Document 15344204

Activities – Word Level 2
Formatting and Customizing Text
Activity 1: Using Format Painter
1. Open Binghamton University Draft.docx
2. Save it as My Binghamton University Draft.docx to the desktop
3. Select Our history, change the font and capitalize each word
a. Change the font to 16 point, italic, and in the Font Color, under Theme Colors, choose
Purple, Accent 4
b. On the Change case button (Aa), select Capitalize Each Word
c. Deselect the text
4. Use Format Painter to copy the font options in Our History to the headings At a Glance, Our
Schools, Innovative Living-Learning Facilities and Active Athletic Community
a. Select Our History
b. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, double-click Format Painter
c. Click and drag over the next five headings: At a Glance, Our Schools, Innovative LivingLearning Facilities and Active Athletic Community
d. Deselect Format Painter
e. Deselect the text
5. Save changes
Activity 2: Creating Custom Styles
1. Make sure My Binghamton University Draft.docx is open
2. Give the title a new Title Style
a. Select the title Welcome to BU and give it a Title style
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, select the
to open the Styles dialog box
c. In the Styles task pane, select New Style
. The Create New Style from Formatting
dialog box opens
i. In the Name box, type BU Draft Title
ii. In the Style based on choose Title
iii. Under the Formatting section, change the font to Calibri, Bold, under Theme
Colors choose Aqua, Accent 5 and center align the text
iv. Select OK
v. Deselect the text
3. Give the subtitle a new Subtitle Style
a. Select the subtitle A premier public university and give it a Subtitle style
b. In the Styles task pane, select New Style
. The Create New Style from Formatting
dialog box opens
In the Name box, type BU Draft Subtitle
In the Style based on choose Subtitle
Under the Formatting section, change the font to Calibri, Italics, under Theme
Colors choose Aqua, Accent 5 and right align the text
Select OK
Deselect the text
4. Give each heading a Heading 1 Style
5. Close the Styles dialog box
6. Save changes
Activity 2a: Modifying Styles
1. Make sure My Binghamton University Draft.docx is open
2. Change the line under the title from Theme Colors Blue, Accent 1 to Theme Colors Aqua, Accent 5
a. Select the text Welcome to BU that was formatted with the Title style
b. Open up the Styles dialog box
c. In the Styles task pane, select the BU Draft Title pull-down and choose Modify. The
Modify Style dialog box opens
i. On the bottom left, select Format and choose Border
ii. Change the Color to Theme Colors Aqua, Accent 5
iii. In the Preview pane, click on the bottom border
from Blue, Accent 1 to Aqua, Accent 5
iv. Select OK
v. On the Modify Style dialog box, select OK
vi. Deselect the text
3. Close the Styles dialog box
4. Save changes
twice to change the line color
Activity 3: Applying Themes
1. Make sure My Binghamton University Draft.docx is open
2. Set a theme for the document
a. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Background group, select Page Color
b. Select Theme Colors Dark Blue, Text 2, Lighter 80%
(If Dark Blue does not appear, select any blue color that says Lighter 80%)
c. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Background group, select Page Borders
i. A Borders and Shading dialog box will appear. On the Page Border tab, in the
Setting section, select Box to add borders to all sides of the page
ii. Set Color to Theme Colors Dark Blue, Text 2
iii. Set Width to 1 pt
iv. In the Apply to pull-down list, verify that Whole document is selected
v. Select OK
d. On the Page Layout tab, in the Themes group, select Themes pull-down
e. Point to the various themes and notice that the page background color, page border color
and text color changes as you preview the themes
f. Select the Solstice theme. Notice that this overrides the color you previously set for the
page background
i. Notice the Title, Subtitle and Heading styles changed as well.
3. Customize the theme
a. On the Page Layout tab, in the Themes group, select Colors
b. Point to the various colors to see how the document colors change
c. Select Paper
d. In the Themes group, select Fonts
e. Point to the various fonts to see how the document fonts change
f. Select Clarity
4. Save the current theme
a. Select Themes pull-down
b. Select Save Current Theme
i. In the Save Current Theme dialog box, under File name save the theme as My BU
Draft Theme.thmx. Make sure Save as type is Office Theme (*.thmx)
ii. Click Save
c. Select Themes. Verify that under Custom, your My BU Draft Theme is listed and
5. Save changes
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
Activity 4: Change Styles
1. Make sure My Binghamton University Draft.docx is open
2. Change the style set, color, font and paragraph spacing
a. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Change Styles pull-down
b. Click on Style Set and hover over each style set to see how it changes the set of styles. Do
not choose a style set.
c. Click on the Color and notice Paper is selected
d. Click on the Font and notice Clarity is selected
e. Click on the Paragraph Spacing and hover over each spacing option. The built-in spacing
shows spacing before and after a paragraph as well as the line spacing. Choose Compact.
