ICC Bylaws

Butte College Inter-Club Council
Section 1. The Inter-Club Council is a subsidiary of the Butte College Associated Students,
hereafter referred to as the BCAS. Refer to Article IV, Sections 1 in the BCAS Constitution.
Section 2. To support and promote student club activities for all Butte College students.
Section 3. To allocate funds to clubs for assistance with on-campus events and activities.
Section 4. To promote the personal growth, skills and leadership development of Butte College
Students through campus opportunities.
Section 1. All BCAS recognized clubs shall be members of the Butte College Inter-Club Council.
Clause 1.In compliance with Student Activities procedures, to be officially recognized all
returning clubs must submit their re-activation paperwork to the Student Activities Office no
later than the fourth Friday of the semester.
Part 1.Should a club submit their paperwork late they shall be considered on probation, and
subject to Article IV, Section 2 of this document.
Part 2.Paperwork for newly formed clubs is due four weeks from the date of their inception.
Section 2. When a club wants to change its name, the advisor shall send a memo to the Student
Activities Office including the club account number, club minutes authorizing the change, and a
revised constitution.
Section 3. When two or more registered student organizations wish to merge, the advisor shall
send a memo along with the name change, club account numbers involved, and clubs’ minutes
authorizing the merge, with their updated constitution.
to the Student Activities Office.
Section 4. When a club wants to split into two separate clubs, the advisor shall send a memo
including the current club’s account number, the new club’s name and advisor, the minutes
authorizing the split and the updated constitutions to the Student Activities Office.
Section 5. Should a club decide to disband, a dated memo shall be sent to the Student Activities
Office, the ICC Advisor, the BCAS Advisor, and the ICC Director stating that club will be
disbanded as of a particular date..
Clause 1.Should a club or organization fail to submit the proper re-activation paperwork four
consecutive semesters they shall be considered for disbandment by a two-thirds vote of the ICC.
Part 1. Written notification of potential disbandment will be sent to the club advisor by
week six of the fourth semester of inactivity.
Part 2. Any club, considered for disbandment, has the right to defend their disbandment
before the ICC by the end of that fourth semester of inactivity.
Clause 2. To be reinstated, after privileges have been revoked, a student club shall begin the
process of formation as a new club. No monies shall be returned after disbandment.
Clause 3. After a clubs disbandment, their funds would therefore be transferred into the BCAS
Section 1. Club Representatives shall be selected within their own respective club(s).
Section 2. Club representatives receive one vote per club represented, and may represent up to two
clubs per semester.
Clause 1.Once per semester, if the meeting runs late, representatives may submit a proxy vote in
writing to the ICC Director.
Section 3. Any club President or their designee may assume all the duties and take the place of his
or her Club representative.
Section 1. In accordance to Article IX, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Bylaws of the BCAS, “Any
organization or club, which absents itself from three regular meetings of the ICC in one semester,
shall not be eligible for ICC or BCAS funds…” and automatically subject to a probationary status
for the remainder of the current semester.
Clause 1.Should a club representative leave a regular meeting less than two-thirds of the way
through, it shall be counted as an absence for their club’s attendance.
Section 2. Clubs placed on probationary status are prohibited from requesting funds from the ICC
or the BCAS for the remainder of the current semester or the end of the probationary period as
determined by the ICC.
Clause 2.Any club subject to probationary status is still eligible for full voting rights as stated in
Article III, Section 2 of this document.
Section 3. The Inter-Club Council may, with a two-thirds vote, extend a club’s probationary status
into the next semester.
Section 4. The Inter-Club Council may waive any club’s probationary status by a vote of twothirds.
Section 5. The ICC is authorized to remove the “active” status for any student organization by a
three-quarter’s vote. Recognition may be revoked or suspended for:
Clause 1.Evidence of failure to comply with College regulations or procedures governing
recognized organizations.
Clause 2.Evidence that the organizations is not attempting to abide by its constitutional
Clause 3.Failure to have a faculty advisor.
Clause 4.Evidence of inactivity four consecutive semesters.
Clause 5.Misappropriation or misuse of student funds.
Section 1. The Inter-Club Council may, by a two-thirds vote of the club representatives present,
dismiss a club representative from Inter-Club Council meetings for the remainder of that semester.
Section 2. Club representatives may be subject to review and dismissal by the ICC if:
Clause 1:They are disruptive toward ICC members and/or business.
Clause 2.They fail to complete any on-campus events and/or activities to which they have
individually committed themselves.
