Section 1 - Purpose
Clause I.
The Associated Student Organization Office shall be open for as many hours as
possible during school days so that ASG Officers may respond to the concerns
and/or questions of students, and/or conduct the business of the ASG. As such,
each member shall be required to serve not less than three (3) hours per week.
Clause II.
The hours served in a circulated area, excluding the office area, are designated
so that ASG officers may be more visible to those they serve.
Section 2 - Monitoring
Clause I.
The Policies, Procedures and Executive Review Committee shall monitor the
office hours served by all members of the ASG on an as-needed basis.
Clause II.
When the Polices, Procedures and Executive Review Committee is not meeting
for whatever reason, the Vice-President shall be responsible for the monitoring
and enforcement of this Bylaw.
Section 3 – Scheduling of Hours
Clause I.
A standardized form shall be distributed to each ASG member at the beginning
of the semester by the Vice-President. Such form shall include a matrix designed
to allow for the easy scheduling and blocking off of hours to be served both within
the ASG office, as well as the hours to be served in general circulation elsewhere
on campus.
Clause II.
It shall be the responsibility of each officer and member to return this form to the
Vice-President no later than the second week of the Semester.
Clause III.
The Vice-President shall then draft and post a listing or table showing the
scheduled hours of each officer in the window of the ASG Office (SU-102), and
shall submit such to the Director of Student Affairs and to the President.
Clause IV.
Officers and members shall be required to initial next to their scheduled hours in
the log binder maintained in the ASG Office (SU-102). The log shall be
maintained on the honor system, and shall be reviewed weekly by the VicePresident at 12 Noon each Friday.
a. Any member found to be falsifying documentation (either their own or that
of another member), or who is found to have fraudulently reported their
presence in the office when such presence was not truthfully
executed shall be immediately held accountable to an Executive Review
and may be subject to dismissal from office.
Section 4 - Absences
Clause I.
If an ASG Officer knows in advance that he/she will not be able to serve their
regularly-scheduled office hours, he/she must notify the Vice-President or the
President as far in advance as possible in order to accommodate rescheduling.
Section 5 – Excuse and Waiver
Clause I.
If an ASG officer is unable to serve office hours, he/she may be excused by the
Vice-President, who shall in turn inform the President for approval of the
Section 6 - Office Conduct
Clause I.
ASG Officers will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner which brings
credit and respect to the Associated Student Organization. Non-business like
demeanor while in the ASG Office (SU-102) is neither appropriate nor acceptable
and will result in having the offending officer(s) held accountable to an Executive
Review pursuant to Article VIII of these Bylaws.
Section 7 - Service Requirements
Clause I.
All ASG Officers are required to sign up for and serve three (3) office hours per
Clause II.
All ASG Officers will be responsible to serve all the hours that they sign up for on
the days for which they are scheduled, if the three (3) hour requirement has not
been met, the ASG member shall complete his/her hours at a later time during
the week.
Clause III.
Breakdown of Office Hours shall be as follows:
a. A minimum of two (2) hours per week are to be served in the ASG Office.
If scheduled office hours overlap an event, the officer will be required to
serve those hours at the event.
b. An additional of one (1) hour per week is to be served in the office or on
an as needed basis in some area of high circulation.
Clause IV.
Disciplinary Action will be enforced on all ASG Officers who fail to comply with
the above rules.
Section 8 – Enforcement of Code
Clause I.
ASG Officers who willingly run for office or accept an appointment must therefore
serve their office hours in a responsible manner.
Clause II.
If complaints regarding the failure of an officer or member to fulfill their office
obligation are received in excess by the Vice-President, or if the Vice-President
makes note of excessive unexcused absences, the Vice-President shall
recommend to the President that the offending officer(s) be held accountable to
an Executive Review or otherwise dismissed from the ASG.
Clause III.
Vacancies declared by the President are subject to confirmation by a two-thirds
(2/3) majority vote of the ASG, a quorum being present. If the declaration by the
ASG President is upheld, the position(s) concerned is/are immediately
considered vacant.
Section 9 - Office Access
Clause I.
All officers and members of ASG shall be afforded the privilege of use of the
ASG Office unless otherwise revoked, and shall receive as a condition of their
membership an identification card which shall in turn be magnetically keyed to
allow for ingress and egress at the ASG office (SU-102), or some other
appropriate method as determined by the Office of Student Affairs.
Clause II.
There will be a set of keys for the ASG Officers that may be checked out from the
Office of Student Affairs (SU-201). The ASG Officers must return the set of keys
to the Office of Student Affairs immediately upon opening the ASG Office (SU102).
ADOPTED 03/17/1993
REVISED 12/03/1997, 08/24/2005, 11/10/2010, 11/17/2010