3. Save changes
Activity 5: Revealing and Clearing Formatting
1. Make sure My Binghamton University Draft.docx is open
2. Press Shift+F1 to open the Reveal Formatting task pane
3. Remove the underline style from the items under Our Schools
a. Scroll down the page to Our Schools and select the text Harpur College of Arts and
b. In the Reveal Formatting task pane, under Font, notice both the italic and underline font
styles are applied to the text
c. In the Reveal Formatting task pane, under Selected text hover your mouse over the box
and select the arrow and then choose Select All Text With Similar Formatting
d. Notice all the paragraphs with the same formatting are highlighted
e. Select the pull-down in the Selected text box and choose Clear Formatting
f. On the Home tab, in the Font group, select Bold
g. In the Reveal Formatting task pane, under Font, notice the bold font style is applied to all
the paragraphs
h. Deselect the text
i. Close the Reveal Formatting task pane
4. Save changes
Activity 6: Finding and Replacing Text Formatting
1. Make sure My Binghamton University Draft.docx is open
2. Change the headings color
a. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, select Replace
b. On the Replace tab, place the insertion point in the Find what text box
i. Clear any text entries by clicking No Formatting located under Find at the bottom
of the dialog box
ii. Select More>> to expand the list of available options
iii. On the bottom left under Replace, select the Format button and choose Font to
open the Find Font dialog box
iv. On the Font tab, in the Font: select +Headings
v. Select OK
c. Place the insertion point in the Replace with text box
i. If necessary, clear any text entries by clicking No Formatting located under
Replace at the bottom of the dialog box
ii. Select Format, and choose Font to open the Replace Font dialog box
iii. In the Font color pull-down, under Theme Colors select Gold, Accent 3
iv. Select OK
d. Select Replace to make sure it’s working ok
e. Select Replace All
f. Select OK in the message box
3. Close the Find and Replace dialog box
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
4. Deselect the text and notice all of the headings are now Gold, Accent 3
5. Save changes
Borders and Shading
Activity 1: Adding Borders and Shading
1. Make sure My Binghamton University Draft.docx is open
2. Create a box border with a color fill around the bulleted list in the section titled Innovative
Living-Learning Facilities
a. Scroll down to Innovative Living-Learning Facilities
b. Select the bulleted list
c. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group select the arrow on the Borders button and
choose Borders and Shading
d. On the Borders tab, select Box for the setting, under Theme Colors choose Olive Green,
Accent 1, Darker 25% for the color, and 1 ½ pt. for the width.
e. On the Shading tab, under Fill choose Olive Green, Accent 1, Lighter 60%
f. Select OK
g. Deselect the text
3. Save changes
Activity 1a: Modifying a Page Border
1. Change the existing Dark Green border to an Olive Green border
a. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group select the arrow on the Borders button and
choose Borders and Shading
b. On the Page Borders tab, select Box for the setting, under Theme Colors choose Olive
Green, Accent 1 for the color and 2 ¼ pt. for the width
c. Select OK
2. Save changes and close the document
Customizing Graphic Elements
Activity 1: Creating Text Boxes
1. Open About FitSpace.docx
2. Save as My About FitSpace.docx to the desktop
3. Create a pull quote from the sentence “We service approximately 1500-2000 people per day through
the programs we offer.”
a. In the last paragraph at the bottom of the page, copy the sentence “We service
approximately 1500-2000 people per day through the programs we offer.”
b. Deselect the text
c. Place the cursor just above About Us at the top of the page
d. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select the Text Box pull-down
e. Select Austin Pull Quote
f. Paste the copied text in the pull quote box
g. With the pull quote selected, select the Drawing Tools Format tab
h. In the Shape Styles group, select Shape Fill pull-down
i. Under Theme Colors select White, Background 1, Darker 25%
j. Resize the box so the text is on three lines
k. Drag the box until the top of the box is below and to the left of the second paragraph under
Current Features of FitSpace
l. Save changes
4. Create a sidebar from “FitSpace has:”
a. Select and cut FitSpace has: including all the bullets
Note: when selecting all the text, make sure to select the paragraph mark after the last
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select the Text Box pull-down
Select Mod Sidebar
Paste the text in the text box
Resize the box to fit the text
Move the box to the right side of the document, even with the first paragraph under About
g. With the sidebar selected, select the Drawing Tools Format tab
h. In the Shape Styles group, select Shape Effects
i. In the Bevel section, select Circle
j. Verify that your document looks similar to this:
5. Save changes and close the document
Activity 2: Drawing Shapes
1. Open Commit to Fit Open House.docx
2. Save as My Commit to Fit Open House.docx to the desktop
3. Add a red Explosion shape to the document
a. Go to the end of the document and place your cursor after “Campus Recreational Staff”
b. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, select the Shapes pull-down
c. From the Shapes gallery, in the Stars and Banners section, select 32-point Star
d. Drag the mouse pointer to create a shape about half the width of the page and about the
same height
e. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, select the Shape Fill pulldown
f. Select Standard Colors Light Blue
g. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, select the Shape Outline
h. Select Standard Colors Light Blue
4. Add the text “30% off merchandise”
a. Right-click in the shape and select Add Text
b. Type 30% off merchandise
c. Highlight the text and increase the font size of the text in the graphic to 16 point
d. Adjust the shape, if needed
e. Deselect the shape
f. Save changes
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
Activity 3: Adding WordArt and Drop Cap
1. Make sure My Commit to Fit Open House.docx is opened
2. Convert the first two sentences to WordArt
a. Select the first two sentences, “We are having our annual Open House and There will be a
lot of prizes and discounts!”
b. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select the WordArt pull-down
c. From the WordArt gallery, from the fourth row, middle, select Gradient fill – Black,
Outline – White, Outer Shadow
d. Highlight the text and decrease the font size of the text to 26 point
e. Deselect the text
3. Add a drop cap to the paragraph that starts with “Participants”
a. Position the cursor within the paragraph that begins with “Participants”
b. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select the Drop Cap pull-down
c. Select Dropped
d. Deselect the text
4. Configure a drop cap for the paragraph beginning with “We look …”
a. Position the cursor within the paragraph that starts with “We look”
b. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select the Drop Cap pull-down
c. Select Drop Cap Options
d. In the Position selection, select Dropped
e. In the Options section, change the Font to Calibri
f. Change the Lines to drop to 2
g. Select OK
h. Deselect the text
5. Remove the drop cap from “We look…”
a. With the cursor in the paragraph that starts with “We look…”, select the Drop Cap pulldown
b. Select None
c. Save changes and close the document
Managing Long Documents
Activity 1: Inserting Cover and Blank Pages
1. Open Webinar.docx
2. Save as My Webinar.docx to the desktop
3. Insert a cover page
a. Place the cursor before any text at the top of the document
b. On the Insert tab, in the Pages group, select Cover Page pull-down menu
c. From the Built-in, select Grid
d. Select [Type the document title] and type Webinar Training
e. Select [Type the document subtitle] and type University Center for Training &
f. Select [Type the abstract…], select the Abstract tab above the field, and press Delete
4. Insert a blank page after the cover page
a. Click in the cover page away from the box containing the title
b. Note that when the cursor is on the cover page, in the Pages group, the Blank Page button
is not available
c. Place the cursor at the top of the next page (What are Webinars?) before any text
d. Note that in the Pages group, the Blank Page button is available
e. On the Insert tab, in the Pages group, select Blank Page
f. Save changes
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
Activity 2: Inserting Footnotes and Endnotes
1. Make sure My Wedinar.docx is open
2. Insert a footnote
a. On the View tab, in the Show group, check Navigation pane or press CTRL+F to show the
Navigation pane
b. If necessary, in the Navigation pane, select the Browse the headings in your document
button to see all the headings in your document
c. Go to Schedule a Meeting
d. In the fourth bullet, place the cursor after the word VoIP
e. On the References tab, in the Footnotes group, select Insert Footnote
f. In the footnote area in the document, type Voice over IP is taking analog signals (telephone
calls) and turning the signal into digital data that can be transmitted over the Internet.
g. Scroll up to Schedule a Meeting and mouse over the footnote number to display the
footnote contents
3. Insert an endnote
a. Go to Prior to Meeting
b. In the second bullet, place the cursor after the word media
c. On the References tab, in the Footnotes group, select Insert Endnote
d. In the endnote area in the document, type Examples of streaming media are videos, radio
and television broadcasts.
e. Navigate back to the word media and mouse over the endnote reference mark to display
the endnote contents
4. Save changes
Activity 3: Inserting Captions
1. Make sure My Webinar.docx is open
2. Add a caption to tables
a. Under the heading What are Webinars? select the table
b. On the References tab, in the Captions group, select Insert Caption
c. In the Caption dialog box, under the Options panel, in the Label pull-down, select Table
d. Under the Options panel, in the Position: pull-down, select Above selected item
e. In the Caption: text box, after Table 1 type: : Would you go to a webinar?
f. Select OK.
g. Continue this process for each of the three tables
i. Under the heading Managing the Meeting, select the table and type: Table 2:
Meeting template
ii. Under the heading Pass Roles to Attendees, select the chart and type: Table 3:
Changing roles
3. Add a caption to figures
a. Select the figure under the heading Schedule a Meeting
b. On the References tab, in the Captions group, select Insert Caption
c. In the Caption dialog box, under the Options panel, in the Label pull-down, select Figure
d. Under the Options panel, in the Position: pull-down, select Below selected item
e. In the Caption: text box, after Figure 1 type: Scheduling a meeting window
f. Select OK.
