AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: Texas History IPG: Fourth Six Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 7 MAJOR CONCEPT #1: Rules and Rights Overarching Idea Guiding Questions A society’s rules and individual rights are valued and promoted in a democratic society. How do the values of a culture influence individual’s rules and rights? How can individual rights, and a government’s view of the common good, create stability or conflict? How does anticipating and planning for needed societal change empower individual rights and the society’s rules? MAJOR CONCEPT #2: Order Overarching Idea . A system of checks and balances is necessary to ensure order and prevent abuse of power in a government. Guiding Questions How does a system of checks and balances ensure order? How is order in a government preserved through communication? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 1 AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: Texas History IPG: Fourth Six Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 7 MAJOR CONCEPT #3: Conflict Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Societies are affected by conflict in the political, economic and social systems. How does the change in political issues cause conflict? How do leaders influence conflict? How is conflict developed and resolved among diverse groups? MAJOR CONCEPT #4: Change Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Rules establish order after a change in government caused by conflict. Why are rules changed after a conflict is over? What safeguards can be established to protect citizens after a change in leadership? How do communities meet individual and group needs after a change in government? How can change cause stress in a community? How can change be a positive factor in a community? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 2