Presidential Election Scavenger Hunt Parent Notification Form

Presidential Election Scavenger Hunt
Parent Notification Form
Dear Parent(s),
During the first nine-weeks of school our classroom will be working on a Presidential
Election Scavenger Hunt. This Social Studies activity is a fun and exciting way for students
to get involved in the election. Please feel free to help your child, but do remember that the
project is primarily his/her responsibility.
Your child is required to:
 have a Presidential Election Scavenger Hunt project criteria sheet
 turn the completed project in on Friday, November 5.
 notify the teacher as soon as possible if an extension on the deadline is needed.
(late penalty will be discussed with the student and parents)
Thank you so much for supporting your child’s learning!
___________________________________ Telephone____________________________
Classroom Teacher
Please sign and return the bottom portion of this form.
-----------------------------------------cut and return-----------------------------------------------------
I/we are aware that my/our child ______________________________________will be
working on a Presidential Election Scavenger Hunt home project. I have read the
requirements of the project.
Parent signature