Environmental Glossary

Environmental Glossary
abatement: Reducing the degree or intensity of, or eliminating, pollution.
absorption: the penetration of atoms, ions, or molecules into the bulk mass of a
acceptable daily Intake (ADI): Estimate of the largest amount of chemical to
which a person can be exposed on a daily basisthat is not anticipated to result in
adverse effects (usually expressed in mg/kg/day). Same as RfD.
acid deposition: A complex chemical and atmospheric phenomenon that occurs
when emissions of sulfur and nitrogen compounds and other substances are
transformed by chemical processes in the atmosphere, often far from the original
sources, and then deposited on earth in either wet or dry form. The wet forms,
popularly called "acid rain," can fall as rain, snow, or fog. The dry forms are
acidic gases or particulates.
acid mine drainage: Drainage of water from areas that have been mined for coal
of other mineral ores; the water has low pH, sometimes less than 2.0 (is acid),
because of its contact with sulfur-bearing material; acid drainage is harmful
because it often kills aquatic organisms.
acid rain: Precipitation which has been rendered (made) acidic by airborne
acidic: The condition of water or soil that contains a sufficient amount of acid
substances to lower the pH below 7.0
action levels: 1. Regulatory levels recommended by EPA for enforcement by
FDA and USDA when pesticide residues occur in food or feed commodities for
reasons other than the direct application of the pesticide. As opposed to
"tolerances" which are established for residues occurring as a direct result of
proper usage, action levels are set for inadvertent residues resulting from
previous legal use or accidental contamination. 2. In the Superfund program, the
existence of a contaminant concentration in the environment high enough to
warrant action or trigger a response under SARA and the National Oil and
Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan. The term is also used in other
regulatory programs.
activated sludge process: A sewage treatment process by which bacteria that
feed on organic wastes are continuously circulated and put in contact with
organic waste in the presence of oxygen to increase the rate of decomposition.
active ingredient: In any pesticide product, the component that kills, or otherwise
controls, target pests. Pesticides are regulated primarily on the basis of active
acute effect: An adverse effect on any living organism in which severe symptoms
develop rapidly and often subside after the exposure stops.
adaptation: Changes in an organism's structure or habits that help it adjust to its
additive effect: Combined effect of two or more chemicals equal to the sum of
their individual effects.
advanced wastewater treatment: Any treatment of sewage that goes beyond the
secondary or biological water treatment stage and includes the removal of
nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen and a high percentage of suspended
solids. (See primary, secondary treatment.)
aeration: A process which promotes biological degradation of organic matter in
water. The process may be passive (as when waste is exposed to air), or active
(as when a mixing or bubbling device introduces the air).
aerobic treatment: Process by which microbes decompose complex organic
compounds in the presence of oxygen and use the liberated energy for
reproduction and growth. (Such processes include extended aeration, trickling
filtration, and rotating biological contactors.)
aerosol: A suspension of liquid or solid particles in a gas.
aggregate: A mass or cluster of soil particles, often having a characteristic shape.
agricultural waste: Poultry and livestock manure, and residual materials in liquid
or solid form generated from the production and marketing of poultry, livestock,
furbearing animals, and their products. Also includes gra in, vegetable, and fruit
harvest residue.
agrochemical: Synthetic chemicals (pesticide and fertilizers) used in agricultural
air emissions: Gas emitted into the air from industrial and chemical processes,
such as ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide
and others.
air mass: A large volume of air with certain meteorological or polluted
characteristics, e,g, a heat inversion or smogginess-while in one location. The
characteristics can change as the air mass moves away.
air pollutant: Any substance in air that could, in high enough concentration, harm
man, other animals, vegetation, or material. Pollutants may include almost any
natural or artificial composition of airborne matter capable of being airborne.
They may be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, gases, or in
combination thereof. Generally, they fall into two main groups: (1) those emitted
directly from identifiable sources and (2) those produced in the air by interaction
between two or more primary pollutants, or by reaction with normal atmospheric
constituents, with or without photoactivation. Exclusive of pollen, fog, and dust,
which are of natural origin, about 100 contaminants have been identified and fall
into the following categories: solids, sulfur compounds, volatile organic
chemicals, nitrogen compounds, oxygen compounds, halogen compounds,
radioactive compounds, and odors.
air quality criteria: The levels of pollution and lengths of exposure above which
adverse health and welfare effects may occur.
air quality standards: The level of pollutants prescribed by regulations that may
not be exceeded during a given time in a defined area.
air stripping: A treatment system that removes volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) from contaminated ground water or surface water by forcing an airstream
through the water and causing the compounds to evaporate.
airborne particulates: Total suspended particulate matter found in the
atmosphere as solid particles or liquid droplets. Chemical composition of
particulates varies widely, depending on location and time of year. Airborne
particulates include: windblown dust, emissions from industrial processes, smoke
from the burning of wood and coal, and motor vehicle or non-road engine
exhausts. exhaust of motor vehicles.
algae: Chiefly aquatic, eucaryotic one-celled or multicellular plants without true
stems, roots and leaves, that are typically autotrophic, photosynthetic, and
contain chlorophyll. Algae are not typically found in groundwater. They also may
be attached to structures, rocks or other submerged surfaces. They are food for
fish and small aquatic animals. Excess algal growths can impart tastes and odors
to potable water. Algae produce oxygen during sunlight hours and use oxygen
during the night hours. Their biological activities appreciably affect the pH and
dissolved oxygen of the water.
algal bloom: Sudden, massive growths of microscopic and macroscopic plant life,
such as green or bluegreen algae, which develop in lakes and reservoirs, which
can affect water quality adversely and indicate potentially hazardous changes in
local water chemistry.
alkali: Various soluble salts, principally of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and
calcium, that have the property of combining with acids to form neutral salts and
may be used in chemical water treatment processes.
alluvial: Relating to mud and/or sand deposited by flowing water. Alluvial deposits
may occur after a heavy rain storm.
alternative fuels: Substitutes for traditional liquid, oil-derived motor vehicle fuels
like gasoline and diesel. Includesmethanol, ethanol, compressed natural gas,
and others.
ambient air: Any unconfined portion of the atmosphere: open air, surrounding air.
