BUSINESS COMMUNICATION  By: Naimah Aldosary  2015 Why Study Communication?

By: Naimah Aldosary
Why Study Communication?
The Only Completely Portable Skill
You will use it in every relationship
You will need it regardless of your career path
The “Information Age”
The history of civilization is the history of information
Language and written documents facilitate the transfer of information and
knowledge through time and space
Your Quality of Life Depends Primarily on Your Communication Skills
You Cannot Be Too Good at Communication
People Overestimate Their Own Communication Skills
Definition of Business Communication :
Business communication is the process of communicating for the purpose of
business transactions for ensuring mutual understanding and business benefit.
The definition of communication:
Communication is the transmission and reception of thoughts, feelings and ideas between
two or more points.
The definition of a modern business organization :
A modern business organization is a complex association of individuals striving toward
common goals.
A Successful Manager :
The successful manager is usually successful communicator
What can he do?
 He can read and listen well,
 write effectively and speak fluently.
 He can also persuade, direct and inform.
The elements of communication:
The elements of communication are:
4-channel of communication.
5-feed back.
The role of the sender:
The role of the sender is to:
1-formulate the message.
2-encode the message in transmissible form.
3-select the channel of communication.
4-transmit the message.
The role of the receiver:
The role of the receiver is to:
1-receive the message.
2-decode and interpret the message.
3-understand the message.
4-send feedback to the communicator that the message has been received completely and
What is noise?
Noise is any interference, physical or psychological preventing communication.
What is feedback?
If the message has been received and an accurate response has been sent back to the
encoder, this acknowledgement is called feedback.
The directions of Communication
The directions of communication are:
1-ascendant (upward).
2-descendant (downward).
3-lateral (sideways).
What is business communication system provide ?
It Provides the means for effective internal and external interchanges of ( ideas, facts ,
information , and instruction)
Communication Breakdowns
When communication breakdowns ?
1/ the communicator does not formulate, encode , or transmit the message well.
2/ there is a failure within the channel of communication
3/ the receiver does not perceive or comprehend the message.
Closed System
What is closed system?
When the message has been formulated, transmitted, decoded by the receiver and feedback
has been sent to the sender, then the system is said to be closed.
The stages communications
The 8 steps of communication are:
1- formulation
2- encoding .
3- selecting the channel .
4- transmission.
5- reception .
6- decoding .
7- understanding
8- feed back.
Communication Networks
1- personal.
2- Internal.
3- External.
What is internal communication ?
The internal communication if communication flows from a home office to distant branch
What is external communication ?
The external communication if communication outside a business organization .
What is grapevine?
Grapevine is an informal communication network that exists in many organizations in
addition to the formal, structured organizational networks.
Information travels much more quickly through the grapevine than through formal channels
and may become distorted.
classifications of business communication
What are tow broad classifications business communication fall it ?
verbal and nonverbal .
What is verbal communication?
Verbal communication involves the use of words Speaking, writing, and listening.
What is non –verbal communication?
Non – verbal communication involves gestures, body language , align language with on the
use of words.