Study Behaviors for Success

Biology 105 – Human Biology
Study Behaviors
Session 2016:
Class Location:
Days / Time:
66263 4 Units
2210 / 2030.
T Th 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM LEC
T 9:30 AM – 12:20 PM LAB
66264 4 Units
2210 / 2030.
T Th 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM LEC
Th 9:30 AM – 12:20 PM LAB
*[taken in part from: Survival Guide for Anatomy and Physiology by Kevin T. Patton. Mosby Elsevier. 2006]
[ A book of knowledge is like a mirror; if an imbecile looks in, no genius will look out! ]
You have got to want to know. If you know you do not understand but you want to know and understand,
then you will pursue it. If in your heart, mind and soul, you do not really care to understand, studying will
be inefficient and probably unsuccessful.
It’s all about you.
So learn about you first. Know your intellectual strengths;
is one helpful web site of many that allow you to understand your different intelligences….yes, you
have more than one.
Know your personality type; ...yes,
determining your personality traits helps when selecting study / learning / study partner choices.
Know your strengths and weaknesses when challenged by a demanding field of new knowledge, i.e.,
learning Anatomy. what works for you and what
makes it difficult for you. Apply your strengths to the challenge and practice managing around or
strengthening your weaknesses.
Subject Matter Expertise
Outliers is a recent self help book among thousands. The premise is that for those individuals that are
exceptional in their individual subject matter expertise, they each have invested a disciplined 10,000
hours of practice, immersion and study.
Regular attendance does not earn a student a passing grade in this course. It is generally not
possible to earn a C or better in this course without studying outside of class. A general rule-of-thumb
for college science courses is 1 ½ - 4 hours of study outside of class for each hour of lecture.
Be prepared to spend a considerable extent of time outside of class studying for this course, due to
the immense amount of material that is covered in this course.
To perform well, it is recommended that you begin studying the material at the beginning of each
section. Do not wait until the weekend before the exam to begin studying. Study new and review
previous material on a daily basis. This will give you a chance to clear up any confusion you may
have by asking questions early on.
Read the chapters before the scheduled lecture on that material; you may not understand all the
material in the chapter, but it will certainly make following the lecture much easier. Be thoroughly
familiar with (read and study) each lab exercise before coming to lab!
Mastering the Anatomy and the Physiology of the Human means memorizing! Anatomy and
Physiology are the fundamental framework components for understanding organization, relationship,
integration and determining health and homeostasis from trauma, disease and disorder and aberrant
Mastering the Art and Science of medicine is another entire set of understandings, and is based on
the fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology.
Listening, reading, reviewing, writing, drawing, quizzing and studying with a partner, are techniques to
achieve understanding and memorization. Each of these activities takes time. Repetition is essential
to memorizing for most of us.
A framework of association, mnemonic, numeric, outline, and or schematic of each section / topic /
[i.e., organ system] of information clearly visible or audible within your mind is essential to
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Study Behaviors
Session 2016:
Class Location:
Days / Time:
66263 4 Units
2210 / 2030.
T Th 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM LEC
T 9:30 AM – 12:20 PM LAB
66264 4 Units
2210 / 2030.
T Th 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM LEC
Th 9:30 AM – 12:20 PM LAB
[ The problem with things that take time is…………..… they take time! ]
Manage your time – this means you should use a planning calendar and set aside time to study – make
an appointment for yourself to study and keep it, as you would for a Dr’s appointment, or an interview, or
a date.
Plan enough study time: 1½ - 2 hours outside of class for every hour in class should be sufficient if
you study effectively
Shorter, more frequent study sessions are best (20-50 minutes). More than 90 minutes per session
may be less effective.
Stay current with the course – pace your learning and mange your study calendar along with the
course syllabus.
Reading ahead of the actual scheduled lecture topic is one of the most effective means for absorbing
the lecture presentation.