anaerobic: A biological process which occurs in the absence of oxygen.
aqueous solubility: The extent to which a compound will dissolve in water. The
log of solubility is generally inversely related to molecular weight.
aquifer: An underground geological formation, or group of formations, containing
usable amounts of groundwater that can supply wells and springs.
aromatic: A type of hydrocarbon, such as benzene or toluene, added to gasoline
in order to increase octane. Some aromatics are toxic.
artesian: Water held under pressure in porous rock or soil confined by
impermeable geologic formations. An artesian well is free flowing.
asbestos abatement: Procedures to control fiber release from asbestoscontaining materials in a building or to remove them entirely, including removal,
encapsulation, repair, enclosure, encasement, and operations and maintenance
asbestos: A mineral fiber that can pollute air or water and cause cancer or
asbestosis when inhaled. EPA has banned or severely restricted its use in
manufacturing and construction.
attainment area: An area considered to have air quality as good as or better than
the national ambient air quality standards as defined in the Clean Air Act. An
area may be an attainment area for one pollutant and a non-attainment area for
backflow: A reverse flow condition, created by a difference in water pressures,
which causes water to flow back into the distribution pipes of a potable water
supply from any source or sources other than an intended source. Also see
backsiphonage and cross-connection.
background level: In air pollution control, the concentration of air pollutants in a
definite area during a fixed period of time prior to the starting up or on the
stoppage of a source of emission under control. In toxic substances monitoring,
the average presence in the environment, originally referring to naturally
occurring phenomena.
bacteria: (Singular 'bacterium') Microscopic living organisms that can aid in
pollution control by metabolizing organic matter in sewage, oil spills or other
pollutants. However, bacteria in soil, water or air can also cause human, animal
and plant health problems.
baffle: A flat board or plate, deflector, guide or similar device constructed or
placed in flowing water or slurry systems to cause more uniform flow velocities,
to absorb energy, and to divert, guide, or agitate liquids (water, chemical
solutions, slurry).
berm: A sloped wall or embankment (typically constructed of earth, hay bales, or
timber framing) used to prevent inflow or outflow of material into/from an area.
best available technology (BAT): The best technology treatment techniques, or
other means which the Administrator finds, after examination for efficacy under
field conditions and not solely under laboratory conditions, are available (taking
cost into consideration). For the purposes of setting MCLs for synthetic organic
chemicals, any BAT must be at least as effective as granular activated carbon.
best management practices (BMPs): Structural, nonstructural and managerial
techniques that are recognized to be the most effective and practical means to
control nonpoint source pollutants yet are compatible with the productive use of
the resource to which they are applied. BMPs are used in both urban and
agricultural areas.
bioaccumulants: Substances that increase in concentration in living organisms as
they take in contaminated air, water, or food because the substances are very
slowly metabolized or excreted.
bioassay: A method used to determine the toxicity of specific chemical
contaminants. A number of individuals of a sensitive species are placed in water
containing specific concentrations of the contaminant for a specified period of
bioaugmentation: The introduction of cultured microorganisms into the
subsurface environment for the purpose of enhancing bioremediation of organic
contaminants. Generally the microorganisms are selected for their ability to
degrade the organic compounds present at the remediation site. The culture can
be either an isolated genus or a mix of more than one genera. Nutrients are
usually also blended with the aqueous solution containing the microbes to serve
as a carrier and dispersant. The liquid is introduced into the subsurface under
natural conditions (gravity fed) or injected under pressure.
biochemicals: Chemicals that are either naturally occurring or identical to
naturally occurring substances. Examples include hormones, pheromones, and
enzymes. Biochemicals function as pesticides through non-toxic, non-lethal
modes of action, such as disrupting the mating pattern of insects, regulating
growth, or acting as repellants. Biochemicals tend to be environmentally
compatible and are thus important to Integrated Pest Management programs.
biodegradable: The ability of a substance to be broken down physically and/or
chemically by microorganisms. For example, many chemicals, food scraps,
cotton, wool, and paper are bio-degradable; plastics and polyester generally are
biodiversity: The number and variety of different organisms in the ecological
complexes in which they naturally occur. Organisms are organized at many
levels, ranging from complete ecosystems to the biochemical structures that are
the molecular basis of heredity. Thus, the term encompasses different
ecosystems, species, and genes that must be present for a healthy environment.
A large number of species must characterize the food chain, representing
multiple predator-prey relationships.
biologicals: Vaccines, cultures and other preparations made from living
organisms and their products, intended for use in diagnosing, immunizing, or
treating humans or animals, or in related research.
biomass: All of the living material in a given area; often refers to vegetation.
biome: Entire community of living organisms in a single major ecological area.
bioremediation: The use of living organisms (e.g., bacteria) to clean up oil spills
or remove other pollutants from soil, water, and wastewater, use of organisms
such as non-harmful insects to remove agricultural pests or counteract diseases
of trees, plants, and garden soil.
biosphere: The portion of Earth and its atmosphere that can support life.
biotechnology: Techniques that use living organisms or parts of organisms to
produce a variety of products (from medicines to industrial enzymes) to improve
plants or animals or to develop microorganisms to remove toxics from bodies of
water, or act as pesticides.
black water: Water that contains animal, human, or food waste.
bloom (algal): A proliferation of algae and/or higher aquatic plants in a body of
water; often related to pollution, especially when pollutants accelerate growth.
bog: A type of wetland that accumulates appreciable peat deposits. Bogs depend
primarily on precipitation for their water source, and are usually acidic and rich in
plant residue with a conspicuous mat of living green moss.
bottom ash: The non-airborne combustion residue from burning pulverized coal
in a boiler; the material which falls to the bottom of the boiler and is removed
mechanically; a concentration of the non-combustible materials, which may
include toxics.
brackish: Mixed fresh and salt waters.
brine mud: Waste material, often associated with well-drilling or mining,
composed of mineral salts or other inorganic compounds.
buffer strips: Strips of grass or other close-growing vegetation that separate a
waterway (ditch, stream, creek) from an intensive land use area (subdivision,
farm); also referred to as filter strips, vegetated filter strips, and grassed buffers.
by-product: Material, other than the principal product, generated as a
consequence of an industrial process.
