Seminar on School Self-Evaluation Sponsored by REO (NTE) of EMB 2nd June, 2004 2:00-5:00p.m. Carmel Holy Word Secondary School School Self-Evaluation : Experience of Sha Tin Methodist College 3:45-4:30 Speaker : Mr. Lau Hor Keung The Principal Sha Tin Methodist College In this session, I will attempt to recall how I as a principal have approached the first round of SSE. I will try to share some of my thoughts and considerations as I went through the whole exercise with my colleagues. These are some of the important questions that I have raised: • • • • SSE, what is it all about? How will it affect our school? What strategies should we use? SSE this year, then? Sha Tin Methodist College’s experience not typical, because (1) First batch of school carried out ESR : hence SSE largely ESR –oriented. (2) Time constraint : < 6 months (July to Feb.) (3) SSE not adapted to usual school cycle I. What is it all about? 1 SSE coupled with ESR Paradigm : a uniform central framework, positivist / analytical inclined Context : public accountability government’s non-interventary intervention I. What is it all about? 2 SSE : - a top-down universal framework - statistical data and qualitative attributes - tightly coupled with ESR SSE-ESR : - evaluation strategies – EMB decides - evaluators – stakeholders, but ultimately EMB - improvement strategies – strongly governed by this and the coming rounds of ESR I. What is it all about? • • What the general public likes to know What the government likes to monitor / moderate / normalize / ………. What the school likes to tell / achieve • 3 I. What is it all about? 4 School situation highly idiosyncratic Contextual : beliefs and values, vision and mission, history, traditions and culture, SWOT, priorities Paradigm : interpretive, school telling own story II. How will it affect our school? Why SSE? Top-down centralized policy Could our school benefit from it? …… 1 II. How will it affect our school? In what way may the school benefit? Diagnosis for improvement Consolidate and enhance stakeholders’ participation and collaboration. Public more well-informed about our school. … 2 II. How will it affect our school? What are the costs? Workload Reshuffling priorities of the year …… 3 II. How will it affect our school? What are the risks? Staff team overloaded The course / results → undesired impacts unfavorable remarks from ESR → harms to morale and school image ..… 4 III. What strategies should we use? 2 levels of self-evaluation II gathering information required, evaluating and reflecting, and deciding improvement strategies I deciding evaluation strategies (what, who, when, how, why etc.) SSE : designed top-down in a universal framework What room can school have? Can school approach it with an interpretive paradigm? 1 III. What strategies should we use? An interpretive paradigm Special attention given to context of school: beliefs and values, vision and mission, history, traditions and culture, SWOT accounting practices and outcomes improvement goals, strategies and priorities ..