A Study Partner(s) – is a helper, coach, cheerleader, reminder; be a good one for someone
Identify a study partner – exchange eMail addresses and / or phone numbers
Compare and share notes, drawings, understandings, project assignments
Quiz one another
Prioritize the subject material
Memorize the Latin / Greek Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes
Continuously review and memorize the Glossary
Ask these questions of your understanding:
What material is most important?
What material did the instructor stress?
What is least familiar or most difficult for me?
What is new, and what is review?
Know your learning style:
Visual? Auditory? Tactile? Solo or partner?
Practice and develop study methods based on your learning style
What aids can you use; mnemonic, outline, numeric, alphabetic?
What classification guides can you create or use; tables, diagrams schematic?
Does it help to have a partner? Does it help to hear your own voice?
Study Setting(s)
Arrange a suitable study area – is it working for you? There is always the Library.
Be certain to have good lighting
Choose a location / space that provides easy access to study materials – room to work, use of
multiple references
Manage to select a location that has reduced noise and no distractions
Focus, concentrate your attention and stay on task until you reach your objective for that study period
Page 2 of 4
Biology 105 – Human Biology
Study Behaviors
Session 2016:
Class Location:
Days / Time:
66263 4 Units
2210 / 2030.
T Th 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM LEC
T 9:30 AM – 12:20 PM LAB
66264 4 Units
2210 / 2030.
T Th 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM LEC
Th 9:30 AM – 12:20 PM LAB
Reading and Writing strategy - practiced / disciplined / methodical / focused
[ Studying is a contact sport! ]
Scan the assigned chapter, look at headings, terms and figures before lecture
Reread the chapter in detail after lecture, using lecture notes as a guide
Take good notes – rewrite your notes, augment your notes from the text and lab manual
Review your notes with the textbook chapter (within 1 day) and fill in gaps
Write your notes and drawings in detail and in a format, legibility, and pattern that works best for you
Organize your notes (dividers, outlines, headings, color coding / highlights etc)
Leave some space in margins to add and augment information
Write lists of terms in an order that makes sense in order for you to achieve memorization; outline,
relational, color coded, alphabetical, etc
Draw and label diagrams – pay attention to detail, legibility and patterns / formats that help you
understand, visualize and memorize accurately and easily
Utilization of more than a single source for the same information is helpful.
Consult the required text, but look at other texts and resources too.
Make effective use of the web resources for vocabulary, practice quizzes and exams, animations etc.
Exam preparation
Always and often test yourself – this activity measures your level of memorization
Can you visualize and recite your re-written notes?
Can you successfully pass the chapter quizzes?
Can you successfully pass your own quizzes, your partner’s quizzes?
After completing your own or official quizzes and exams, follow up with personal study, identify areas
that need improvement and re-learn, memorize, this subject material in question; re-test yourself until
Utilize all resources available to you:
Open lab periods
Instructor office hours – special cases
Partners, Study Groups
Web resources
Exams - Some strategies that improve effectiveness in exam settings follows:
Be comfortable, rested, physically relaxed and alert.
Caffeine is a memory improving and alert enhancing drug. Use it efficaciously in study a d especially
in preparation for an exam. Coffee caffeine and tea caffeine receptors in your body are different.
Be solely focused on the task
Arrive on time (planning calendar) or a bit early with all necessary materials
During the lecture exam, review the entire set of questions – know the number of questions, time
allotted, time of start and set a pacing itinerary for your self
During lecture exams, identify questions that may require more time, and continue with those in which
you have the greatest confidence to answer correctly. Allow time to come back to those that require
Read each question carefully
Re-read it if necessary
Identify a probable right answer
Rule out obvious wrong answers
Page 3 of 4
Biology 105 – Human Biology
Study Behaviors
Session 2016:
Class Location:
Days / Time:
66263 4 Units
2210 / 2030.
T Th 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM LEC
T 9:30 AM – 12:20 PM LAB
66264 4 Units
2210 / 2030.
T Th 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM LEC
Th 9:30 AM – 12:20 PM LAB
For all exams and quizzes, use all class time that is effective and available. Double and triple check
your answers.
Upon completing each of your exams, review and edit your answers if necessary.
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