cancer: A disease characterized by the rapid and uncontrolled growth of aberrant
cells into malignant tumors.
cap: A fairly impermeable seal, usually composed of clay-type soil or a
combination of clay soil and synthetic liner, which is placed over a landfill during
closure. The cap serves to minimize leachate volume during biodegradation of
the waste by keeping precipitation from percolating through the landfill. The cap
also keeps odors down and animal scavengers from gathering.
carbon dioxide: A colorless, odorless, gas produced by burning fossil fuels,
sometimes referred to as a green house gas because it contibutes to earth
carbon monoxide: A colorless, odorless, poisonous gas produced by incomplete
fossil fuel combustion.
carcinogen: Any substance that can cause or aggravate cancer.
cask: A thick-walled container (usually lead) used to transport radioactive
material. Also called a coffin.
catalyst: A substance that changes the speed or yield of a chemical reaction
without being consumed or chemically changed by the chemical reaction.
catalytic converter: An air pollution abatement device that removes pollutants
from motor vehicle exhaust, either by oxidizing them into carbon dioxide and
water or reducing them to nitrogen and oxygen.
catalytic incinerator: A control device that oxidizes volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) by using a catalyst to promote the combustion process. Catalytic
incinerators require lower temperatures than conventional thermal incinerators,
thus saving fuel and other costs.
chelation: A chemical complexing (forming or joining together) of metallic cations
(such as copper) with certain organic compounds, such as EDTA (ethylene
diamine tetracetic acid). Chelation is used to prevent the precipitation of metals
chisel plowing: Preparing croplands by using a special implement that avoids
complete inversion of the soil as in with conventional plowing. Chisel plowing can
leave a protective cover or crop residues on the soil surface to help prevent
erosion and improve filtration.
chlorinated hydrocarbons: These include a class of persistent, broad-spectrum
insecticides that linger in the environment and accumulate in the food chain.
Among them are DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, chlordane, lindane, endrin,
mirex, hexachloride, and toxaphene. Other examples include TCE, used as an
industrial solvent.
chlorination: Adding chlorine to water or wastewater, generally for the purpose of
disinfection, but frequently for accomplishing other biological or chemical results.
Chlorine also is used almost universally in manufacturing processes, particularly
for the plastics industry.
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs): A family of inert, nontoxic, and easily liquified
chemicals used in refrigeration, air conditioning, packaging, insulation, or as
solvents and aerosol propellants. Because CFCs are not destroyed in the lower
atmosphere they drift into the upper atmosphere where their chlorine
components destroy ozone.
chlorophenoxy: A class of herbicides that may be found in domestic water
supplies and cause adverse health effects. Two widely used chlorophenoxy
herbicides are 2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid) and 2,4,5-TP (2,4,5Trichlorophenoxy propionic acid (silvex)).
chlorophyll: A chemical mixture or compound found in the chloroplasts of plant
cells and gives plants their green color. Plants use chlorophyll to convert the
energy of sunlight to food in the process known as photosynthesis.
chlorosis: Discoloration of normally green plant parts caused by disease, lack of
nutrients, or various air pollutants.
cholinesterase: An enzyme found in animals that regulates nerve impulses.
Cholinesterase inhibition is associated with a variety of acute symptoms such as
nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, stomach cramps, and rapid heart rate.
chronic effect: An adverse effect on a human or animal in which symptoms recur
frequently or develop slowly over a long period of time.
cistern: A small tank (usually covered) or a storage facility used to store water for
a home or farm. Often used to store rain water.
clarifer: A large circular or rectangular tank or basin in which water is held for a
period of time, during which the heavier suspended solids settle to the bottom.
Clarifiers are also called settling basins and sedimentation basins.
class I area: Under the Clean Air Act, a Class I area is one in which visibility is
protected more stringently than under the national ambient air quality standards;
includes national parks, wilderness area, monuments and other areas of special
national and cultural significance.
clean coal technology: Any technology not in widespread use prior to the Clean
Air Act amendments of 1990. This Act will achieve significant reductions in
pollutants associated with the burning of coal.
clean fuels: Blends or substitutes for gasoline fuels, including compressed
natural gas, methanol, ethanol, liquified petroleum gas, and others.
clear cut: Harvesting all the trees in one area at one time, a practice that can
encourage fast rainfall or snowmelt runoff, erosion, sedimentation of streams and
lakes, flooding, and destroys vital habitat.
clear well: A reservoir for storing filtered water of sufficient quantity to prevent the
need to vary the filtration rate with variations in demand. Also used to provide
chlorine contact time for disinfection.
climate change: This term is commonly used interchangeably with "global
warming" and "the greenhouse effect," but is a more descriptive term. Climate
change refers to the buildup of man-made gases in the atmosphere that trap the
suns heat, causing changes in weather patterns on a global scale. The effects
include changes in rainfall patterns, sea level rise, potential droughts, habitat
loss, and heat stress. The greenhouse gases of most concern are carbon
dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxides. If these gases in our atmosphere double,
the earth could warm up by 1.5 to 4.5 degrees by the year 2050, with changes in
global precipitation having the greatest consequences.
cloning: In biotechnology, obtaining a group of genetically identical cells from a
single cell; making identical copies of a gene.
closed-loop recycling: Reclaiming or reusing wastewater for non-potable
purposes in an enclosed process.
closure: The procedure a landfill operator must follow when a landfill reaches its
legal capacity for solid waste: ceasing acceptance of solid waste and placing a
cap on the landfill site. No more waste can be accepted and a cap usually is
placed over the site. The cap is then planted with grasses and other ground
covers. Post-closure care includes monitoring ground water, landfill gases, and
leachate collection systems, sometimes for as long as 30 years.
coagulants: Chemicals that cause very fine particles to clump together into larger
particles. This makes it easier to separate the solids from the water by settling,
skimming, draining or filtering.
coastal zone: Lands and waters adjacent to the coast that exert an influence on
the uses of the sea and its ecology, or whose uses and ecology are affected by
the sea.
cohesion: Molecular attraction which holds two particles together.
coliform organism: Microorganisms found in the intestinal tract of humans and
animals. Their presence in water indicates fecal pollution and potentially
dangerous bacterial contamination by disease-causing microorganisms.