… 2 III. What strategies should we use 3 Focuses : • Verifying against school vision, mission, beliefs, values, uniqueness and competitive edges ; reviewing actualization, practice, culture and outcomes • SWOT analysis • Thorough ‘body-check’, and follow up goals, strategies and priorities • Enhance team collaboration and spirit • Enhance collaboration among stakeholders III. What strategies should we use? 4 The assessment flow Values and Beliefs, Visorn and Mission School Development Plan and Annual School Plan S-B Assessment on 4 Domains Key Performance Measures Stakeholder Survey School Self Evaluation External School Review III. What strategies should we use? 5 Contributions of Information Values and Beliefs, Vision and Mission SDP, ASP and evaluations S-B Assessment Management and Organization Teaching and learning Student Performance Student Support & School Ethos KPM Stakeholders Survey Evidences Qualitative information/indicators: document, artifacts etc. III. What strategies should we use? Organization • Central coordination and supporting team (training, IT etc. • 4 SSE sub-groups (4 SSE domains) • Roles of stakeholders 6 III. What strategies should we use? 7 Schedule : chronological order Stakeholder survey APASO data KPM data SSE training SDP & ASP evaluations Self Assessment Report (draft) 4 evaluation meetings (one for each domain, all teachers attended) Final Self Assessment Report Abstract version of S.A. Report for ESR • SSE is very resource demanding O differential inputs in ESR and non-ESR years? III. What strategies should we use? 8 Collaboration : • Stakeholders well-informed - communicate to them about purposes, values, expectations and roles - provide with background information and welcome enquiries and clarifications • Teachers invited to give constructive opinions and comments as well as to provide indicating evidences in the school selfassessment exercise. • Treasure relationship and participation • Feedbacks and reports to stakeholders • ……. III. What strategies should we use? Some illustrations referring to extracts from Self-Assessment Report 9 管理與組織 1.1 管理與架構 1.1.1 學校的組織架構 本校有相當完善的管理組織架構〈1101學校管理組織架構圖〉。此架構涵蓋 校董會及其下各專責小組、校長及行政組之領導層,與及各科組,並列出各 單位之間的關係。架構也包括教師、家長和學生參與領導管理或諮詢的各個 途徑。各組各科按其需要製訂有關之職權、責任及工作機制和程序。本校有 賦權之優良傳統,相信前線決策是最能回應需要及激勵同工主動性的做法; 而事實上,經過多年的實踐,各單位已調適到最能切合需要的做法,並清楚 制定各自的工作指引文件。〈1102各科各組職權責任有關文件〉在縱向職系 方面,校長會同行政組領導全校各單位。兩位副校長有清晰的分工〈1103副 校 長角色與職責〉,分別統領各個組別。〈1104學校管理組職架構圖〉在橫 向聯 系方面,則透過各種聯席會議,協調跨科組之運作。〈1105科主任會議 會議記 錄〉、〈1106各個群集會議會議記錄〉、〈1107中層管理人員會議會 議 記錄〉。 學校各成員間有良好的隊工,互相信賴,一同協作。學校行政組 內有 兩位民選教師代表,而校內各層次的決策也相當民主化,普遍都會先進 行適當 形式的諮詢,而在決策和執行的過程上也維持十分高的透明度。 1.1.2 校董會的代表性和職能 〈1206沙循生活〉、〈1207家長通訊, hard copy〉、〈1208家長通告〉、〈1209 PTA家長講座〉、 〈1210學校網頁〉、〈1211中一迎新活動程序及資料〉等。 1.2.3 教職員的參與 教師在日常校務決策中,也有充足的渠道給予意見,參與政策的製訂。有關渠道包 括校董教師諮詢會會議、行政組的兩位民選教師代表,與及各科組層次決策的諮詢。 在製訂政策的過程中,廣泛和深入收集意見已成為學校整體的傳統文化,校方也充 分考慮教職員的意見,經過討論和綜合,共同製訂學校的政策。〈1212行政組教師 代表角色與職責〉、〈1213各個群集會議記錄〉 小結︰ 學校有清晰明確的辦學理念、信念、使命和宗旨,也有具體可行、回應需要的學校 目標,發展計劃和周年計劃。在制度上,也有充足而有效的渠道,讓各成員共同參 與,尋求共識, 訂定發展方向和計劃。在日常事務上,普遍也能透過坦誠溝通,一 同合作。近年學校也致力透過不同的渠道,讓學生和家長了解校方的目標,政策和 措施。在強調學生積極主動, 與及家庭學校合作的教育信念下,方向非常正確。 本校一向稍為欠缺的一環,是一個有系統而完備,使用方便的資料系統,有效跟社區 溝通。 近年在這方面已經大為進改進,漸上軌道。惟在日後的系統管理上,則須作 發展。 1.3 行政事務 1.3.1 安全措施和危機處理 課程架構 學校的課程架構靈活開放(17) (18) (19) (20)。 每年AP或/和ADC均會對中四及中六課程組合進行檢討、 重 訂。 學校能適當組合各學習領域科目,例如協週各科的專題研習安 排(21),提供多元化學科選擇及適切學生升學需要;著重共通能 力、態度和正確價值觀的培養,近年加强初中的思維訓練,以 提升學生的心智能力,銜接和適應高中的智能要求 ,讓學生有 全面而均衡的發展。 