Section 1. The criteria for ICC officers shall be the following:
Clause 1:
Maintain enrollment in 5 units during time in office.
Clause 2:
Maintain a 2.0 GPA during time in office.
Section 2. Inter-Club Council Director
Clause 1.At the last meeting of the spring semester, in accordance with Article IX, Section 3,
Clause 1 of the Bylaws of the BCAS, the ICC shall elect a representative to sit on the BCAS
Executive Board for the following school year. The person elected will also serve as the InterClub Council Director for the following school year.
Part 1.Applicants for the Inter-Club Council Director position must fill out a BCAS Officer
application, be nominated and then elected by the ICC, and then ratified by a majority vote
of the BCAS Executive Board. Refer to Article IX, Sections 1 through 3, of the BCAS
Bylaws for minimum requirements of the position.
Clause 2.Their duties include:
Part 1.Shall chair all ICC meetings.
Part 2.Shall oversee all ICC related projects and events.
Part 3.Shall supervise the preparation of the agenda and make sure it is posted at the
Student Activities Office at least 72 hours prior to the next official meeting.
Part 4.May call a special meeting, in compliance with this document, with club notification.
Part 5.May form and dissolve ICC committees and taskforces.
Part 6.Shall provide to the BCAS at every official BCAS meeting an updated ICC fund
statement, which shall include all funds awarded to date, to whom the funds were awarded,
and the current balance.
Part 7.Any tie-breakers shall be decided by the ICC Director.
Part 8.Shall meet weekly with the ICC Advisor.
Part 9.Shall confirm that clubs requesting funds are in good standing.
Part 10.Shall seek replacements for all vacant ICC executive or board positions, and fulfill
responsibilities until position(s) are ratified by the ICC Board.
Section 3. Inter-Club Council Vice Chair
Clause 1.Shall be filled at the last meeting of the spring semester to serve the following
academic year.
Clause 2.Shall assume all duties of the ICC Director in their absence, death, removal or
resignation until such time that a new ICC Director has been elected by the club representatives
and ratified by the BCAS.
Clause 3.Their duties shall include:
Part 1.Shall serve as protocol officer and parliamentarian for all representatives and guests.
Part 2.Shall serve as the chair of the Club Challenge Week committee.
Part 3.Shall fulfill other duties as needed and as available.
Part 4.Shall attend all ICC Business Meetings, Special Meetings, and all ICC Leadership
Team meetings with the advisor.
Section 4. Inter-Club Council Treasurer
Clause 1.Shall be filled at the last meeting of the spring semester to serve the following
academic year.
Clause 2.Their duties shall include:
Part 1.Shall report the current status of funds in the ICC account at each meeting.
Part 2.Shall keep a current record of total funds awarded to clubs.
Part 3.Shall, within 48 hours of an ICC meeting, update the Student Activities
Administrative Assistant on club funding awards.
Part 4.Shall keep accurate records of all proposals submitted and final evaluations.
Part 5.Shall attend all ICC Business Meetings, Special Meetings, and all ICC Leadership
Team meetings with the advisor.
Section 5. Inter-Club Council Secretary
Clause 1.The BCAS Secretary shall serve as the ICC Secretary.
Part 1.The Secretary shall not have a vote in the ICC unless they are the designated
representative of a club.
Clause 2.Their duties shall include:
Part 1.Shall be responsible for taking the meeting’s minutes and roll.
Part 2.If the Secretary is unable to take the minutes the responsibility will be delegated by
the ICC Communications Officer.
Part 3.Shall be the custodian of all agendas, minutes, club proposals, proposal evaluations,
and any other information regarding ICC related events and activities for that semester. All
records will be kept, neatly, in an ICC binder in the Student Activities Office.
Section 6. Inter-Club Council Communications Officer
Clause 1.Shall be filled at the last meeting of the spring semester to serve the following
academic year.
Clause 2. Their duties shall include:
Part 1.Shall be the custodian of the ICC webpage in conjunction with Public Relations and
Marketing staff.
Part 2.Shall be the custodian of the MyBC Portal content.
Part 3.Shall be responsible for sending out ICC related communications.
Part 4.Shall be responsible for advertising all ICC events in conjunction with Public
Relations and Marketing staff.
Part 5.Shall attend all ICC Business Meetings, Special Meetings, and all ICC Leadership
Team meetings with the advisor.
Section 7. Officer Removal and Resignation
Clause 1.Any officer may resign by giving written notice to the ICC. Such resignation shall take
effect upon the receipt of said notice, or at any later date specified.