colloids: Very small, finely divided solids (particles that do not dissolve) that
remain dispersed in a liquid for a long time due to their small size and electrical
charge. When most of the particles in water have a negative electrical charge,
they tend to repel each other. This repulsion prevents the particles from clumping
together, becoming heavier, and settling out.
combustion: 1. Burning, or rapid oxidation, accompanied by release of energy in
the form of heat and light. A basic cause of air pollution. 2. Refers to controlled
burning of waste, in which heat chemically alters organic compounds, converting
into stable inorganics such as carbon dioxide and water.
commercial waste: All solid waste from businesses. This category includes, but is
not limited to, solid waste originating in stores, markets, office buildings,
restaurants, shopping centers, and theaters.
comminution: Mechanical shredding or pulverizing of waste. Used in both solid
waste management and wastewater treatment.
community water system (CWS): A public water system which serves at least 15
service connections used by yearround residents or regularly serves at least 25
year-round residents. Also see non-community water system, transient water
system and non-transient non-community water system.
compost: Decomposed organic material that is produced when bacteria in soil
break down garbage and biodegradable trash, making organic fertilizer. Making
compost requires turning and mixing and exposing the materials to air.
Gardeners and farmers use compost for soil enrichment. The relatively stable
humus material that is produced from a composting process in which bacteria in
soil mixed with garbage and degradable trash break down the mixture into
organic fertilizer.
compressed natural gas (CNG): An alternative fuel for motor vehicles;
considered one of cleanest because of low hydrocarbon emissions and its vapors
are relatively non-ozone producing. However, it does emit a significant quantity of
nitrogen oxides.
condensation: The process by which a liquid is removed from a vapor. In the
water cycle, water vapor rises, cools, and condenses, sometimes clinging to tiny
particles of dust in the atmosphere. Condensed water vapor either remains a
liquid or turns directly into a solid (ice, hail or snow). Clouds are formed by
condensed water particles.
conductance: A rapid method of estimating the dissolvedsolids content of a water
supply. The measurement indicates the capacity of a sample of water to carry an
electrical current, which is related to the concentration of ionized substances in
the water.
cone of depression: The area around a discharging well where the hydraulic
head (potentiometric surface) in the aquifer has been lowered by pumping. In an
unconfined aquifer, the cone of depression is a cone-shaped depression in the
water table where the media has actually been dewatered.
confined aquifer: An aquifer in which ground water is confined under pressure
which is significantly greater than atmospheric pressure. See artesian aquifer.
consent decree: A legal document, approved by a judge, that formalizes an
agreement reached between EPA and potentially responsible parties (PRPs)
through which PRPs will conduct all or part of a cleanup action at a Superfund
site; cease or correct actions or processes that are polluting the environment; or
otherwise comply with EPA initiated regulatory enforcement actions to resolve
the contamination at the Superfund site involved. The consent decree describes
the actions PRPs will take and may be subject to a public comment period.
conservation: Preserving and renewing natural resources to assure their highest
economic or social benefit over the longest period of time. Clean rivers and
lakes, wilderness areas, a diverse wildlife population, healthy soil, and clean air
are natural resources worth conserving for future generations.
construction and demolition waste: Waste building materials, dredging materials,
tree stumps, and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair, and
demolition of homes, commercial buildings and other structures and pavements.
May contain lead, asbestos, or other hazardous substances.
consumptive use: Water removed from available supplies without direct return to
a water resource system for uses such as manufacturing, agriculture, and food
contact pesticide: A chemical that kills pests when it touches them, instead of by
ingestion. Also, soil that contains the minute skeletons of certain algae that
scratch and dehydrate waxy-coated insects.
contaminant: Any physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or
matter that has an adverse affect on air, water, or soil.
continuous discharge: A permitted release of pollutants into the environment that
occurs without interruption, except for infrequent shutdowns for maintenance,
process changes, etc.
contour farming: A conservation-based method of farming in which all farming
operations (for example, tillage and planting) are performed across (rather than
up and down) the slope. Ideally, each crop row is planted at right angles to the
ground slope.
contour strip farming: A kind of contour farming in which row crops are planted in
strips, between alternating strips of close-growing, erosionresistant forage crops.
conventional filtration: A method of treating water to remove particulates. The
method consists of the addition of coagulant chemicals, flash mixing, coagulation
flocculation, sedimentation and filtration.
conventional tillage: The traditional method of farming in which soil is prepared
for planting by completely inverting it with a moldboard plow. Subsequent
working of the soil with other implements is usually performed to smooth the soil
surface. Bare soil is exposed to the weather for some varying length of time
depending on soil and climatic conditions.
conveyance loss: Water lost in conveyance (pipe, channel, conduit, ditch) by
leakage or evaporation.
core: The uranium-containing heart of a nuclear reactor, where energy is
cover crop: A crop that provides temporary protection for delicate seedlings
and/or provides a canopy for seasonal soil protection and improvement between
normal crop production periods. Except in orchards where permanent vegetative
cover is maintained, cover crops usually are grown for one year of less. When
plowed under and incorporated into the soil, cover crops are also referred to as
gren manure crops.
cradle-to-grave or manifest system: A procedure in which hazardous materials
are identified and followed as they are produced, treated, transported, and
disposed of by a series of permanent, linkable, descriptive documents (e.g.,
manifests). Commonly referred to as the cradle-to-grave system.
criteria pollutants: The 1970 amendments to the Clean Air Act required EPA to
set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for certain pollutants known to be
hazardous to human health. EPA has identified and set standards to protect
human health and welfare for six pollutants: ozone, carbon monoxide, total
suspended particulates, sulfur dioxide, lead, and nitrogen oxide. The term,
"criteria pollutants" derives from the requirement that EPA must describe the
characteristics and potential health and welfare effects of these pollutants. It is on
the basis of these criteria that standards are set or revised.
crop rotation: A system of farming in which a regular succession of different
crops are planted on the same land area, as opposed to growing the same crop
time after time (monoculture).
cryptosporidium: A protozoan associated with the disease cryptosporidiosis in
humans. The disease can be transmitted through ingestion of drinking water,
person-to-person contact, or other exposure routes. Cryptosporidiosis may cause
acute diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever that last 1-2 weeks in healthy
adults, but may be chronic or fatal in immuno-compromised people.
cumulative exposure: The summation of exposures of an organism to a chemical
over a period of time.
curie: A measure of radioactivity. One Curie of radioactivity is equivalent to 3.7 x
1010 or 37,000,000,000 nuclear disintegrations per second.
