AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: American History IPG: First Six Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 8 MAJOR CONCEPT #1: Environment Overarching Idea Environment determines what adaptations people make. Guiding Questions How does the environment impact people’s lives? How do physical characteristics define where people locate and what they do within their environment? MAJOR CONCEPT #2: Conflict, Cooperation and Change Overarching Idea When people migrate to another area, conflict, cooperation and change occur. Guiding Questions How are conflict, cooperation and change reflected between immigrant and native groups? How do conflict, cooperation and change among groups contribute to the evolution of the environmental structure of a country? MAJOR CONCEPT #3: Location Overarching Idea Geographic factors influence the location of settlement in an area. Guiding Questions How do people utilize the land and natural resources in their location to earn a living? How do people in a location procure resources needed for everyday living? What criteria do people use for settlement in certain locations? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 1