Clause 2.
Any officer may be removed by a minimum vote of two-thirds of present club
representatives for any of the following:
Part 1.
Failure to discharge their duties as an ICC officer.
Part 2.
Misuse or misappropriation of ICC funds.
Part 3.
Absence at three regular meetings of the ICC in any one semester.
Part 4.
Failure to comply with District Policies regarding student conduct.
The standing committees of the ICC shall be the Club Challenge Week Committee, Club Training Committee,
and the ICC Events Committee.
Section 1. Committees Structure
Clause 1.
Committees will be chaired by ICC Representatives who will be appointed and
removed by the ICC Director with ratification by a simple majority vote of the ICC.
Clause 2.
Committees will be comprised of ICC Representatives and current club
members. Appointments will be made by the ICC Director and approved by a simple majority
vote of the ICC.
Clause 3.
Committee Chairs will prepare agendas and conduct meetings according to the
Ralph M. Brown Act and Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition.
Clause 4.
The ICC Director will act as an ex-officio member to all committees.
Clause 5.
The ICC Advisor will act as an ad hoc advisor to all committees.
Clause 6.
Committee chairs shall report their committee’s current progress at each ICC
Section 2. Club Challenge Week Committee
Clause 1.
The ICC Vice Chair shall be the chair of the Club Challenge Week Committee.
Clause 2.
Shall be responsible for planning and implementing the Club Challenge Week
events during the spring semester.
Section 3. Club Training Committee
Clause 1.
Shall be responsible for planning and implementing Club Training.
Clause 2.
Shall work with the ICC Advisor on planning and implementation of Club
Section 4. ICC Events Committee
Clause 1.
Shall be responsible for planning and implementing ICC events.
Section 1. Only recognized clubs, not on probation, may request ICC funding.
Section 2. Clubs may not receive more than. Ten percent of ICC funds per semester. The ten
percent is based on the total amount funds the ICC is granted for the academic calendar year.
Section 3. , Clubs must have their proposals reviewed and approved by the Inter-Club Council at a
meeting prior to their funding needs for an event or project
Clause 1.
Any proposal on the agenda, from a club absent for that meeting, will be
postponed only once to the next meeting, after which it will be dismissed.
Clause 2.
All club proposals must be approved by a majority vote. Any rejected proposals
can be amended and resubmitted for consideration at the next official ICC meeting.
Clause 3.
Proposals up for consideration may be approved for less than the amount
Section 4. Funds will not be awarded to any club for items not listed on their original proposal
after it has been submitted and approved by the Inter-Club Council.
Section 5. Clubs must submit their Post-Evaluation Form no later than two meetings after the
completion of their event or project.
Clause 1.
Failure to do so will place a club on probationary status and prevent a club from
receiving any further reimbursements until the completed form has been submitted.
Clause 2.
Copies of receipts (or proof of expenses) must be attached to the PostEvaluation Form.
Section 1. All official ICC meetings must be run in accordance with The Brown Act and Robert’s
Rules of Order, current edition.
Clause 1.
Motions to remove or reinstate a club representative, and motions to waive or
extend a club’s probationary period, will be considered privileged motions.
Section 2. A quorum of one-third of recognized clubs must be present at ICC meetings to
conduct business.
Butte College Inter-Club Council Bylaws created by Ty Weber. 5\16\2006
Dates Butte College Inter-Club Council Bylaws overhauled:
ICC Chair, Chelsea Scevers; AS Business Director, Dan Jackson; AS Publicity Director, Helen
Hagler; AS Parliamentary Coordinator, Travis Gomes; AS Advisor, Kelly Munson
ICC Chair, Joseph L. Rogers; ICC Advisor, Yvette Zuniga
ICC Chair, Zerimar Ramirez; ICC Advisor, Yvette Zuniga
ICC Director, Kurt Giese; ICC Advisor – Yvette Zuniga
ICC Director, Jonathan Coltrin; ICC Advisor, Yvette Zuniga; ICC Vice Chair, James LaPointe;
ICC Communications, Naiya Sullivan; ICC Treasurer, Lila McKissick.+
ICC Director, Jonathan Coltrin; ICC Advisor Intern Joseph Rogers; ICC Vice Chair James
LaPointe; ICC Communications, Naiya Sullivan; ICC Treasurer, Lila Mckissick; ICC
Representatives, Belinda Williams, Kellie Grandbois
ICC Director. Belinda Williams, ICC Advisor- Yvette Zuniga