DDT: The first chlorinated hydrocarboninsecticide chemical name: DichloroDiphenyl-Trichloroethane. It has a half-life of 15 years and can collect in fatty
tissues of certain animals. EPA banned registration and interstate sale of DDT for
virtually all but emergency uses in the United States in 1972 because of its
persistence in the environment and accumulation in the food chain.
decant: To draw off the upper layer of liquid (water) after the heavier material (a
solid or another liquid) has settled.
decay products: Degraded radioactive materials, often referred to as "daughters"
or "progeny"; radon decay products of most concern from a public health
standpoint are polonium-214 and polonium-218.
decomposition: The conversion of chemically unstable materials to more stable
forms by chemical or biological action. If organic matter decays when there is no
oxygen present (anaerobic conditions or putrefaction), undesirable tastes and
odors are produced. Decay of organic matter when oxygen is present (aerobic
conditions) tends to produce much less objectionable tastes and odors.
decontamination: Removal of harmful substances such as noxious chemicals,
harmful bacteria or other organisms, or radioactive material from exposed
individuals, rooms and furnishings in buildings, or the exterior environment.
deep well injection: A process by which waste fluids are injected deep below the
surface of the earth.
defoliant: An herbicide that removes leaves from trees and growing plants.
degasification: A water treatment process which removes dissolved gases from
the water. The gases may be removed by either mechanical or chemical
treatment methods or a combination of both.
degradation: Chemical or biological breakdown of a complex compound into
simpler compounds.
denitrification: Bacterial reduction of nitrite to gaseous nitrogen under anaerobic
density: A measure of how heavy a solid, liquid, or gas is for its size. Density is
expressed in terms of weight per unit volume, that is, grams per cubic centimeter
or pounds per cubic foot. The density of water is 1.0 gram per cubic centimeter or
about 62.4 pounds per cubic foot.
dermal toxicity: The ability of a pesticide or toxic chemical to poison people or
animals by contact with the skin.
desalination: 1) Removing salts from ocean or brackish water by using various
technologies. 2) Removal of salts from soil by artificial means, usually leaching.
desiccant: A chemical agent that absorbs moisture; some desiccants are capable
of drying out plants or insects, causing death.
designer bugs: Popular term for microbes developed through biotechnology that
can degrade specific toxic chemicals at their source in toxic waste dumps or in
ground water.
destratification: The development of vertical mixing within a lake or reservoir to
eliminate (either totally or partially) separate layers of temperature, plant, or
animal life. This vertical mixing can be caused by mechanical means (pumps) or
through the use of forced air diffusers which release air into the lower layers of
the reservoir.
detritus: Loose fragments, particles, or grains formed by the disintegration of
diatomaceous earth (diatomite): A chalk-like material (fossilized diatoms) used to
filter out solid waste in wastewater treatment plants, also used as an active
ingredient in some powdered pesticides.
diffusion: The movement of suspended or dissolved particles from a more
concentrated to a less concentrated area. The process tends to distribute the
particles more uniformly.
digestion: The biochemical decomposition of organic matter, resulting in partial
gasification, liquefaction, and mineralization of pollutants.
dimictic: Lakes and reservoirs which freeze over and normally go through two
stratification and two mixing cycles within a year.
dioxin: Any of a family of compounds known chemically as dibenzo-p-dioxins.
Concern about them arises from their potential toxicity and contaminants in
commercial products. Tests on laboratory animals indicate that it is one of the
more toxic man-made compounds.
direct runoff: Water that flows over the ground surface or through the ground
directly into streams, rivers, or lakes.
discharge: Flow of surface water in a stream or canal or the outflow of ground
water from a flowing artesian well, ditch, or spring. Can also apply to discharge of
liquid effluent from a facility or of chemical emissions into the air through
designated venting mechanisms.
disinfectant: Any oxidant, including but not limited to chlorine, chlorine dioxide,
chloramines, and ozone, that is added to water in any part of the treatment or
distribution process and is intended to kill or inactivate pathogenic
dispersant: A chemical agent used to break up concentrations of organic material
such as spilled oil.
disposal: Final placement or destruction of toxic, radioactive, or other wastes;
surplus or banned pesticides or other chemicals; polluted soils; and drums
containing hazardous materials from removal actions or accidental releases.
Disposal may be accomplished through use of approved secure landfills, surface
impoundments, land farming, deep-well injection, ocean dumping, or incineration.
dissolved oxygen: The oxygen freely available in water, vital to fish and other
aquatic life and for the prevention of odors. DO levels are considered a most
important indicator of a water body's ability to support desirable aquatic life.
Secondary and advanced waste treatment are generally designed to ensure
adequate DO in waste-receiving waters.
dissolved solids: Disintegrated organic and inorganic material in water. Excessive
amounts make water unfit to drink or use in industrial processes.
distillation: The act of purifying liquids through boiling, so that the steam
condenses to a pure liquid and the pollutants remain in a concentrated residue.
drainage: A technique to improve the productivity of some agricultural land by
removing excess water from the soil; surface drainage is accomplished with open
ditches; subsurface drainage uses porous conduits (drain tile) buried beneath the
soil surface.
drawdown: 1) The drop in the water table or level of water in the ground when
water is being pumped from a well. 2) The amount of water used from a tank or
reservoir. 3) The drop in the water level of a tank or reservoir.
dredging: Removal of mud from the bottom of water bodies. This can disturb the
ecosystem and causes silting that kills aquatic life. Dredging of contaminated
muds can expose biota to heavy metals and other toxics. Dredging activities may
be subject to regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
dump: A land site where wastes are discarded in a disorderly or haphazard
fashion without regard to protecting the environment. Uncontrolled dumping is an
indiscriminate and illegal form of waste disposal. Problems associated with
dumps include multiplication of disease-carrying organisms and pests, fires, air
and water pollution, unsightliness, loss of habitat, and personal injury.
