Morphology L9

Lec. 9
Blends and Acronyms
All words or base you Studied
Reproduced in the Compounds
• What are blends”? Has 2 types:
1) The first types of blend is:
a blend of one word formed from parts of two or
more other words. These parts are sometimes, but
not always, morphemes.
• For examples
• 2 morphemes as (smoke+fog= smog)
• Smog is a blend
• Take the first part of the first word and the last of
Chuckle+ snort= chortle(smile)
Some time take partial or one component is taken
Talkathon> talk+ marathon
Cheesburger= cheese and burger
Ham+burger= hamburger.
spoon + fork→ spork
email (electronic + mail)
internet (international + network)
because (by + cause)
malware (malicious + software)
blog (web + log)
vlog (video + log)
intercom (international + communication)
2. The second type of blend is:
• Acronym(‫( اكري نم‬
• To take the first letter(initial) from many
words make a new word .
• For example:
• UN (united+ nations)
• NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
• RAM (random access memory)
• AIDS: (Acquired Immune deficiency
Writing all in capital letter
RP (received pronunciation)
6.7 Compound Containing bound
combining forms(P:68)
There are many compound formed by bound forms
known combining forms as:
- (Anthropology- sociology- (for science)
- cardiogram
- Electrocardiogram- retrograde)
- Those has (o) as a linking and determining the
- As anthrop (human)+ (o)logy)science of studying
human being.
Planti(sole (‫)اخمص القدم‬
Means walking on the soles of feet)
differs in two ways of most compound:
1. it has central linking vowel(O) not found in
other roots.
• 2. it has a noun stressed not on the first element looks like: monogamy- philosophy aristracy
There are other roots
• Function as base for derivation like: aud- in
audible- audition
• They said these kind is not typical of compound in
general…natural to ask why English acquire
them…they said they come from Greek or Latin
thro’ borrowing because the need for technical
terms revival from learning in Western
Europe(known as renaissance15-16 C (‫ريني سانس‬
or industrial revolution18C.
6.8 Phrasal Words( P:67)
• It used widely in syntax
• As example verb-object relationship.
• It function as clause or phrase.
• So it called phrasal words
• It function as one word as noun phrase:
Mother- in – law& brother in law
Jack- in -the boxes away from hyphen those are
not one word. They are phrase.
Types of phrase
1) Adjectival:
Dyed in the wool)
Care- less
A person smarter than
me needs to figure this
The final exams were
unbelievably difficult.
This pie is very delicious
and extremely expensive.
• Everyone was
extremely delighted
when the winner was
• Mom said the cost of a
car is way too high.
• Faster than a speeding
bullet, Superman was
finished in no time.
2. Prepositional Phrase
• Parts of speech + prepositions=
1. Suitable for me.
2. Devoted to his nation
Produce more example for phrasal verbs+
(Prepositional phrase)
There are old fashion(P:68)
Noun phrase: (Noun+ adj))
Governor general
Attorney general
Court martial
Lord lieutenant.
Home work—for Last time
• Make Compounds:
• V+V( 5 examples)
• Adjectives+ Nouns( 5
• Preposition+ Verb(5 examples)
Written mid-term exam
Written final exam
• Presentation 10+ assignment 5
Do Exercise (P:68-69 about
compounds and Phrases
• Next is:
7. Word s and Structure
This for Abeer’s group
Prepostions phrase
Verb phrase
Noun phrase
Adverb phasae
7.1 Meaning and Structure:
Meaning of words
Words can be…………… meaning:
On the bases of their component
1. Some words are so ………………………