Introduction to the economy of the environment The economy as an open system The relationship between economy and environment 1) The environmental limits to the economic activity 2) The harmonic visions of the development 3) The environmental consequences of the economic activity 4) Private cost and social cost Renewable and non-Renewable Resources 1) The exploitation of the non renewable resources 2) The exploitation of the renewable resources The economy as an open system Extract resources from the environment Transform these resources Replace it in the environment in a different state More resources are extracted, More wastes are produced ! The environment puts some limits to the economic activity MALTHUS - The environment as absolute limit RICARDO - The environment as relative limit MARX - The importance of the social limits STEADY STATE: Situation of equilibrium in which the economy ceases to grow The harmonic visions of the development MILL - Same convergence to the static state DALY - The static state as a political choice But do we need really to realize the static state to safeguard the environment? The environmental consequences of economic activity: Contamination Pollution Economic pollution Economic activity produces external cost that influence other subjects PIGOU: we must distinguish between PRIVATE COST AND SOCIAL COST of an economic activity the real forms of contamination produce a very great social cost SOCIAL COST = PRIVATE COST + EXTERNAL COST To manage the resources economically The resources can be: RENEWABLE NON RENEWABLE (EXHAUSTIBLE) The renewable resources require TAXES FOR EXPLOITATION It is necessary to maximize the profit on a large temporal horizon rather than in every instant of the time! COST OF USE: To utilize an exhaustible resource today means not to utilize it tomorrow! If tomorrow the resource will be more than toda, it can be worthwhile to differ the exploitation of it. COST Of EMPLOYMENT OF AN EXHAUSTIBLE RESOURCE = COST OF EXTRACTION + COST OF USE Also for the renewable resources, whose level increases by time, it is essential to choose the moment in which the resource will be utilized More the potential exploitation will make. But we can not wait forever..