dystrophic lakes: Acidic, shallow bodies of water that contain much humus and/or
other organic matter; contain many plants but few fish.
ecological impact: The effect that a man-made or natural activity has on living
organisms and their non-living (abiotic) environment.
ecological indicator: A characteristic of the environment that, when measured,
quantifies magnitude of stress, habitat characteristics, degree of exposure to a
stressor, or ecological response to exposure. The term is a collective term for
response, exposure. The term is a collective term for response, exposure,
habitat, and stressor indicators.
ecological risk assessment: The application of a formal framework, analytical
process, or model to estimate the effects of human actions(s) on a natural
resource and to interpret the significance of those effects in light of the
uncertainties identified in each component of the assessment process. Such
analysis includes initial hazard identification, exposure and doseresponse
assessments, and risk characterization.
ecology: The study of the relationships between all living organisms and the
environment, especially the totality or pattern of interactions; a view that includes
all plant and animal species and their unique contributions to a particular habitat.
ecosystem: The interacting synergism of all living organisms in a particular
environment; every plant, insect, aquatic animal, bird, or land species that forms
a complex web of interdependency. An action taken at any level in the food
chain, use of a pesticide for example, has a potential domino effect on every
other occupant of that system.
effluent: Water or some other liquid-raw, partially or completely treated-flowing
from a reservoir, basin, treatment process or treatment plant.
electrodialysis: A process that uses electrical current applied to permeable
membranes to remove minerals from water. Often used to desalinize salty or
brackish water.
electrolyte: A substance which dissociates (separates) into two or more ions
when it is dissolved in water.
electrostatic precipitator (ESP): A device that removes particles from a gas
stream (smoke) after combustion occurs. The ESP imparts an electrical charge
to the particles, causing them to adhere to metal plates inside the precipitator.
Rapping on the plates causes the particles to fall into a hopper for disposal.
emission: Pollution discharged into the atmosphere from smokestacks, other
vents, and surface areas of commercial or industrial facilities; from residential
chimneys; and from motor vehicle, locomotive, or aircraft exhausts.
emission cap: A limit designed to prevent projected growth in emissions from
existing and future stationary sources from eroding any mandated reduction.
Generally, such provisions require any emission growth from facilities under the
restrictions be offset by equivalent reductions at other facilities under the same
emissions trading: The creation of surplus emission reductions at certain stacks,
vents, or similar emissions sources and the use of this surplus to meet or
redefine pollution requirements applicable to other emission sources. This allows
one source to increase emissions when another sources reduces them,
maintaining an overall constant emission level. Facilities that reduce emissions
substantially may "bank" their "credits" or sell them to other industries.
encapsulation: The treatment of asbestos-containing material with a liquid that
covers the surface with a protective coating or embeds fibers in an adhesive
matrix to prevent their release into the air.
endangered species: Animals, birds, fish, plants, or other living organisms
threatened with extinction by man-made or natural changes in their environment.
Requirements for declaring a species endangered are contained in the
Endangered Species Act.
endangerment assessment: A site-specific risk assessment of the actual or
potential danger to human health or welfare and the environment from the
release of hazardous substances or waste. The endangerment assessment
document is prepared in support of enforcement actions under CERCLA or
endemic: Something peculiar to a particular people or locality, such as a disease
which is always present in the population.
Endrin: a pesticide toxic to freshwater and marine aquatic life that produces
adverse health effects in domestic water supplies.
energy recovery: To capture energy from waste through any of a variety of
processes (e.g., burning). Many new technology incinerators are waste-to-energy
recovery units.
enrichment: The addition of nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon
compounds) from sewage effluent or agricultural runoff to surface water, greatly
increases the growth potential for algae and other aquatic plants.
enteric: Of intestinal origin, especially applied to wastes or bacteria.
environment: The sum of all external conditions affecting the life, development
and survival of an organism.
environmental assessment (EA): An environmental analysis prepared pursuant to
the National Environmental Policy Act to determine whether a federal action
would significantly affect the environment and thus require a more detailed
environmental impact statement.
environmental audit: An independent assessment (not conducted by EPA) of a
facility's compliance policies, practices, and controls. Many pollution prevention
initiatives require an audit to determine where wastes may be reduced or
eliminated or energy conserved. Many supplemental environmental projects that
offset a penalty use audits to identify ways to reduce the harmful effects of a
environmental equity: Equal protection from environmental hazards for
individuals, groups, or communities regardless of race, ethnicity, or economic
environmental exposure: Human exposure to pollutants originating from facility
emissions. Threshold levels are not necessarily surpassed, but low level chronic
pollutant exposure is one of the most common forms of environmental exposure.
environmental impact statement (EIS): A document prepared by or for EPA which
identifies and analyzes, in detail, environmental impacts of a proposed action. As
a tool for decision-making, the EIS describes positive and negative effects and
lists alternatives for an undertaking, such as development of a wilderness area.
(Required by NEPA : see Federal Law Section).
environmental technology: An all-inclusive term used to describe pollution control
devices and systems, waste treatment processes and storage facilities, and site
remediation technologies and their components that may be utilized to remove
pollutants or contaminants from, or to prevent them from entering, the
environment. Examples include wet scrubbers (air), soil washing (soil),
granulated activated carbon unit (water), and filtration (air, water). Usually, this
term applies to hardware-based systems; however, it can also apply to methods
or techniques used for pollution prevention, pollutant reduction, or containment of
contamination to prevent further movement of the contaminants, such as
capping, solidification or vitrification, and biological treatment.
enzyme: (a) any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced by living
organisms and functioning as biochemical catalysts. (b) a protein that a living
organism uses in the process of degrading a specific compound. The protein
serves as a catalyst in the compound's biochemical transformation.
epidemic: Widespread outbreak of a disease, or a large number of cases of a
disease in a single community or relatively small area. Disease may spread from
person to person, and/or by the exposure of many persons to a single source,
such as a water supply.
epidemiology: The study of the occurrence and causes of health effects in human
populations. An epidemiological study often compares two groups of people who
are alike except for one factor, such as exposure to a chemical or the presence
of a health effect. The investigators try to determine if any factor is associated
with thehealth effect.
erosion: The wearing away of land surface by wind or water, intensified by landclearing practices related to farming, residential or industrial development, road
building, or logging.
