Unclassified Staff Senate Executive Council Meeting Minutes September 22, 2011 Called to order at 3:36 p.m. President Misty Button. Present: President Misty Button, President-elect B.B. Stotts, Treasurer Lauren Werner, Secretary Heather Eckstein, and Representatives of the Cohorts – Jon Bartlow, Rita Girth, Paul Stewart, and Missi Kelly. As previously announced, Misty will be leaving. The bylaws do not yet have provisions for filling vacancies. Misty sent us a document of how vacancies are filled at the other Regent’s institutions that have similar organization. Discussion ensued regarding the options. General consensus is that the president-elect should step into the president spot. Discussion then moved to the issue of how to fill the vacancy that B.B. leaves as she moved to president. Consensus was that the president-elect position should be filled with a nominations and elections process. B.B. will send out a call for nominations to the Senate and determine who is willing to serve in order to create a ballot for electing a president-elect on October 6. The senate seats currently held by Jamie Jones and Misty Button need to be filled. It was determined that we will look at the next two highest vote getters in the President’s division. Misty will approach the individuals to determine their willingness to serve. Professional development funds as a topic for future discussion was a suggestion that came from the senate. Our discussion indicated that we will need to request funds to support our group for travel (state council meetings, legislature visit), general operating, and professional development. Estimates for funding identified are as follows: Travel o 4 - Unclassified Staff Council (USC) meetings - $650 o Legislative Lobbying - $200 Operating funds: o Welcome Gift for New Unclassified Staff - $50 o Senator nametags - $50 o Miscellaneous - $150 Professional Development for 224 employees o We need to do a survey to determine the need for professional development funds; an ad hoc committee will be created to develop a survey to be sent to all unclassified staff to determine if there is a need for professional development funds and at what level Consensus of the group is that we should request the $1100 to operate this year from President Scott. We will wait to make a request for professional development fund until the information gathered through the survey is available. Misty will post the name of the committees that have representation prior to the next senate meeting for people to refer to as they consider which committees on which we would like to request representation. Meeting adjourned at 4:38 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Heather Eckstein Secretary Unclassified Staff Senate Officers Meeting Attendance Jon Misty Heather Rita Missi Paul BB Lauren Bartlow Button Eckstein Girth Kelly Stewart Stotts Werner na x x na na na x x na x x na na na x x na x x na na na x x 9/22/2011 8/24/2011 7/19/2011 7/8/2011 2011-2012 x x x x x x x x