範例三 走向世界的中國 綜合處理多元化的資訊 主要學習範疇: (4) 地方與環境,(5) 資源與經濟活動 適用課程: 綜合人文科、地理、社會教育、中國歷史 簡介 中國在確立了推行改革開放的路向後,經濟發展急遽,與世界各地的互動日見頻 繁,在加入世貿組織之後,更成為全球化進程中舉足輕重的一員。內地的發展一 向與本港息息相關,而香港在回歸後, 「背靠祖國,面向世界」的定位更為鮮明; 故此,幫助本地學生認識改革開放的背景和過程,以及內地的發展現況,更形重 要。 初中綜合人文科的「種籽」計畫以「中國」作為中二級課題的主要脈絡,其中包 括《走向世界的中國》系列,讓學生研習現代中國的各方面近況和發展。以下兩 份工作紙,節錄自該系列的第二章《中國的城市》 : 《城市化》和《生活在上海》。 設計元素 貼近生活 知識基礎 思考技能 價值情意 多維思考 了解國家的發展現況對學生來說是重要和迫切的。 掌握鄉城遷移和城市化的概念。 處理和表達不同資料,運用批判性思考技能分析城市生活。 對國家進一步了解,學生對國民身份認同產生正面的果效。 透過上海發展的不同面向,反思上海發展的可貴和可憂。 城市化 唉!早兩天一場大雨就把我們過去 三個月的辛勞結果沖掉了,早知如 此,不如提早一個星期收割吧。 早收割的穀物賣不了好價錢。唉!上 天好像專喜歡作弄我們做農民的,總 不讓我們有好日子過。不是打風,就 是水災……。收成好也不夠買食物和 日用品,這裡除了種田就沒有別的工 做,難道我們一輩子要這樣捱苦嗎? 爸,媽,我正要告訴你們,二弟和 我打算過了年去城市碰碰運氣,看 看找不找到工做。不過我們擔心走 了以後,誰來幫你們下田? 哥哥,不要緊,讓我和四妹去 吧!反正我們完成小學就沒機 會升中學了。其實我很喜歡唸 書,老師說我的成績優異,是 讀書的料子。可惜我們村裡沒 有中學……! 說真的,我也不想離開你們,去一個 陌生的地方,但是農村的生活很苦, 耕種日晒雨淋,病了看醫生也要走兩 個多小時才有醫院;聽隔村的阿強說 城市打工工資高,又有假期,放假可 以上戲院……。所以我打算跟大哥一 起去。 到外面闖闖也好,不用給人家取笑 我們鄉巴佬,沒出息。不過,這趟 一走,不知道甚麼時候再可以見到 你們……。 城市壞人多,我怎放心呢!…… 假如你是媽媽,你會讓大哥和二哥到城市找工作嗎?為甚麼? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 以下是大哥和二哥到城市工作後,寄回家的一些生活照,記錄了他們對城市 的印象。 請根據照片顯示資料,分析住在城市的好處和缺點。 好處 缺點 1. 鄉城遷移 – 農村人口移居城市 2. 鄉城遷移的發生是因為農村有很多不利人民生活的推因 素和城市有較多吸引人口遷入的拉因素。 3. 城市化水平 – 城市人口百分比 城市化水平 = 城市人口 X 100% 全國人口 4. 城市化 – 城市人口百分比增加而農村人口比例減少的 過程 5. 城市化人口比例的增加,主要原因是由於鄉城遷移的結 果,其次是城市人口的自然增長(即出生率減去死亡 率)。 資料一 1. 細閱資料一,發達國家與欠發達國家的城市化程度有何分別?為甚麼有這樣 的分別? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 資料二 根據第五次全國人口普查,居住在城鎮的人口 45,594 萬人,佔總人口的 36.09%, 居住在鄉村的人口 80,739 萬人,佔 63.91%。同 1990 年人口普查相比,城鎮人口 比重上升了 9.86 個百分點。 資料來源:引自中華人民共和國國家統計局網站,<www.stats.gov.cn>。統計公佈,人口普查公 報,第五次全國人口普查公報(第 1 號) 。 2. 將資料二有關城鎮人口與鄉村人口的變化的數據繪製成棒形圖: (可用試算表 繪製) 3. 從上述城市化的數據看來,中國是屬於資料一中哪一類國家?為什麼? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 資料三 改革開放以來,中國的城市得到迅速發展,城市數量由 1978 年的 192 個發展到 2000 年的 668 個。城市在國家經濟發展中佔著越來越重要的地位。2000 年城市 境內生產總值(GDP)佔全國的 68.63%。我國現有大城市 51 個,其中特大城市 14 個;二級城市為 210 個,佔城市總數的 31%。二級城市一般指省轄市,城區人口 在 50 萬至 100 萬左右,數量眾多,分佈廣泛,其經濟總量佔全國國內生產總值 的 30%以上。 4. 參考中國城市化網站,欄目直選,數字城市。<http://www.curb.com.cn> a. 找出下面中國地圖上,人口超過 300 萬的大城市(A 至 D)的名稱。 b. 找出其他任何五個超過 300 萬人口的大城市,並將它們標示在地圖上。 1. 城市發展與經濟發展有甚麼關係? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 參考網頁 中國人口信息網 中國城市化網站 城市基礎資料(部分)──城市人口(1981-1998)(萬人) 人口 1981 1985 1990 1994 1996 1997 1998 北京 542.7 586.4 624.2 649.6 662.79 670.04 675.26 天津 500 538.1 572.6 587.3 590.9 591.56 594.9 唐山 129.3 138.5 148.4 156.7 176.38 162.84 163.64 太原 214 188.2 194.7 208 217 221.7 223.3 呼和浩特 79 79.2 88.6 92.8 96.4 98.7 101.7 瀋陽 391.8 420.1 453.9 661.1 384 386.28 387.63 大連 145.2 162.9 239.6 252.4 257.2 295.7 262.4 長春 169.6 186.5 211 223.7 274.17 278.81 282.69 吉林 104.9 113.8 127.5 136.8 139.35 140.81 140.93 哈爾濱 246 262.5 282.7 317.3 329.86 334.72 337.69 上海 1,163 698.3 783.5 1,298.8 961.02 南京 208.7 225 249.8 261.5 269.37 273.26 276.36 無錫 78.1 84.3 92.8 96.1 108.77 109.56 110.21 蘇州 65.8 70.9 84.4 105 106.43 107.07 107.75 杭州 115.6 124.7 133.9 141.3 144.96 169.29 171.89 寧波 45.2 102.1 110.6 112.7 116.2 123.5 119.68 溫州 97.1 53.1 56.2 113 114 115.28 116.48 廈門 49.2 54.6 60.3 65.5 68.31 81.17 126.59 1,018.59 1,070.62 續:城市基礎資料(部分)──城市人口(1981-1998)(萬人) 人口 1981 1985 1990 1994 1996 1997 1998 濟南 129 143 232.2 243 250.9 250.9 257.49 青島 115.3 125.1 205.8 215 223.86 227.8 229.58 洛陽 95.1 104.7 119 127.4 135.87 138.52 141.08 深圳 8.5 23.2 39.5 133.2 160.3 175.1 184.63 武漢 315.7 339.6 475.1 392.5 415.55 408.86 412.12 廣州 301.7 328.9 356.1 377.4 387.75 395.65 396.04 珠海 13 15.5 22.5 33.1 36.8 38.2 40.74 汕頭 70.9 76.1 85.6 101.5 106 109.22 111.32 106 114.9 123.6 126.8 128.36 130.08 中山 湛江 84.9 92 106 118.1 124.63 128.38 130.73 重慶 259.7 277.9 298.4 309.7 551.36 557.48 836.52 成都 242.7 258.3 280.8 301.5 317.13 321.92 325.98 昆明 126.2 148.8 153.5 163.3 166.94 169.78 173.06 西安 209 232.8 275.7 292 304.5 309.3 333.5 蘭州 138.1 135.3 150.7 161.2 168.96 172.44 174.98 烏魯木齊 91.8 100.2 115.7 124 132 151.94 154.8 《中國城市化網》 ,欄目直選,數字城市。