estuary: A complex ecosystem between a river and near-shore ocean waters
where fresh and salt water mix. These brackish areas include bays, mouths of
rivers, salt marshes, wetlands, and lagoons and are influenced by tides and
currents. Estuaries provide valuable habitat for marine animals, birds, and other
ethanol: An alternative automotive fuel derived from grain and corn; usually
blended with gasoline to form gasohol.
eutrophic lakes: Shallow, murky bodies of water with concentrations of plant
nutrients causing excessive production of algae.
eutrophication: The slow aging process during which a lake, estuary, or bay
evolves into a bog or marsh and eventually disappears. During the later stages of
eutrophication the water body is choked by abundant plant life due to higher
levels of nutritive compounds such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Human activities
can accelerate the process.
evaporation: The process by which water or other liquid becomes a gas (water
vapor or ammonia vapor). Water from land areas, bodies of water, and all other
moist surfaces is absorbed into the atmosphere as a vapor.
evaporation ponds: Areas where sewage sludge is dumped and dried.
evapotranspiration: The combined processes of evaporation and transpiration. It
can be defined as the sum of water used by vegetation and water lost by
ex situ: Moved from its original place; excavated; removed or recovered from the
exotic species: A species that is not indigenous to a region.
explosive limits: The amounts of vapor in the air that form explosive mixtures;
limits are expressed as lower and upper limits and give the range of vapor
concentrations in air that will explode if an ignition source is present.
exposure: Radiation or pollutants that come into contact with the body and
present a potential health threat. The most common routes of exposure are
through the skin, mouth, or by inhalation.
exposure assessment: The determination or estimation (qualitative or
quantitative) of the magnitude, frequency, duration, route, and extent (number of
people) of exposure to a chemical.
exposure level (chemical): The amount (concentration) of a chemical at the
absorptive surfaces of an organism.
extremely hazardous substances (EHS): Any of 366 (+ or:) chemicals or
hazardous substances identified by EPA on the basis of hazard or toxicity and
listed under EPCRA. The list is periodically revised.
facilities plans: Plans and studies related to the construction of treatment works
necessary to comply with the Clean Water Act or RCRA. A facilities plan
investigates needs and provides information on the cost effectiveness of
alternatives, a recommended plan, an environmental assessment of the
recommendations, and descriptions of the treatment works, costs, and a
completion schedule.
facultative: Used to describe organisms that are able to grow in either the
presence or absence of a specific environmental factor (e.g., oxygen). See also
facultative anaerobe.
feasibility study: 1. Analysis of the practicability of a proposal; e.g., a description
and analysis of potential cleanup alternatives for a site such as one on the
National Priorities List. The feasibility study usually recommends selection of a
cost-effective alternative. It usually starts as soon as the remedial investigation is
underway; together, they are commonly referred to as the "RI/FS". 2. A smallscale investigation of a problem to ascertain whether a proposed research
approach is likely to provide useful data.
fecal coliform bacteria: Bacteria found in the intestinal tracts of animals. Their
presence in water or sludge is an indicator of pollution and possible
contamination by pathogens.
feedlot: A confined area for the controlled feeding of animals. Tends to
concentrate large amounts of animal waste that cannot be absorbed by the soil
and, hence, may be carried to nearby streams or lakes by rainfall runoff.
feedstock: Raw material supplied to a machine or processing plant from which
other products can be made. For example, polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene
are raw chemicals used to produce plastic tiles, mats, fenders, cushions, and
traffic cones.
field capacity: The maximum amount of water that a soil can retain after excess
water from saturated conditions has been drained by the force of gravity.
filling: Depositing dirt, mud or other materials into aquatic areas to create more
dry land, usually for agricultural or commercial development purposes, often with
ruinous ecological consequences.
filter strip: Strip or area of vegetation used for removing sediment, organic matter,
and other pollutants from runoff and waste water.
filtration: A treatment process, under the control of qualified operators, for
removing solid (particulate) matter from water by means of porous media such as
sand or a man-made filter; often used to remove particles that containing
finished water: Water that has passed through a water treatment plant; all the
treatment processes are completed or "finished". This water is ready to be
delivered to consumers. Also called product water.
first draw: The water that comes out when a faucet in the kitchen or bathroom is
first opened, which is likely to have the highest level of lead contamination from
old plumbing solder and pipes.
fish kill: When aquatic life within a river, lake, or stream dies in a mass extinction.
flare: A device that burns gaseous materials to prevent them from being released
into the environment. Flares may operate continuously or intermittently and are
usually found on top of a stack. Flares also burn off methane gas in a landfill.
flash point: The lowest temperature at which evaporation of a substance
produces enough vapor to form an ignitable mixture with air.
flocculation: The gathering together of fine particles in water by gentle mixing
after the addition of coagulant chemicals to form larger particles.
floodplain: Mostly level land along rivers and streams that may be submerged by
floodwater. A 100-year floodplain is an area which can be expected to flood once
in every 100 years.
flow rate: The rate, expressed in gallons-or liters-per-hour, at which a fluid
escapes from a hole or fissure in a tank. Such measurements are also made of
liquid waste, effluent, and surface water movement.
flue gas: The air coming out of a chimney after combustion in the burner it is
venting. It can include nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides, water vapor, sulfur oxides,
particles and many chemical pollutants.
flue gas desulfurization: A technology that employs a sorbent, usually lime or
limestone, to remove sulfur dioxide from the gases produced by burning fossil
fuels. Flue gas desulfurization is current state-of-the art technology for major
SO2 emitters, like power plants.
fluidized: A mass of solid particles that is made to flow like a liquid by injection of
water or gas is said to have been fluidized. In water treatment, a bed of filter
media is fluidized by backwashing water through the filter.
flume: A natural or man-made channel that diverts water.
fluoridation: The addition of a chemical to increase the concentration of fluoride
ions in drinking water to a predetermined optimum limit to reduce the incidence
(number) of dental caries (tooth decay) in children. Defluoridation is the removal
of excess fluoride in drinking water to prevent the mottling (brown stains) of teeth.
fluorides: Gaseous, solid, or dissolved compounds containing fluorine that result
from industrial processes. Excessive amounts in food can lead to fluorosis.
fluorocarbons (FCs): Any of a number of organic compounds analogous to
hydrocarbons in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by fluorine.
