ATI WEB WORKING GROUP Web SubCommittee Membership: Nov. 9, 2015 2 p to 2:30 p.m. KHC 172 Alex Harwood, Flavio Argueta, Ismael Gutierrez, Monika Chavez, Jane Liang, Joshua Chin, Adelaide Doyle-Nichols, Jocelyn Stewart, Karen Melick, Mariel Mulet, Holly Yu, Arash Jamehbozorg (ECST), Beryl Bellman (A&L), Mitchell Fryling (CCOE), Simona Montanari (HHS), Anoush Mikayelyan, Jongwook Woo (CBE), Gonzalo Centeno (OSD), Timothy Achinger (ASI) II. Agenda Topics 1. 2. 3. Annual Report – a. The past year’s report was approved by the Steering Committee and submitted to the Chancellor’s Office. Priorities for this year – ATI Plan a. CSU Checkpoints i. This has been completed ii. New reports are not significantly more or less successful then with previous checkpoints 1. Something had been failing that were corrected at the CMS level b. Frequency of scanning/reporting i. This has been modified to once a quarter and will be once a semester when the new academic year starts ii. An email communication will be created directing people to review their reports, reminding them of training, info on compliance deputy, and the exception process c. Auxiliaries and externally hosted sites i. This is a list that we came up with of sites to scan: 1. Alumni Affairs: 2. Athletics: 3. Pat Brown Inst: 4. Univ Times: 5. Photo Library:!/index 6. USU: 7. ASI: ii. The inventory list will be added to the website and an email to site owners will be created to notify them of the inventory and scanning will be scheduled. d. Vendors i. Email notification to responsible owners and vendors will be created to inform them of the ATI and of requirements of compliance e. Training i. Updates are in progress and a link to the media closed captioning info was added Open discussion a. Next meeting is being scheduled for the fourth week of Jan. A doodle poll will be sent to the working group to pick best day and time.