Republic of the Philippines CENTRAL BICOL STATE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE ISO 9001:2015 TÜV-R 01 100 1934918 San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418 COLLEGE OF DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION Learning Module in WEEK 2 EDUC 4 21st Century Education This learning module belongs to: _______________________________________________________ (Name of Student) _______________________________________________________ (Address) _______________________________________________________ (Contact Number/Email) This learning module was prepared by: _______________________________________________________ Page 1 of 6 Republic of the Philippines CENTRAL BICOL STATE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE ISO 9001:2015 TÜV-R 01 100 1934918 WEEK 2 San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418 Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the curriculum st 1. 21 Century Education A. The Teacher as a Curricularist INTRODUCTION This modern society is ushered in by a dramatic technological revolution. It is an increasingly diverse, globalized and complex media-saturated society. According to Dr. Douglas Keliner this technological revolution bears a greater impact on society than the transition from an oral to print culture Education prepares students for life in this world. Amidst emerging social issues and concerns, there is a need for students to be able to communicate, functions and create change personally, socially, economically and politically of the local, national and global levels by participating in real life and real-world service learning projects. Emerging technologies and resulting globalization also provide unlimited possibilities for exciting discoveries and developments. 21st Century Education Contexts 21st Century Schools. Schools in the 21st century focus on a project-based curriculum for life that would engage students in addressing real-world problems and humanity concerns and issues. This has become an innovation in education, from textbook-driven, teacher-centered, paper-and- pencil schooling into a better understanding of the concept of knowledge and a new definition of the educated person. Therefore, it makes a new way of designing and delivering the curriculum Schools will go from buildings to “nerve centers ‘, with open walls and are roofless while connecting teachers, students and the community to the breadth of knowledge in the world. Teachers will transform their role from being dispense of information to becoming facilitators of learning and help students translate information into knowledge and knowledge into wisdom. Therefore, the 21st century will require knowledge generation, not just information delivery, and schools will need to create a culture of inquiry”. Page 2 of 6 Republic of the Philippines CENTRAL BICOL STATE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE ISO 9001:2015 TÜV-R 01 100 1934918 San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418 Learners will become adaptive to changes. In the past, learners spent a required amount of time in respective courses, received passing grades and graduated. Today, learners are viewed in a new context. These changes have implications for teachers: (1) Teachers must discover student interest by helping them see what and how they are learning to prepare them for life in the real world; (2) They must instill curiosity, which is fundamental to lifelong learning; (3) They must be flexible in how they teach; and (4) They must excite learners to become more resourceful so that they will continue to learn outside formal school. 21st century learning demands a school that exercises students for school. There is a little or no discipline problem because of strong student engagement. Likewise, parents are informed about positive changes in their children. As a result, writing, speaking, listening, researching, scientific explorations, math, multimedia skills and others. The 21st Century Curriculum. The twenty-first century curriculum has critical attributes that are interdisciplinary, project-based and research driven. It is connected to local, national and global communities, in which students may collaborate with people around the world in various projects. The curriculum also integrates higher order thinking skills, multiple intelligence, technology and multimedia, multiple literacies and authentic assessments, including service-learning ( skills). The 21st Century Learning Environment. Typically, a 21st century classroom is not confined to a liberal classroom building but a learning environment where students collaborate their peers, exchange insights, coach and mentor one another and share talents and skills with other students. Cooperative learning is also apparent, in which students work in teams because cooperation is given more emphasis than competition and collaborative learning more than isolated learning. They use technologies, including internet systems and other platforms. Technology in the 21st Century Pedagogy. Technologies are not ends in themselves but these are tools students use to create knowledge for personal and social change. 21st Century learning recognizes full access to technology. Therefore, a better bandwidth of Wifi access should be available along areas of the school for the students to access their files and supplement their learning inside the classroom. Various laboratories and learning inside the classrooms. Various laboratories and learning centers are set up in such a way that they allow a space needed for students’ simulation and manipulative works. All classrooms should have televisions to watch broadcasts created by the schools and other schools around other resources in the school can also be utilized by students in creating opportunities for their knowledge explorations ( Page 3 of 6 Republic of the Philippines CENTRAL BICOL STATE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE ISO 9001:2015 TÜV-R 01 100 1934918 San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418 Understanding 21st Century Learners. Today’s students are referred to as “digital natives”, while educators as “Digital immigrants”. (Prensky, 2001). Most likely react, are random, holistic and non-linear. Their predominant senses are motion and touch. They learn through experience and learn differently. Digital immigrants often reflect, are sequential, and linear. Their predominant senses are hearing and seeing. They tend to intellectualize and believe that learning is constant (Hawkins and Graham 21st Century Skills Outcome and the demands in the job Market. The 21st Century skills are a set of abilities that students need to develop to succeed in the information age. The partnership for 21st Century Skills lists three types, namely: (1) Learning Skills which comprise critical thinking, creative thinking, collaborating, and communicating, (2) Literacy Skills which is composed of information literacy, media Literacy, and technology literacy, and (3) Life Skills that include flexibility, initiative, social skills, productivity and Leadership. These skills have always been important in an information- based economy. The 21st Century Learning Implications. 21st skills are viewed relevant to all academic areas and the skills may be taught in a wide variety of both in-campus an community settings. Teachers should practice cross-disciplinary skills in related courses, such as integrating research methods in various discipline, articulating technical scientific concepts in verbal, written, and graphic forms; presenting laboratory reports to a pool of specialists, or use emerging technologies, software programs and multimedia applications as an assigned project. 2. PRE-COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT What are the critical attributes of 21st Century education? Explain them. Describe a 21st Century teacher and discuss some innovative tools for learning? Explain how you can integrate 21st century education in the curriculum. 3. Learning resources Recitation discussion through online forum explore the following link. The 21st Century education - Page 4 of 6 Republic of the Philippines CENTRAL BICOL STATE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE ISO 9001:2015 TÜV-R 01 100 1934918 San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418 4. Teaching Learning activities Lecture discussion through online forum the relevance of Paradigm shift for 21st Century Education What are the eight attributes of 21st Century education and their implications. Discuss the characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher Common 21st Century Technology Tools for Learni 5. POST-TEST 1. Explain how 21st century education concepts can be integrated in the classroom. 2. Draw relevant life lessons and significant values from the experience in practicing 21st century education 3. Analyze research abstract on 21st century education and as significance on teaching learning process. 4. Prepare an evaluation instrument intended for 21st century teaching- learning tool. 6. Discussion forum Discuss the relevance of the following: 1 2 The 21st Century Learning Environment Technology in the 21st Century Pedagogy Page 5 of 6 Republic of the Philippines CENTRAL BICOL STATE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE ISO 9001:2015 TÜV-R 01 100 1934918 3 4 5 San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur 4418 Understanding 21st Century Learners. 21st Century Skills Outcome and the Demands in the Job Market. The 21st Century Learning Implications REFERENCE Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the curriculum, by: Elmer B. De Leon, DEM Page 6 of 6