<http://www.curb.com.cn>【下載日期:二零零四年 三月十七日】 Urbanization How unfortunate! The rainstorm two days ago washed away what we have been working for in the past three months. If I had known better, I would have harvested a week earlier. Grains harvested before their time won’t sell for a good price! Well, it seems the heavens love making things difficult for us farmers. We can never enjoy good times. If it is not rainstorm, it is flooding or … Even if we have a good harvest, we don’t earn enough to buy food and daily items. There is no other job for us here than working the fields. Are we supposed to go on like this the rest of our life? Pa, Ma, I was going to tell you that younger brother and I plan to go to the city after the New Year to try our luck. We’ll see if we can find work there. However, we are somewhat worried about you not having help in the fields. Big brother, that’s all right. 4th younger sister and I will help out! In any case, we won’t have the opportunity to go on to middle school after finishing primary. Don’t get me wrong, I like going to school. The teacher says I do well in school and can continue with my studies. If only there is a middle school in the village …! To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t want to leave you behind and go to a strange place all by myself. But then, life in a farming village is difficult and we have to brave the sun and rain out there in the fields. If one is ill, it takes more than two hours of walking to receive medical attention at a hospital. Ah Keung of the neighbouring village says wages in the city are much higher. Workers there enjoy holidays and go to the cinema in their free time … So I plan to go with eldest brother. It’s a good idea to try your luck beyond. This way, we won’t be looked down upon as bumpkins or good-for-nothings. But then when can we see each other again …? There are many bad men in the city. I am worried! …… If you were the mother, would you let the brothers go to the city to look for jobs? Why? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ The following are pictures sent home by the brothers. They represent the brothers’ impression of city life. Look at the pictures and analyse the pros and cons of city life. Pros Cons 1. Urban migration - rural people moving to towns 2. Urban migration is the result of the push factor of too many unfavourable rural living conditions and the pull factor of attractive urban opportunities. 3. Level of urbanization – percentage of urban population Level of urbanization = Urban population X 100% Overall population 4. Urbanization – the process of increase in the percentage of the urban population and of decrease in the percentage of the rural population. 5. The increase in the rate of urbanized population is mainly due to migration and secondarily the natural growth of the urban population (i.e. birth rate minus death rate). Source 1 1. Read Source 1 carefully. What is the difference between the level of urbanization in developed countries and that in developing countries? Why is there such a difference? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Source 2 According to the Fifth National Population Census, 455.94 million people or 36.09% of the population live in townships and 807.39 million people or 63.91% live in rural areas. Compared to the general census in 1990, the growth rate of the urban population is 9.86%. Translated from: National Bureau of Statistics of China. <www.stats.gov.cn> 2. Draw a bar chart based on the data of the variation of urban and rural population given in Source 2 (use of Excel is permitted). 3. Judging from the above data concerning urbanization, how should we categorize China? Why? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Source 3 Chinese cities have developed rapidly since the years of reform and opening up. The number of cities has risen from 192 in 1978 to 668 in 2000. The role of cities in the national economy is becoming more and more important. In 2000, cities took up 68.63% of the national GDP. At present, there are 51 big cities in China and among them, 14 are ultra-large cities. There are 210 medium-sized cities, representing 31% of the national total. Medium-sized cities usually refer to provincial cities and townships with a population of about half to one million. There is a large number of such cities. They are widely dispersed and their total economic share is above 30% of the national GDP. 4. Take reference from the following website about urbanization in China. < http://www.curb.com.cn> a. Identify on the map of China below large cities (A to D) with a population of over 3 million. A. Tianjin B. Chongqing C. Chengdu D. Wuhan b. Look for 5 other large cities with a population over 300 million and mark them out on the map. 1. What is the relationship between urban development and economic development? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ China Population Information and Research Center 中國城市化網站 Basic information about cities (part) --- city population (1981-1998) (10,000’s) Population 1981 1985 1990 1994 1996 1997 1998 Beijing 542.7 586.4 624.2 649.6 662.79 670.04 675.26 Tianjin 500 538.1 572.6 587.3 590.9 591.56 594.9 129.3 138.5 148.4 156.7 176.38 162.84 163.64 Taiyuan 214 188.2 194.7 208 217 221.7 223.3 Huhhot 79 79.2 88.6 92.8 96.4 98.7 101.7 Shenyang 391.8 420.1 453.9 661.1 384 386.28 387.63 Dalian 145.2 162.9 239.6 252.4 257.2 295.7 262.4 Changchun 169.6 186.5 211 223.7 274.17 278.81 282.69 Jilin 104.9 113.8 127.5 136.8 139.35 140.81 140.93 246 262.5 282.7 317.3 329.86 334.72 337.69 Shanghai 1,163 698.3 783.5 1,298.8 961.02 1,018.59 1,070.62 Nanjing 208.7 225 249.8 261.5 269.37 273.26 276.36 Wuxi 78.1 84.3 92.8 96.1 108.77 109.56 110.21 Suzhou 65.8 70.9 84.4 105 106.43 107.07 107.75 Hangzhou 115.6 124.7 133.9 141.3 144.96 169.29 171.89 Tangshan Harbin Basic information about cities (part) --- city population (1981-1998) (10,000’s) Con’t Population 1981 1985 1990 1994 1996 1997 1998 Ningbo 45.2 102.1 110.6 112.7 116.2 123.5 119.68 Wenzhou 97.1 53.1 56.2 113 114 115.28 116.48 Xiamen 49.2 54.6 60.3 65.5 68.31 81.17 126.59 Jinan 129 143 232.2 243 250.9 250.9 257.49 Qingdao 115.3 125.1 205.8 215 223.86 227.8 229.58 Luoyang 95.1 104.7 119 127.4 135.87 138.52 141.08 Shenzhen 8.5 23.2 39.5 133.2 160.3 175.1 184.63 Wuhan 315.7 339.6 475.1 392.5 415.55 408.86 412.12 Guangzhou 301.7 328.9 356.1 377.4 387.75 395.65 396.04 Zhuhai 13 15.5 22.5 33.1 36.8 38.2 40.74 Shantou 70.9 76.1 85.6 101.5 106 109.22 111.32 106 114.9 123.6 126.8 128.36 130.08 Zhongshan Zhanjiang 84.9 92 106 118.1 124.63 128.38 130.73 Chongqing 259.7 277.9 298.4 309.7 551.36 557.48 836.52 Chengdu 242.7 258.3 280.8 301.5 317.13 321.92 325.98 Kunming 126.2 148.8 153.5 163.3 166.94 169.78 173.06 209 232.8 275.7 292 304.5 309.3 333.5 Lanzhou 138.1 135.3 150.7 161.2 168.96 172.44 174.98 Urumqi 91.8 100.2 115.7 124 132 151.94 154.8 Xian Source of information: http://www.curb.com.cn 生活在上海 資料一 2001 年,上海創下了經濟連續十年實現兩位數增長的佳績,人均 GDP 突破了 4,500 美元,使上海綜合經濟實力達到上中等收入國家水平,上海市民生活因此 而發生重大變化: 物質消費將開始進入「汽車時代」。