g. Continue this process for each of the 12 figures, making sure all figure captions are below
the figure.
i. Under Edit a Scheduled Meeting, after Figure 2 type: : Editing a scheduled
meeting window
ii. Under VoIP Audio Setup, after Figure 3 type: : Setting audio preferences window
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
iii. Under Start a Scheduled Meeting, after Figure 4 type: : Starting a scheduled
meeting window
iv. Under The Organizer/Presenter Control Panel, after Figure 5 type: : Control
v. Under Screen Sharing Pane, after Figure 6 type: : Presenter screen sharing pane
vi. Under Share Your Desktop, after Figure 7 type: : Sharing your desktop screen
vii. Under Request Keyboard and Mouse, after Figure 8 type: : Keyboard and mouse
request screen
viii. Under Set Up, after Figure 9 type: : Recording setting
ix. Under Set Up, 2. On the Recording tab:, after Figure 10 type: : Recording
preferences window
x. Under Record a Meeting, after Figure 11 type: : Recording a meeting
xi. Under Drawing Tools, after Figure 12 type: : Drawing tools menu
h. Save changes
Activity 4: Inserting a Citation
1. Make sure My Webinar.docx is open
2. Insert a citation
a. On the View tab, in the Show group, check Navigation pane or press CTRL+F to show the
Navigation pane
b. If necessary, in the Navigation pane, select the Browse the headings in your document
button to see all the headings in your document
c. Go to What are Webinars, Table 1
d. Place the cursor after the last word, webinar?, in the table caption
e. On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, select Insert Citation
pull-down and select Add New Source
f. In the Create Source dialog box, from the Type of Source , pull-down list, select Book
g. In the Author field, type Baxter Bearcat
h. In the Title field, type The BU Experience
i. In the Year field, type in 2010
j. In the City field, type in New York
k. In the Publisher field, type in ABC Publishing
l. Select OK
m. Verify that the citation was added after the caption text
3. Save changes
Activity 4a: Inserting a Bibliography
1. Make sure My Webinar.docx is open
2. Add a bibliography
a. On the View tab, in the Show group, check Navigation pane or press CTRL+F to show the
Navigation pane
b. If necessary, in the Navigation pane, select the Browse the headings in your document
button to see all the headings in your document
c. Go to References
d. Place the cursor under the heading References
e. On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, select Bibliography pulldown
f. In the Built-in panel, select Bibliography
3. Save changes
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
Activity 5: Creating a Concordance File
1. Open a New Word document.
2. Save it as My Webinar Concordance.docx to the desktop.
3. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, create a table with 2 columns and 14 rows.
a. Type the following table:
b. Sort the table by text in ascending order to alphabetize the list
4. Save and close the file
Activity 6: Indexing a Document
1. Make sure My Webinar.docx is open
2. Mark Index entry
a. On the View tab, in the Show group, check Navigation pane or press CTRL+F to show the
Navigation pane
b. If necessary, in the Navigation pane, select the Browse the headings in your document
button to see all the headings in your document
c. Go to the heading, Managing the Meeting
d. In the first bullet, select the word headset
e. On the References tab, in the Index group, select Mark Entry
f. In the Mark Index Entry dialog box, select Mark. The Mark Index Entry dialog box
remains open
g. Notice the formatting marks automatically appear
i. Next to headset is {XE “headset”}. Word automatically adds a field code which
means Index Entry (XE) and the item that was marked (headset)
3. Add a subentry to an index entry
a. In the same sentence, select the word computer
b. In the Mark Index Entry dialog box, click in the Main entry text box. The selected text is
inserted into the text box
c. In the Subentry text box, type securely
d. Select Mark
4. Mark all instances of a word
a. In the same bullet, select the word microphone
b. In the Mark Index Entry dialog box, click in the Main entry text box. The selected text is
inserted into the text box
c. Select Mark All
d. Close the Mark Index Entry dialog box
e. Deselect the text
5. Automatically mark entries using a concordance file
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
a. On the References tab, in the Index group, select Insert Index
b. In the Index dialog box, select AutoMark
c. Locate and select the file My Webinar Concordance.docx and select Open. All the words
in the concordance file are marked and the Open Index AutoMark File dialog box closes
6. Insert and format the index
a. Using the Navigation pane, go to the document heading Index
b. Place the cursor in the line below this heading
c. On the References tab, in the Index group, select Insert Index
d. From the Formats pull-down list, select Modern
e. Select OK
f. Examine the index entries
7. Save changes
Activity 7: Inserting a Table of Contents
1. Make sure My Webinar.docx is open
2. Insert a Table of Contents
a. Using the Navigation pane, go to the page above the heading What are Webinars and place
the cursor at the top of the blank page (before the Page Break)
b. On the References tab, in the Table of Contents group, in the Table of Contents pulldown menu, select Automatic Table 2
c. Observe the Table of Contents
3. Save changes
Activity 7a: Updating a Table of Contents
1. Scroll to Managing the Meeting
2. Insert a page break before Managing the Meeting
3. Go back to the Table of Contents
a. Click in the Table of Contents
b. Click on the tab Update Table and select Update entire table
c. Select OK
4. Notice the Table of Contents has updated
Activity 8: Inserting a Table of Figures/Table of Tables
1. Make sure My Webinar.docx is open
2. Inserting a Table of Figures
a. Using the Navigation pane, go to the heading Table of Figures
b. Place the cursor in the line below the heading Table of Figures
c. On the References tab, in the Captions group, select Insert Table of Figures
d. On the General panel, in the Formats: pull-down list, select from Template
e. On the General panel, in the Caption label: pull-down list, select Figure
f. Select OK.
