional items was spent on something else. They didn’t have time to
reallocate the funds. Ricky raised the issue as a precedent of how all other cases similar to this will
be handled throughout the year. Joe stated that if we overrule everything what is the purpose of the
guidelines. Matt called the question. Andy objected stating that debts incurred last year will not be
paid. Joe retracted the motion and would like to motion to overrule the by-laws article 5 section G
debts incurred by student orgs. Matt seconded. Joe called the question. Roll call vote failed 1-8-0.
c. Habitat for Humanity request- Joe motioned to approve the Habitat for Humanity request.
Lynsy seconded. Ricky called the question. Matt objected stating that we will give them $3600.00
and expects nothing back. Lynsy friendlied Joe to add the stipulation that you must pay SUFAC
back. Joe accepted. Joe called the question. Roll call vote passed.
d. Fourth Estate request- Joe motioned to approve. Matt seconded. Lynsy friendlied that it be
taken from their reserve. Joe accepted. Lynsy called the question. Roll call vote passed 11-0-0.
Announcements- stop by the office if there are any questions. The Student Life budget
will be in the mailboxes.
XI. Adjournment- Joe motioned to adjourn. Chris seconded. Matt called the question. Lynsy
acclaimed. Meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Amanda Hart
SUFAC Administrative Assistant