韓國和新加坡就是在人均 5,000 美元時普及 家庭轎車的。今明兩年,汽車關稅將會降低,越來越多的家庭將圓“轎車夢”。 擁有汽車將成為未來時尚的象徵。 家庭汽車的普及,將改善人們休閑生活的質量。「自助旅遊」將會興起,上海人 旅遊的空間進一步擴大,跨國旅遊將會變得很普通。 上海人對金融服務、銀行服務、保險服務的需求將大大增加。隨著個人信用體系 債券、外匯、基金、黃金交易,都會成為人們理財的途徑。人們將積極尋求更多 的投資方式。 教育消費將成為人們新的理念,人們將更習慣於利用業餘時間去「充電」,以提 升自己在人才市場的競爭力。一個持續接受教育的時代將到來。 資料來源: 「精彩上海 - 海上風情錄」網頁 1. 根據資料一,上海人民的生活在哪幾方面會發生變化? 資料二 莊紅衛和丈夫,都是下崗工人,下崗後,她做過服裝生意,也曾擺攤賣麵條、餛 飩。她一直希望闖一條創業之路。有鑑於上海忙碌的職業女性難於照顧家庭,莊 紅衛與丈夫及友人合作,四個人用一萬元借來的本起家,為上海家庭提供配菜、 送菜服務,開出了「莊媽媽淨菜社」,第一天開張就受到了社會的關注,媒體連 續追蹤報道,也打響了「莊媽媽」品牌。全盛時期,加工場地從二十八平方米擴 展到八十多平方米、吸收下崗員工一百多人,每個月的營業額達到十多萬人民幣。 但是莊紅衛缺少管理經驗和知識,企業規模擴大了,經營卻走了下坡,最後不得 不宣佈暫停經營,莊紅衛和丈夫再次下崗。莊紅衛意識到,市場經濟就是這樣殘 酷,你走進了市場,但管理沒有市場化,這樣的經營模式遲早要破產。不過莊紅 衛說,「莊媽媽」將會再次創業,在上海要活下去並不困難,但要生活得好需要 付出努力。 2. 資料二中,有甚麼上海人精神是值得我們學習? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. 在香港有沒有相似的香港人精神? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 資料三 幾乎每個中國的城市在上下班的時候都會出現交通高峰,上海也不例外;現在, 上海比許多城市多了一個交通高峰,出現在晚上九、十點,公交車上人滿為患, 絲毫不亞於上下班時間。造成這個高峰的人流大多是上夜校的人。上夜校,已成 為許多上海人日常生活的一部份。 今日的上海,湧動著一浪高於一浪的學習潮。各式學習中心,紛紛成立,由成人 教育、業餘夜校、社區學校、再就業培訓,到遍布全市的家庭讀書、樓組讀書、 班組讀書。 八十年代後期,國門打開,許多人為了出國而努力學習英語,學英語成了這個城 市的時尚。二十多年來,「學習」在上海一直不衰,而且越來越興旺,人們都意 識到,不學習將被社會淘汰。 資料來源:香港文匯報、二零零零年十一月六日。 4. 從以上文章學習到上海人的精神是甚麼? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. 在香港有沒有相似的情況? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Life in Shanghai Source 1 2001 was the tenth year in a row that Shanghai achieved double digit economic growth. Her GDP per capita rose to above US$4,500, bringing her combined economic strength to the level of middle income countries. Judging from this trend, further development in the next two years can be expected. By 2003 at the latest, the GDP per capita of Shanghai will reach US$5,000. In the next two or three years, there will be major changes in the lives of the people there. Shanghai will enter the “age of automobiles”. In South Korea and Singapore, family cars became popular when GDP per capita reached US$5,000. In China, tariff on automobiles for this year and the next will fall so that more and more families will have their “automobile dreams” realized. Owning a car will become a symbol of being fashionable. The popularity of family cars enhances the quality of people’s leisure life. People of Shanghai will depend less on trains, long-distance coaches and transport companies for their journeys. “Self help travel” will become the fad. It will take the people of Shanghai further out beyond the Yangtze River delta. Meanwhile, travel to other countries will become common. The demand for financial services, banking services and insurance services will grow substantially. With the introduction of individual credits systems, such services will become more and more part of a family’s consumption pattern. As GDP per capita enters the zone of US$4,500 to $5,000 range, bonds, foreign exchange, mutual funds and gold trading will become common management tools for individual finances. People will look actively for more investment venues. Spending on education will likely become a new idea. People need “re-charging”, and they want to learn at their leisure time in order to enhance their competitiveness in the talent market. The era of continued education will soon dawn upon Shanghai. Translated from: 1. As described in Source 1, what kind of changes to the lives of the people of Shanghai will likely come? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Source 2 ZHUANG Hongwei and her husband CHEN Junming were taken off their posts in 1992 and 1994 respectively. Hongwei was only 26. She tried her hand in the garment business and later operated a stall to sell noodles and dumplings. It has always been her aspiration to clear a path for laid-off worker in Shanghai so that they can start their own business. Four years ago, Hongwei and her husband went into business with friends. Their team of four saw a demand from busy career women who have difficulties looking after their families. They put together a loan of 10,000 yuan and started a food catering and delivery service. They called it “Mama Zhuang Food Service”. On day one, there was a lot of interest from the public. The mass media gave wide coverage and “Mama Zhuang” soon became a popular brand name. At its peak, the food preparation workshop expanded from 28 square metres to over 80 square metres. The team took in over 100 laid-off workers and monthly turnover reached well over 100,000 yuan. But ZHUANG Hongwei lacked management experience and knowledge. The operation expanded, but business went bad. In August, she had to close down the business. She and her husband again had lost their job. Hongwei learnt the hard way the cruelty of the market. The reality is that once you have come into the market, you must obey the market forces, otherwise the operation is bound to end up in failure. Hongwei has vowed to re-launch “Mama Zhuang”. To survive in Shanghai may not be difficult. But to live well, a great deal of effort has to be made. 2. How would you describe the spirit of Shanghai as found in Source 2? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Is there a similar Hong Kong spirit here in Hong Kong? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Source 3 Shanghai forging ahead as a city of learning In almost all Chinese cities, traffic peaks at the morning and afternoon rush hours. Shanghai is no exception except that there is currently one more traffic peak. At 9 or 10 pm each day, all public transport become as crowded as they are in the morning and afternoon rush hours. The commuters are mostly people attending evening schools. Going to evening class has become part of the daily life of many Shanghai residents. Today in Shanghai, the tides of learning rise one on top of the other. All kinds of learning centres are mushrooming. They range from adult education, night school, community school, re-employment training, to family studies, neighbourhood courses and small group studies. In the late eighties, China opened up to the world and many people wanted to learn English in order to go abroad. Learning English has become a fad. It has been more than 20 years. The tide of “learning” has stayed in Shanghai and it is going stronger everyday. People are aware that those who do not update themselves with learning they will be left out. Translated from: Wen Wei Pao. 6 November 2000 4. What have you learnt from the Shanghai spirit as mentioned above? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Is there a similar situation in Hong Kong? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________