January Kinder News in Room 102

January Kinder News in Room 102
Welcome back and Happy New Year! We hope that all of you had a
restful break and enjoyed the holidays with your families. Also, a
warm and heart filled thank you goes out to all our students and their
families for their generous Christmas wishes. Your kindness is much
Math Focus: This month will review our numbers from 1-10 as
well as move on to teen numbers with a focus of counting,
recognizing and building them.
Later on in the month we will work on 2-D shapes; finding 2-D
shapes in our environment, describing their attributes and
using different materials to create 2-D shapes ourselves.
Language: We will continue to practice letter and sound recognition, invented/phonetic spelling and sight
word recognition. We will focus on labeling and writing complete sentences. You can practice at home by
encouraging your child to answer the following questions:
Do I have an uppercase letter at the beginning of my sentence?
Did I use a: ., ?, ! at the end?
Did I leave a finger space between my words?
Did I use my best printing?
Did I write all my ideas?
In addition, expose your child to a variety of print materials, such as newspapers, magazines, posters, street
signs, etc.
Colder Weather: As the temperature has dropped for this winter season, we kindly remind
students to dress appropriately as we do go outside.
Dates to Remember: January 18 PA DAY NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
January 22 Picture Day for SK students only
January 25 Kindergarten Registration for new students entering JK or SK