AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: American History IPG: Second Six Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 8 MAJOR CONCEPT #1: Culture Overarching Idea Cultural values and viewpoints influence the framework of historical periods and groups. Guiding Questions Why do values and viewpoints differ across cultures and through time? What important contributions do various cultural groups make to a society? MAJOR CONCEPT #2: Rights and Responsibilities Overarching Idea People can learn from the past about rights and responsibilities. Guiding Questions How does knowledge of the past influence the rights and responsibilities of the present and the future? How are political rights and responsibilities expressed and transmitted through edicts, decrees, laws, and statutes? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 1 AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: American History IPG: Second Six Weeks. GRADE LEVEL: 8 MAJOR CONCEPT #3: Conflict and Cooperation Overarching Conflict and cooperation promote communication of ideas and sentiments. Idea Guiding Questions How do instances of conflict and cooperation affect our understanding of the part and present? How do conflicts begin among diverse groups? How do diverse groups cooperate in order to rectify situations? MAJOR CONCEPT #4: Environment Overarching Environment determines what adaptations people make. Idea Guiding Questions How does the environment impact people’s lives? How does the environment’s physical characteristics define where people locate and what they do? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 2