GT Extensions for Math Investigations: Grade 1 – 3rd 9 Weeks GT extensions overlap with the regular extensions; however, these extensions address components of the GT Curriculum Scope and Sequence. These extensions are designed for gifted math students are as a means to extend lessons conceptually, through depth and complexity of process, or by providing a “ripple” effect that addresses the learning objectives and provides a preview of new skills. Additionally, some activities have been introduced that may substitute for an investigation if a pre-assessment such as preview data from the beginning of the year deems mastery of objectives in the investigation. The same objectives are addressed, however, the substitute activity is differentiated. Please consider time factors when using these extensions, particularly substitute activities, so that pacing is appropriately aligned with the pacing of investigations. Quilt Squares and Block Towns Investigation 1 2-D Shapes and Patterns Investigation 2 Comparing and Constructing 3-D Shapes Investigation 3 Building a Block Town Students create bar graphs using “Shapes” software to indicate the number of each shape they used for a Pattern Block Fill-in on a student sheet. (provide graph paper for cutting into strips for bar graph) Students use pattern blocks to design original pattern block fill-in and show 2 ways to complete. Students read or listen to The Greedy Triangle by Burns and draw pictures showing how one shape becomes another as a new side is added; Students write the name of each shape below their drawing. Play Mystery Objects in class using shape, size, and texture Students replicate cube-shaped objects using interlocking cubes and then orally describe each to using appropriate mathematical terms such as height, width, etc. (See Choice 1, p. 67) Student create cube things following written rather than visual directions (example: create a cube that is 4 units tall, 3 units wide and 2 units deep) “Building from a Plan,” “Using Objects with Curved Sides,” and “2-D Pictures of 3-D Constructions” (Extensions, p. 105) Students read or listen to Roxaboxen, or other book about shapes, and then create the elements in the story using geoblocks “Building Around the World” (p. 111), “Story About Our Town” (p.118) coupled with oral presentation “Story About our Town” (p.118) coupled with students creating a map of class town with a list of written directions to locations of interest.