WOW Game Title: Content Area: TEKS Focus:


WOW Game Title: Ready, Set, Show

Content Area: Math

TEKS Focus: Multiplication

Adding larger numbers

Subtracting larger numbers

Physical Education Unit: Muscular Strength and Endurance

Grade: 3

Resource: Bonnie Hopper, M.Ed.

Equipment/Materials: none

Set Up: Put students into groups of two in scattered formation.


Have the teams of two put hands behind their own backs and face each other. Teams count to three together and then on three, each child shows with one or both hands the number from 0-10 by placing their fingers in front of them. The object is to say the correct answer before the other team member using addition, multiplication, division, or any mathematical operation that is appropriate. The winner does 5 lunges while the other person performs 5 pushups. Change partners every 3-5 minutes.


Use only one hand instead of two making the game easier; to make the game more challenging have students get into groups of 3 or more.

Have students use multiplication, division, or subtraction.

Have students pretend fingers are nickels, dimes, quarters, etc.

Work on skip counting by having students pretend that each finger is worth 5, 8, 10, etc. instead of just 1.

Review Questions:

Skill focus: Name a muscle in your legs that you strengthened today doing lunges.

Academic focus: How many people would need to be in your group to get the answer 35 in this game?