g. Observe the Table of Figures
h. Save changes
3. Inserting a Table of Tables
a. Place the cursor under the heading Table of Tables
b. In the Captions group, select Insert Table of Figures
c. On the General panel, in the Formats :pull-down list, select from Template
d. On the General panel, from the Caption label: pull-down list, select Table
e. Select OK
f. Observe the Table of Tables
4. Save changes and close the document
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
Controlling Text Flow
Activity 1: Controlling Line and Page Breaks
1. Open Orientation Draft.docx
2. Save as My Orientation Draft.docx to the desktop
3. Keep all the text for each paragraph on the same page
a. On the bottom of the second page, scroll down to Set Up Team
b. Select Set Up Team and all the paragraphs underneath it, including the last paragraph
Explain the position’s….availability.
c. Open the Paragraph dialog box
d. On the Line and Page Breaks tab, in the Pagination section, select Keep with next
e. Select OK
f. Verify that the whole paragraph is together on the next page
g. Deselect the text
h. Save changes
4. Keep the list item with the graphic
a. Scroll down to the bottom of Page 4. Notice that the image that refers to the text is on the
next page
b. Select the sentence beginning with Give the following, including the graphic
c. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select the Paragraph dialog box
d. In the Paragraph dialog box, select the Line and Page Breaks tab
e. In the Pagination section, select Keep lines together
f. Select OK
g. Verify that the sentence and graphic are both on the same page
h. Save changes
5. Configure paragraph flow so that the Participating Departments list appears on a separate page.
a. Scroll down to Page 6 to Participating Departments
b. Click anywhere in the word Participating Departments
c. Open the Paragraph dialog box
d. On the Line and Page Breaks tab, in the Pagination section, select Page break before
e. Select OK
f. Verify that the list is on a separate page
6. Save changes and close the file
Activity 2: Inserting Columns and Column Breaks
1. Open Binghamton University Newsletter.docx.
2. Save as My Binghamton University Newsletter.docx to the desktop
3. Format the first story About in the newsletter as three columns
a. On the first page, select the four paragraphs of text under the heading About
b. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, select the Columns drop-down
c. Select Three to convert the text to three columns
d. Observe that only the selected text was formatted into columns
e. Deselect the text
f. Save changes
4. Format the Active, Athletic Community section with custom column widths and the list in the right
a. Scroll down and select all the text under the Active, Athletic Community heading. This
includes two paragraph of text, a bulleted list and another paragraph of text
b. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, select the Columns pull-down
c. Select More Columns
d. In the Columns dialog box, in the Number of columns spin box, change the value to 2
e. Uncheck Equal column width
f. Under Width and spacing set the Col # 1 Width to 3.5”. When you click in the Col # 1
Spacing, the Col # 2 Width should adjust automatically
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
Verify that Apply to is set to Selected text
Select OK
Position the cursor just before the text FitSpace has
On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, select Breaks Column
Select the paragraph Our awesome Outdoor….grounds. (located directly under the bulleted
list) and move the text to just before the column break in the left column
Save changes
Activity 3: Inserting Section Breaks
1. Make sure My Binghamton University Newlsetter.docx is open
2. Create narrower margins for the heading of the newsletter so it fits on a single line
a. Position the cursor at the end of the Volume 1, Issue 1 line
b. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, select the Breaks pull-down
c. Select Continuous
d. Position the cursor back to the end of the Volume 1, Issue 1 line
e. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, select Margins
f. Select Narrow
g. Verify that the heading now fits on a single line and that the rest of the document still has
the original margin width
h. Save changes
3. Create custom margins for the Our Schools portion of the document to make room for the text
a. Position the cursor at the beginning of the line Our Schools
b. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, select the Breaks pull-down
c. Select Next Page
d. Make sure the cursor is at the beginning of the line Our Schools
e. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, select Margins
f. Select Custom Margins
g. In the Page Setup dialog box, on the Margins tab, change the Right margin to 2.5”
h. Select OK
i. If necessary, reposition the pull quote and sidebar text boxes to fit on the right side of the
Our Schools portion of the document
j. Position the cursor at the beginning of the line Gorgeous Campus and Community
k. Insert a Continuous section break
l. Set the margins to Normal
m. Save changes
4. Add Headers and footers to all sections except those on the first page
a. Double-click the top margin of the second page to open the Header –Section 3- header
b. On the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, in the Navigation group, select Link to
