Student Ratings of DRC Assessment Specialist 1. Showed interest and enthusiasm for the assessment process. 2. Was easy to approach and helped me feel comfortable throughout the assessment process. 3. Treated me with respect. 4. Adhered to the schedule of my appointments. 5. Presented testing activities in a clear and well-organized manner. 6. Encouraged discussion and questions when explaining assessment procedures and results. 7. Displayed effective listening skills. 8. Clearly explained the results of the learning or language assessment. 9. Encouraged me to utilize additional resources (i.e. library, career center, DRC academic support courses, alternate media, DRC counselors). 10. Provided a non-biased environment for students from diverse backgrounds. 11. The knowledge and skills I have learned in this assessment process will have value in my future. 12. These assessment sessions have encouraged me to create appropriate goals and to strive to meet my established goals. 13. Overall, the specialist did an excellent job. YOUR COMMENTS WILL BE TYPED BEFORE THEY ARE GIVEN TO THE COUNSELOR. In your opinion, what are this counselor’s professional strengths? What do you believe might have been done to improve your assessment session? Do you have any additional comments?