Unclassified Staff Senate Meeting February 2, 2012 I. Meeting called to order at 3:01 p.m. by President B.B. Stotts. II. Approval of minutes – M/S/P (Girth, Werner) III. Other University Reports a. Student Senate – No representative present. b. Classified Senate – No representative present. Classified Senate members visited Topeka last week to visit with members of the legislature about their position report. They have reported being well received, but are aware that the Governor’s budget does not include pay increases for any state employee. c. Faculty Senate – No representative present. Report was emailed from President Hazel Coltharp. Committees are gearing up for the semester. At their January meeting, Mike McCracken was the guest speaker and discussed safety at PSU. University Police and Parking will be having training for PSU faculty on emergency procedures to include behavioral concerns in the classroom. d. President’s Liaison – No representative present. IV. Executive Committee Reports a. President B.B. Stotts i. B.B. met with Dr. Scott for the first time as president of the Unclassified Staff Senate on January 27. Dr. Scott indicated he believes in the value of this group and has followed the proceedings thus far. ii. Student Health Fee Council has requested a representative from U.S.S. Jon Bartlow volunteered to serve. b. President-elect Missi Kelly – no report c. Secretary Heather Eckstein – no report d. Treasurer Lauren Werner i. An account was opened for U.S.S. in the amount of $32, funds remaining from the collections for the Soup and Salad Celebration. V. Committee Reports a. Adhoc Bylaws – Ron Womble i. Language has been drafted for quorum and secretary duties. ii. The committee will be attending the next executive council meeting to look at the proposed changes and discuss additional revisions that may need to be proposed. b. Adhoc Professional Development – Amanda Williams reported that 46 surveys were completed and the committee will be report the results to the executive council at its next meeting. VI. Old Business a. Final report on Soup and Salad Celebration – Feedback has been positive and executive council is already discussing enhancements for this event in the future. VII. New Business a. Unclassified Council is meeting in Wichita on February 3 to prepare their report for the KBOR meeting on February 15. PSU will celeb rate the football championship in Topeka at a Luncheon on February 15 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel. b. Date changes for the March and May meetings due to campus events that conflict. i. The March 1 meeting is being moved to March 8 @ 3:00 p.m. with the location to be announced. ii. The May 3 meeting is being moved to May 17 @ 3:00 p.m. in the Inaugural room in the Student Center. c. Please attend the budget forum presented by Dr. Scott and Shawn Naccarato on February 6, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. in 109 Grubbs Hall. d. Dr. Scott will be attending the April Senate meeting VIII. Announcements a. Human Resources will be hosting informational sessions entitled: “Building a Respectful and Collegial Environment – What every PSU employee should know about addressing disruptive and uncivil behavior in a positive and proactive manner” on February 24 at 9:00, 10:30 and 1:00 in the Governor’s Room in the Student Center. b. Next executive council meeting is February 21, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. in Russ 211. c. Next Senate meeting is March 8, 2012 @ 3:00 p.m. in the Student Center. IX. Meeting adjourned 3:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Heather Eckstein U.S.S. Secretary Unclassified Staff Senate – Special Meeting for Election of 2012-2013 Officers February 2, 2012 I. Meeting called to order at 3:20 p.m. by President B.B. Stotts. II. Nomination of 2012-2013 Officers a. President Elect Nominations i. Mindy Cloninger (need to contact to see if accepts nomination) ii. Andy Myers (accepted nomination) iii. Cathy Lee Arcuino (accepted nomination) b. Secretary i. Debbie Amershek (accepted nomination) ii. Susan Dellasega (need to contact to see if accepts nomination) c. Treasurer i. Lauren Werner (accepted nomination) III. Appointment of Election Committee for 2012-2013 Senator Election a. Nominated members are - Jenny Hellwig (chair), Barbara Herbert, and David Nance b. General discussion of the timeline and specifics of the election of both officers and senators was discussed. IV. Special meeting adjourned at 3:41 p.m. Debbie Cathy Lee Jon Misty Ellen Mindy Susan Jean Heather Rita Lindell Jenny Barbara Jamie Missi Holly Andrew Shawn David Jim Tim Paul BB Lauren Amanda Ron Amershek Arcuino Bartlow Button Carter Cloninger Dellasega Dockers Eckstein Girth Haverstic Hellwig Herbert Jones Kelly Kent Myers Naccarato Nance Otter Pearson Stewart Stotts Werner Williams Womble x x x x x x x x x na x x x x x na x x x na x x x x x x x x x x x x x x na x na x x na x x x x na x x x x x x x x na x x na x x na x x na x x x na x x x x x x na x x na x x x na x x x x x x x x na x x na x x x x x x x x na X X X Na x x 5/3/2012 4/5/2012 na na na na na na na na na x x x x x x na x x na X X X X X Na X X X na X x x x 3/1/2012 2/2/2012 1/5/2012 12/1/2011 11/3/2011 10/6/2011 9/1/2011 5/18/2011 Unclassified Staff Senate Attendance 2011-2012 x x x x x X X X X X