Previous to deselect it
c. In the Header, type Binghamton University Newsletter and then press Tab twice
d. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select Date & Time
e. Select a date type and then select OK
f. Scroll down to the footer and click in the Footer - Section 3- footer
g. On the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, in the Navigation group, deselect Link to
h. In the Footer, Tab twice to place the cursor at the right margin
i. On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, select Page Number
j. From the Current Position gallery, select Accent Bar 3
k. Double-click in the main portion of the page to deselect headers and footers, and then
scroll through the document to verify that the first page has no header or footer and that
there are footers on the rest of the pages
l. Save changes
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
Activity 4: Linking Text Boxes
1. Make sure My Binghamton University Newlsetter.docx is open
2. Open Commit to Fit Open House.docx
3. Copy the body of the letter from Commit to Fit.docx and close this file
4. Create a text box at the bottom of Page 1 of the newsletter and insert the text from the Commit to
Fit.docx file in the text box
a. Scroll to At a Glance and place your cursor in the blank space after the paragraph at the
bottom of the page
b. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select the Text Box pull-down
i. Select Draw Text Box
ii. Drag to create a text box large enough to hold some text. This is where the first
part of the story will be inserted
iii. Press CTRL+V to paste the contents into the text box
iv. Click outside the text box to deselect it
v. Notice that the text is too long to fit in the text box
5. Create a text box on Page 3 of the newsletter and link it to the text box on Page 1
a. Scroll to the end of the document and place your cursor in the blank space after Visit us
b. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, select the Text Box pull-down
i. Select Draw Text Box
ii. Draw a text box large enough to fit some text
iii. Click outside the text box to deselect it
c. Scroll up to Page 1 and click in the text box
d. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Text group, select Create Link. Notice that the
cursor changes to a full container
e. Scroll down to Page 3 again and move your mouse over the text box on the bottom of Page
3. Notice that the cursor changes to a container spilling letters
f. Click in the text box to create the link
g. Adjust the sizes of the two text boxes to see how the text moves between the two boxes
h. Add a text box below the first text box and enter the text Continued on Page 3, font size 9
i. Add a text box above the second text box and enter the text Continued from Page 1, font
size 9
j. Go back into all four text boxes and delete the text box outline
i. Click in the text box on Page 1
1. In the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, under
Shape Outline, choose No Outline
2. Repeat for each of the three remaining text boxes
ii. Align the text boxes, if needed
k. Save changes and close the document
Activity 1: Inserting a Table in a Document
1. Open ABC Training Schedule and Inventory.docx
2. Save as My ABC Training Schedule and Inventory.docx to the desktop
3. Insert a table in the document under ABC Training Schedule
a. Click under ABC Training Schedule
b. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, select the Table pull-down and choose Insert
c. In the Insert Table dialog box, in the Number of columns spin box, enter 6, and in the
Number of rows spin box, enter 5. In the AutoFit behavior, make sure the Fixed
column width: Auto is selected
d. Select OK to create the table
4. Enter text into the second column of the table
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
a. Press Tab, to move the cursor to the second cell in the first row
b. Type Monday, press Tab
c. Type Tuesday and press Tab
d. In the remaining cells of the first row, add Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
5. Enter text into the first column of the table
a. In the second cell of the first column, type 9:00 and press the Down Arrow key
b. In the third cell of the first column, type 10:00 and press the Down Arrow key
c. In the fourth cell of the first column, type 11:00 and press the Down Arrow key
d. In the last cell in the column, type 12:00
e. Save changes
Activity 2: Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns
1. Make sure My ABC Training Schedules and Inventory.docx is open
2. Add a Saturday column to the end of the table
a. Click in any cell in the last column of the table
b. On the Table Tools Layout contextual tab, in the Rows & Columns group, select Insert
Right to insert a new column to the right of the last column
c. Type Saturday
3. Add a Sunday column to the end of the table
4. Use Tab to add a new row to the bottom of the table
a. Click in the last cell of the last row
b. Press Tab
c. In the first cell of the new row, type 1:00
5. Use the Table Tools Layout contextual tab to add a new row to the bottom of the table
a. On the Table Tools Layout contextual tab, in the Rows & Columns group, select Insert
Below to add another row
b. In the first cell of the new row, type 2:00
6. Delete the last row of the table
