Quiz PHT 222
Unit – 3 – GALVANIC
Therapeutic modality – True / False
• 1. Interruption is the most usual modification of direct current.
• 2. The flow of current commencing (starting) & ceasing
(ending) at irregular intervals.
• 3. The rise & fall in intensity / amplitude may be sudden
(rectangular impulse), gradual (Trapezoidal, Triangular, saw
tooth impulse).
• 4. If the duration need to be increased, the frequency must be
Therapeutic modality – True / False
• 5. The interval between the impulses should never be of shorter
duration & is appreciably longer.
• 6. A muscle that is denervated is one that lost its peripheral
nerve supply.
• 7. The primary purpose for E.S. over denervated muscle is to
help minimize the extent of ATROPHY.
• 8. Following denervation, the muscle fibers experience a number
of progressive – anatomic, biochemical & physiological changes.
Therapeutic modality – True / False
• 9. These degenerative changes progress until the muscle is
reinnervated by axons.
• 10. If reinnervation does not occur within 2 years, it is generally
accepted that fibrous C.T. have replaced the contractile element
of the muscle & the recovery of the muscle function is not
• 11. Most of the research studies indicate that muscle atrophy can
be retarded.
• 12. Loss of muscle mass & contractile strength can be minimized
& muscle fiber size can be maintained by appropriate use of E.S.
Therapeutic modality – True / False
• 13. Electrically stimulated contractions of denervated muscles
may limit edema & venous stasis.
• 14. E.S. has little or no effect on the rate of nerve regeneration
or muscle reinnervation.
• 15. The current which rises gradually are often called selective.
• 16. Muscle tissues may be stimulated by these slow rising pulses
(Triangular or accommodation pulses).
Therapeutic modality – True / False
• 17. To stimulate the Denervated muscle fibers, a rise time of
100ms is best.
• 18. Stimulation of sensory nerve will produce a feeling of tingling
• 19. Stimulation of motor nerve will produce a sluggish muscle
contraction followed by slow relaxation.
• 20. Fibrillations means spontaneous contractions of muscle
Therapeutic modality – True / False
• 21. Galvanic stimulation can slow muscle atrophy & degeneration
but not completely prevent it.
• 22. Any broken skin should be protected by petroleum jelly.
• 23. You should tell the patient to report the PT immediately if any
abnormal feeling experienced below the electrodes.
• 24. The Galvanic current may be applied with the muscle in a
partially lengthened position.
Therapeutic modality – True / False
• 25. A minimum of 90 – 150 & maximum up to– 300 contractions
of each muscle is desirable in a session as a general rule for
effective treatment.
• 24. Fatigue is identified by the weakening of contractions of the
• 25. The Galvanic current may be applied with the muscle in a
partially lengthened position.
Complete the sentence
• 1. This current is called as ______________, having more than
1ms duration which may be up to ___________ms.
• 2. The galvanic current is defined as
• ____________________________________________________
• 3. List the various types of electrodes used for E.S?
• A._____________ B. _____________ c. _________ d. _______
• 4. Explain ionic flow in the biological tissues on E.S. ?
Complete the sentence
• 5. What do mean by salutatory conduction?
• 6. Physiological effects of Galvanic current?
• a._____________ b. ______________ c._____________
• 7. Contraindications of Galvanic current?
• a._____________ b. ______________ c._____________
• D. _____________ e. _______________
• 8. Indications of Galvanic current?
• a._____________ b. ______________
Complete the sentence
• 9. Why the Faradic current stimulation is given for re-education
of the muscle action?
• 10. Methods of application available for the galvanic stimulation?
• A. ____________ B. _______________
• 11. Advantage of Labile method?
• a._____________ b. ______________
Multiple Choice Question
• 1. What duration is commonly used for stimulation of the
denervated muscles?
• A. 1ms
• B. 50ms
• C. 100ms
• D. 150ms.
• 2. Following are the changes seen in a denervated muscle
• A. ↓ in size of the individual muscle fibers
• B. ↓ in diameter of the muscle fibers
• C. ↑ in time the time required for the muscle to contract
Multiple Choice Question
• 3. Which type of impulse is appropriate for stimulating directly the
muscle fiber?
• A. Rectangular
• B. Triangular
• C. Saw tooth
• D. Trapezoidal.
• 4. What type of contraction is produced by stimulating a denervated
• A. A sluggish worm like contraction
• B. A tetanic like contraction
• C. A slow muscle twitch
• D. A brisk muscle twitch with slow relaxation