學校設有獨立德育及公民教育科,而非採取跨學科的滲融模式 (22),有系統地培育學生的德育及公民教育意識和實踐。 但這並不代表學生在品德培育上被忽略(23) 正規德育及公民教育課堂及活動,與及各單位的努力,均見成 果。 (詳參校風及給予學生支援範疇資料) (17) Subj-period0304正式版 課程設計、班級結構及學生成績2000 (18) 沙循初中課程簡介 tws (19) 中四課程結構(2002-2003)-文理兼具tws (20) 家長信0238中六課程結構及中六收生 (21) 協調計劃習作 tws (17) 教師問卷:「學校把不同學習領域的 相關學習元素,例如德育及公民教育 課題聯繫起來,協助學生學習。」 49%同意,8%不同意。 (23) 學生問卷:「學校重視培養我們的品 德。」70%同意,4%不同意) (24) 參學生問卷:「學校提供足夠的科目 類別讓我選擇。」47%同意,23%不 同意。學校提供足夠的科目類別讓我 選擇。」 47%同意,23%不同意。 「學校開設的科目配合我的能力和興 趣。」43%同意,13%不同意。 (25) 0203中三升0304中四之獲派位志願情 況 (26) 家長信0238中六課程結構及中六收生 (22) 學習差異的照顧 * 教師普遍能按學生的學習能力和興趣要, 設計教學內容;亦能因應學生的能力調 節教學步伐(8),並給予回饋。 * 對能力稍弱的學生多以課後個別指導或 小組溫習形式進行,促使學生改善(10); 而對能力較強之學生會多加讚賞及嘗試 安排富挑戰性的習作,誘發學生的學習 潛能及推動學生自學(11)。 * 而教師也採用多種學習模式,如專題研 習、個人習作、口頭報告、書面報告、 網上資料搜集、同儕互評、自我評估等, 讓不同類型的學生,對所學的內容有更 深入的思考(12)。 See Teachers’ questionnaires Q13; 14 - 我經常因應學生的能力和興趣設計教 學內容 (89.7%*; 5%#) - 我經常因應學生的學習進度調節教學 時間和節奏。(88%*; 1.7%#) SSE科主任問卷結果 (12/2003 ADC) B1(照顧學習差異;學生使用的學習模 式;);C1(教學);E1;E2(如何使甪學習評 估資料和跟進) Students’ questionnaires on Q 18: - 老師願意在課堂以外的時間幫助我解 決學習上的問題 (72%*; 3.9%#) 五点教學策略問卷結果 - 持續給予學生評估 (continuous assessment),作為發展性的回饋 (formative feedback) (約100% 頗理想 及十分理想; 0%不理想) - 設計延伸 (extension) 課程部份,鼓勵 (約50% 頗 理想及十分理想; 0%不理想) - 引導鼓勵學生自我監控 (selfmonitoring) 學習進程和表現(約50% 頗 理想及十分理想; 0%不理想) SSE科主任問卷結果 (12/2003 ADC) B2(學生使用的學習模式;) 在個人的層面,03-04年推出了個人成長計劃(My-ile) <12>,輔導組統籌,由班主任推動。「My-ile」是配合 「學生表現概覽」,推動學生自定目標,自我奮進的一個成長計劃。自03-04年起,派成績表前班主任會就「學 生表現概覽」及「My-ile」的記錄與自評,先與學生作個別檢討,然後才見家長,商討具體的支援學生方法。 小結: 「積極主動、擴闊視野、尊重負責、愛人愛神」目標明確,應繼續以「全校參與模式」落實,老師關愛學生,建 立自尊自信。「概覽」、「奮進」、「My-ile」都是新生事物,需要改進與鞏固,應該是未來二三年繼續發展的 核心。希望在「人人閃耀」的大方向下,學生都有目標,自我奮進。 附注 編號 說明 存放位置/超連結 1 校務計劃書 Program Plans及校網 2 各組校務計劃 「Program Plans\ Program 0205」(revised) 3 各組自評報告、校長評鑑等 學校行政組自評報告,年底校長會見各人評鑑記錄,各組自評 報告 4 2002校務計劃大會資料 詳見學校行政組自評報告。主要資料結連請打開<311校務計劃 大會鐸> 5 校務計劃大會的落實 打開<311校務計劃大會鐸> 6 各種培訓及會議 <311品性教職員會議宣佈0825鐸><311老師培訓0208鐸>< 3110203第一次全校培訓鐸><311培訓31223鐸> III. What strategies should we use? 10 How to deal with discrepancies with SSE framework? Some examples from our case : • Moral & Civic Education : independent subject or general infiltration • measurements of physical growth and fitness • student non-academic achievements IV. SSE this year, then? 1 • built-in mechanism for SSE in the SBM process • improved information management and assessment • improved self-assessment coupled with planning cycle • culture of stakeholders’ participation and collaboration : O improved practice of information gathering and feedback • ….. IV SSE this year, then? 2 • SSE is very resource-demanding O differential focuses in different years of SDP cycle / in ESR and non-ESR years? O ESR cycle extended to, say, 6 years so that schools can have room to conduct a more S-B inclined SSE? O ….. How will the SSE-ESR exercise be evaluated? 1 • Can school develop / implement own evaluation system? • It all depends on the scale : - backwash effect of ESR - resources school have / worth to invest How will the SSE-ESR exercise be evaluated? • Will schools be standardised and normalised? • Which paradigm : positivist / interpretive / critical? • Rooms for excellence? Dialogue between SSE and ESR : roles of school, EMB and academics • ….. O 2 Thank you! For more information, please visit our website Tel. :26021300 Fax:26091477