a. Point to the left of the 2:00 row until the pointer becomes a white arrow, and then click to
select the row
b. On the Table Tools Layout contextual tab, in the Rows & Columns group, select the
Delete pull-down and choose Delete Rows
7. Save changes
Activity 2a: Moving Columns
1. Make sure My ABC Training Schedules and Inventory.docx is open
2. In the ABC Training Schedule, move the Sunday column to the beginning of the table
a. Point to the top of the Sunday column until the pointer becomes a black down arrow, and
click to select the column
b. Cut the selection
c. Place the insertion point just before the M in the Monday column
d. Press CTRL+V to paste the cut selection
e. Deselect the text
3. Save changes
Activity 3: Formatting a Table
1. Make sure My ABC Training Schedules and Inventory.docx is open
2. Apply the Medium Shading 2 – Accent 1 table style to the ABC Training Schedule
a. Click on the table to show the Table Tools tab
b. On the Table Tools Design contextual tab, in the Tables Styles group, select the More
button to display the Table Styles gallery
c. Notice when you scroll over each table, a preview of what the table looks like appears
d. In the Built-in style, select the fifth row green – Medium Shading 2, Accent 3
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
3. Turn off banded rows in the table and turn on banded columns
a. Make sure the table is selected. On the Table Tools Design contextual tab, in the Tables
Style Options group, uncheck Banded Rows and check Banded Columns
4. Apply a left border and a right border to the table, using a line width of 1 ½ pt
a. On the Table Tools Design contextual tab, in the Table Styles group, select the Borders
b. Select Borders and Shading to open the Borders and Shading dialog box
c. On the Borders tab, under Style, verify that the solid, single-line is selected
d. Under Width, select 1 1/2 pt. from the pull-down list
e. In the Preview pane, select the left and right borders of the diagram
(Note: The top & bottom and the left & right borders should be highlighted)
f. Select OK to close the dialog box and apply the borders
5. Apply inside borders with a line of ½ pt. to the banded cells within the table
a. Select all the cells inside the table. Do not include the column heading
b. On the Tables Tools Design contextual tab, in the Draw Borders group, change the Line
Weight to ½ pt
c. Select the pull-down on the Borders button and choose Inside Borders from the list
d. Deselect the text
6. Save changes
Activity 4: Controlling Cell Layout
1. Make sure My ABC Training Schedules and Inventory.docx is open
2. Scroll down the page to ABC Training Inventory
3. At the top of the table, add a new row and merge cells for a title
a. Click in the first cell of the table labeled Category
b. Right-click and select Insert, Insert Rows Above
c. Right-click the new row and select Merge Cells
d. Type ABC Training Inventory and make it Bold
4. Center align the title
a. Click in the first cell and on the Table Tools Layout contextual tab, in the Alignment
group, select the Align Center button to center the title in the cell
b. Deselect the text
c. Save changes
5. Split the food rows into two columns: item name and package size
a. Select the cells in the second column beginning with “K Cups 40 cups” down through
“Sugar 200 packets”
b. On the Table Tools tab, select the Layout tab
c. In the Merge group, select Split Cells
d. Uncheck Merge cells before split, make sure the Number of columns is set to 2 and then
select OK. (If you keep this checked, the cell content would all merge together in the first
two cells)
e. Leave the item name in the current cell and move the package size to the new cell to the
It should look similar to this:
K Cups
40 cups
24 pack
Creamer 50 pack
f. Save changes
6. Merge each grouping of categories into a single cell and then change the text direction to flow up
the left side of the cell
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
a. At the top of the table, under the heading Category, select all five of the Teaching
Supplies cells in the first column
b. On the Table Tools Layout contextual tab, in the Merge group, select Merge Cells
c. Delete all of the words leaving just one instance of Teaching Supplies
d. On the Table Tools Layout contextual in the Alignment group, select the Text Direction
button twice. The first time you select it, the text flows down the right side of the cell, the
second time, the text flows up the left side of the cell
e. Select Align Center Left
f. Repeat steps a-e for each of the other categories
i. To fit Manuals on one line, in the Table Tools Layout contextual tab, in the
Alignment group, select Cell Margins. In the Table Options dialog box, under
Default cell margins choose Top: and set it to 0.1” and select OK
g. Deselect the text
h. Save changes
Activity 5: Converting Text to a Table
1. Make sure My ABC Training Schedules and Inventory.docx is open
2. Convert the trainer availability data into a table that separates the data using tabs
a. Scroll down the page to Trainer Availability
b. Select all the text from Day to Maurice Meyers
c. On the Insert tab, in the Table group, select the Table pull-down and choose Convert
Text to Table to open the Convert Text to Table dialog box
d. In the dialog box, verify that the value in the Number of columns spin box is 3, and under
