Course Requirements and Grading GRADES AND EVALUATION: 1- Assignments and Exams 40% These will cover material from the text and class. They will both be a combination of basic memory (fill-in-the-blank) and essay questions. Review lecture will be offered before each test. 2- Term Paper 40% This is a very open assignment. You are asked to identify a theme, locale, or even a specific project related to the planning process , and write a ten-page paper on it. You will also be asked to briefly present the topic in class (worth 10 percent of the final paper grade). You are permitted to work on the project alone or with one other student, however, if you choose a partner you will automatically receive the same grade as them on the project (so choose carefully!). I will ask you to write a short (1-page) proposal of your topic before the final presentation (also worth 10 percent of your paper grade). 3- Attendance & participation 20% You are to attend and participate in the seminar series on research methods that is centerpiece of this course. Some of those seminars will involve in-class exercises and in-class writing assignments that you are perform. The Assessment of the student work will be according the following grades: A: is assigned for excellent work which is creative, comprehensive, and well presented. B: is assigned for good work which demonstrates that student could understand the course material. C: is assigned for acceptable work which fulfils basic standards and demonstrates that most of course marital has been understood. D: is assigned for marginally acceptable work in which minimum standard has been met and some of the course marital has been learned. F: is assigned for unacceptable work which clearly shows that course marital has not been learned.