Unclassified Staff Senate Executive Committee Meeting November 22, 2011 Called to order at 3:04 p.m. by President B.B. Stotts Present: President B.B. Stotts, President-Elect Missi Kelly, Secretary Heather Eckstein, and Cohort Representatives – Jon Bartlow, Paul Stewart and Mindy Cloninger A. Budget Draft for USS a. Budget requests for 2013 will be submitted during the spring semester. b. Budget request for 2012 has been drafted ($1200), but we are unsure if this will be approved as we were not established at the time budget requests for FY2012 were due. Costs thus far have been covered by the President’s office. c. We will be submitting our larger request for FY2013 during the spring semester, while requesting assistance from the President’s with the minimal expenses we may have during FY2012. d. In FY2013, PSU will ”host” the unclassified staff council; we will need to determine if we will be hosting a meeting of the council on campus during that year in order to request additional funding if necessary. i. B.B. is going to contact Phil at KU to ask about the hosting rotation and how the chair of the unclassified staff council position works ii. B.B. is also going to ask about the creation of process that would provide guidance to the council for its leadership and work B. Review Survey Questions a. B.B. distributed the questions created by Amanda Williams and members of the professional development ad hoc committee. b. With only one small edit, the survey was approved for distribution. c. The committee should write an email to accompany that explains the purpose and general guidelines for completion. B.B. will ask Amanda to draft the email and share it with B.B. prior to sending in December with a January reminder C. January USS Event – potluck soup and salad a. Friday, January 6 in the basement of the alumni center from 11:30 – 1:00; food must be there by 11:30 and serving will begin at 11:40. RSVP will be due by December 20 to Mindy who will be sending the invitation b. The executive committee will be bringing table settings and beverages D. Pitt State’s response to the recent events at Penn State a. An email came from the President’s office that indicated that PSU will develop a summary of PSU’s responsibilities regarding crime reporting. E. New Business a. A question was posed regarding the progress of the Adhoc bylaws committee. At this point, we know that work has occurred regarding clarification of the secretary’s responsibilities. The executive committee discussed the need to address attendance at Senate meetings. B.B. will confer with Ron Womble regarding the progress of the committee. F. Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Heather Eckstein Secretary Jon Misty Mindy Heather Rita Missi Paul BB Lauren Bartlow Button Cloninger Eckstein Girth Kelly Stewart Stotts Werner na x na x na na na x x na x na x na na na x x na x na x na na na x x x x na x x x x x x x na x x x x x x 11/22/2011 10/25/2011 9/22/2011 8/24/2011 7/19/2011 7/8/2011 Unclassified Staff Senate Executive Committee Meetings Attendance 2011-2012 x na x x x x x