AutoFit behavior, select AutoFit to contents, verify that the text separator is Tabs, and
select OK
e. Deselect the text
3. Convert the Trainer/Day Available table to text
a. Scroll down the page to Trainer/Day Available
b. Click in any cell of the Trainer/ Day Available table
c. On the Table Tools Layout contextual tab, in the Data group, select Convert to Text to
open the Convert Table to Text dialog box
d. In the dialog box, verify that Tabs is selected
e. Select OK
f. Deselect the text
4. Save changes and close the document
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
Mail Merge
Activity 1: Mail Merge Letters
1. Open Merge.xls
2. Save as Merge.xls to the desktop and close this file
3. Open BU Donation.docx
4. On the Mailings tab, in the Start Mail Merge group, select the Start Mail Merge pull-down
5. Select Step By Step Mail Merge Wizard
6. Under Select document type, select Letters
7. Click Next: Starting document
8. Under Select starting document, select Use the current document
9. Click Next: Select recipients
10. Under Select recipients, select Use an existing list
11. Under Use an existing list, select Browse
12. Under Organize, select Desktop
13. Double-click on Merge.xls to open the file
14. On the Select Table dialog box, choose Sheet 1 and click OK
15. On the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, uncheck any recipients you do not want included in the
merge and then click OK
16. Move the cursor to the beginning of the letter, above Dear
17. Click Next: Write your letter
18. Under Write your letter, select Address block
19. On the Insert Address Block dialog box, select Match Fields…
20. From the First Name pull-down select FIRST
21. From the Last Name pull-down select LAST
22. Continue matching the fields: Address 1 with STREET, City with CITY, State with STATE and
Postal Code with ZIPCODE
23. Select OK
24. Check to make sure the address looks correct and then select OK
25. Place the cursor after Dear
26. Under Write your letter, select Greeting line
27. Under Greeting line format, choose (none) and click OK
28. In the body of the letter, place your cursor just after of at the end of the first sentence
29. Under Write your letter, select More items
30. Select Donation
31. Select Insert and then Close
32. Click Next: Preview your letters
33. Check the letters and make any necessary changes
a. Single space the address
i. Highlight the address
ii. On the Home Tab, in the Paragraph group, select the Line and Paragraph
Spacing pull-down and select Line Spacing Options
iii. In the Paragraph dialog box, under Spacing, make sure the Before: is set to 0 pt,
the After: is set to 0 pt and the Line Spacing: is set to Single
iv. Click OK
b. Make sure the font is the same for the whole document
c. Make sure there is a space after Dear
d. Put a space and $ before the donation amount
e. On the Preview your letters, scroll through the Recipients to make sure the merge is
working and the letters look professional
34. Click Next: Complete the merge
35. Your letters are ready to print. Under Complete the merge, Merge, click on Print to print your
36. Save the document as My Mail Merge Letter.docx to the desktop
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2
37. Close the document
Activity 2: Mail Merge Labels
1. Open a New Word document
2. On the Mailings tab, in the Start Mail Merge group, select Start Mail Merge pull-down
3. Select Step By Step Mail Merge Wizard
4. Under Select document type, select Labels
5. Click Next: Starting document
6. Under Select starting document, select Change document layout
7. Under Change document layout, select Label options
8. In the Label Options dialog box, under Label Information, Label vendors pull-down, choose
Avery US letter
9. Under Product number pull-down, select 5160 Easy Peel Address Labels
10. Select OK
11. Click Next: Select recipients
12. Under Select recipients, select Use an existing list
13. Under Use an existing list, select Browse
14. Under Organize, select Desktop
15. Double-click on Merge.xls to open the file
16. On the Select Table dialog box, choose Sheet 1 and click OK
17. On the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, uncheck any recipients you do not want included in the
merge and then click OK
18. Click Next: Arrange your labels
19. Under Arrange your labels, select Address block
20. On the Insert Address Block dialog box, select Match Fields…
21. From the First Name pull-down select FIRST
22. From the Last Name pull-down select LAST
23. Continue matching the fields: Address 1 with STREET, City with CITY, State with STATE and
Postal Code with ZIPCODE
24. Select OK
25. Check to make sure the address looks correct and then select OK
26. Under Replicate labels, select Update all labels
Note: If you forget to Update all labels, you will end up with only one label
27. Click Next: Preview your labels
28. Check labels and make any necessary changes
29. If you made any changes, you will need to go back to Previous: Arrange your labels and click
Update all labels so the change takes effect to all the labels
30. Click Next: Complete the merge
31. Under Merge, select Print to print your labels
Note: Print a test page to make sure the labels are printing correctly
32. Save the document as My Mail Merge Labels.docx to the desktop
33. Close the document
Certificate Program for Word 2010 – Level 2