11/19/2014 03:30pm – FNSBSLW Department Meeting FNBSLW Department meeting minutes

11/19/2014 03:30pm – FNSBSLW Department Meeting
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
3:30 pm
FNBSLW Department meeting minutes
Steve Fan
X Arjan Premti
X Gene Toboyek
Rashiqa Kamal
Linda Reid
Curt Weber
Pascal Létourneau
X Jonathan Saffold
X Linda Yu
Hamid Moini
Le Amy Verbos
X Yuan Yuan
Scott Opsal
Le Joel Schleusner
Jianzhou Zhu
Peggy Kuchan
X Scott Morris
(X : Present, P: over phone, La : Late arrival, Le : Leave before the end)
Meeting starting at 3:30
1. Emily Gruenewald from Alumni Relations and Development discussed what they could do for the
FNBSLW department. They can connect faculty to alumni guest speakers. They have approximately
300 alumni interested in mentoring students and would like student referrals for that program.
There is a new program “Dinner with Strangers” that has one faculty member and about 8 students
have dinner at the home of an alumnus. There is one prospective host for Spring with an M&A firm
that they are looking for a faculty member to connect them with students. Other dinners can be
arranged. Contact Emily if you are interested.
2. Minutes. Hamid moved and Pascal seconded motion to approve the minutes from 9/24/14 and
11/11/14. Unanimously approved.
3. David Porter Resolution. Motion by Hamid seconded by Curt to approve Emeritus status for David
Porter. Unanimously approved.
4. Assessment Committee update. Pascal discussed the ongoing progress on the Assessment Plan for
the Department.
5. S&S update. Linda announced that our two top candidates have accepted our offers and contracts
are being drawn up.
6. 345 enrollment. Pascal led a discussion of an issue with demand for FNBSLW 345. Alternatives
discussed include adding another section or creating a jumbo section. CoBE does not like jumbo
sections. Discussed a possible need to decide on a threshold for creating a new section. Discussed
implications for other core finance classes.
7. Other. Gene discussed the internship program and the need to reach out and create a network of
internship opportunities.
Meeting is adjourned at 5:12 pm
Submitted by Amy Verbos.