Projects for Success: 21st Century Competencies for learning, work and life! Quotes to Ponder: The Rear View Mirror is our worst enemy How we were taught is not the best for now! The future ain’t what it used to be : Yogi Berra The future is hereit ‘s just not evenly distributed The best way to predict the future is to invent itAlan Kay What are some of the skills you think students need to survive in the st 21 century? Discuss as a table and write them down. Who would like to share out a skill and why they think it is important? (Write them down) According to the Project Management Institute the number one skill needed for the 21st century is LEARNING, CONTINUAL LEARNING. To do this they believe in Problem Based Learning: Project based learning involves the students in the following four steps. Defining (the problem) Planning (what to do about it) Doing (putting into action your idea/plan) Reviewing (constantly reviewing/changing/making adjustments/re-planning) PMIEF’s Resources for Youth materials provides no-cost project management learning and teaching curriculum and other materials for primary and secondary school teachers and students to develop 21st century skills. Administrators Insight into project-centered education and project management learning opportunities. Parents Supports project-based learning opportunities by strengthening the impact of project management education. Students Provides easy access to resources that reinforce project management terminology, skills and techniques. Teachers Curricula and teaching case studies, technology and age-appropriate education approaches. Check out this site for information for teachers Check out these books for more ideas (summer reading!) Time to Explore! Go to the website and check out the following sections to see if this might be a program you would like to get involved in! 1. Get Inspired: to see more videos 2. Community: for liaison information around the world 3. Learning Resources: for links to sites and resources 4. Scholarships, Grants and Awards: for more info on the program