Once used in the United States as a propellant for domestic aerosols, they are
now found mainly in coolants and some industrial processes. FCs containing
chlorine are called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). They are believed to be
modifying the ozone layer in the stratosphere, thereby allowing more harmful
solar radiation to reach the Earth's surface.
fogging: Applying a pesticide by rapidly heating the liquid chemical so that it
forms very fine droplets that resemble smoke or fog. Used to destroy
mosquitoes, black flies, and similar pests.
food chain: A sequence of organisms, each of which uses the next, lower
member of the sequence as a food source.
formaldehyde: A colorless, pungent, and irritating gas, CH20, used chiefly as a
disinfectant and preservative and in synthesizing other compounds like resins.
fossil fuel: Fuel derived from ancient organic remains, e.g., peat, coal, crude oil,
and natural gas.
fresh water: Water that generally contains less than 1,000 milligrams-per-liter of
dissolved solids
friable: Capable of being crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand
fuel economy standard: The Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standard (CAFE)
effective in 1978. It enhanced the national fuel conservation effort imposing a
miles-per-gallon floor for motor vehicles.
fuel efficiency: The proportion of the energy released on combustion of a fuel that
is converted into useful energy.
fugitive emissions: Air pollutants released to the air other than those from stacks
or vents; typically small releases from leaks in plant equipment such as valves,
pump seals, flanges, sampling connections, etc.
fume: Tiny particles trapped in vapor in a gas stream.
fumigant: A pesticide vaporized to kill pests. Used in buildings and greenhouses.
fungi: Aerobic, multicellular, nonphotosynthetic, heterotrophic microorganisms.
The fungi include mushrooms, yeast, molds, and smuts. Most fungi are
saprophytes, obtaining their nourishment from dead organic matter. Along with
bacteria, fungi are the principal organisms responsible for the decomposition of
carbon in the biosphere. Fungi have two ecological advantages over bacteria: (1)
they can grow in low moisture areas, and (2) they can grow in low pH
environments. gate valve: a valve regulated by the position of a circular plate.
fungicide: A pesticide used to control or destroy fungi on food or grain crops.
fungistat: A chemical that keeps fungi from growing.
furrow irrigation: Irrigation method in which water travels through the field by
means of small channels between each row or groups of rows.
galvanize: To coat a metal (especially iron or steel) with zinc. Galvanization is the
process of coating a metal with zinc.
game fish: Species like trout, salmon, or bass, caught for sport. Many of them
show more sensitivity to environmental change than "rough" fish.
garbage: Animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, storage, sale,
preparation, cooking, and serving of foods.
gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer: Highly sophisticated instrument that
identifies the molecular composition and concentrations of various chemicals in
water and soil samples.
gasification: Conversion of solid material such as coal into a gas for use as a
gasohol: Mixture of gasoline and ethanol derived from fermented agricultural
products containing at least nine percent ethanol. Gasohol emissions contain
less carbon monoxide than those from gasoline.
gastroenteritis: An inflammation of the stomach and intestine resulting in
diarrhea, with vomiting and cramps when irritation is excessive. When caused by
an infectious agent, it is often associated with fever.
genetic engineering: A process of inserting new genetic information into existing
cells in order to modify an organism for the purpose of changing particular
geographic information system (GIS): A computer system designed for storing,
manipulating, analyzing, and displaying data in a geographic context.
geological log: A detailed description of all underground features discovered
during the drilling of a well (depth, thickness and type of formations).
germicide: A substance formulated to kill germs or microorganisms. The
germicidal properties of chlorine make it an effective disinfectant.
giardia lamblia: Flagellate protozoan which is shed during its cyst stage into the
feces of man and animals. When water containing these cysts is ingested, the
protozoan causes a severe gastrointestinal disease called giardiasis.
grain loading: The rate at which particles are emitted from a pollution source.
Measurement is made by the number of grains per cubic foot of gas emitted.
gram: A unit of mass equivalent to one milliliter of water at 4 degrees Celsius.
1/454 of a pound.
grassed waterway: Natural or constructed watercourse or outlet that is shaped or
graded and established in suitable vegetation for the disposal of runoff water
without erosion.
gray water: Domestic wastewater composed of wash water from kitchen,
bathroom, and laundry sinks, tubs, and washers.
greenhouse effect: The warming of Earth's atmosphere attributed to a build-up of
carbon dioxide or other gases;some scientists think that this build-up allows the
sun's rays to heat Earth, while infra-red radiation makes the atmosphere opaque
to a counterbalancing loss of heat.
ground water: The supply of fresh water found beneath the Earth's surface,
usually in aquifers, which supply wells and springs. Because ground water is a
major source of drinking water, there is growing concern over contamination from
leaching agricultural or industrial pollutants or leaking underground storage
ground-water discharge: Ground water entering near coastal waters which has
been contaminated by landfill leachate, deep well injection of hazardous wastes,
septic tanks, etc.
gully erosion: Severe erosion in which trenches are cut to a depth greater than
30 centimeters (a foot). Generally, ditches deep enough to cross with farm
equipment are considered gullies.
habitat: The place where a population (e.g., human, animal, plant,
microorganism) lives and its surroundings, both living and non-living.
half-life: 1. The time required for a pollutant to lose half its affect on the
environment. For example, the biochemical half-life of DDT in the environment is
15 years of Radium. 1,580 years. 2. The time required for half of the atoms of a
radioactive element to undergo self-transmutation or decay. 3. The time required
for the elimination of one half a total dose from the body.
halogen: One of the chemical elements chlorine, bromine, or iodine.
hard water: Alkaline water containing dissolved salts that interfere with some
industrial processes and prevent soap from lathering. Water may be considered
hard if it has a hardness greater than the typical hardness of water from the
region. Some textbooks define hard water as water with a hardness of more than
100 mgAL as calcium carbonate.
hazard evaluation: A component of risk assessment that involves gathering and
evaluating data on the types of health injury or disease (e.g., cancer) that may be
produced by a chemical and on the conditions of exposure under which injury or
disease is produced.
hazardous air pollutants: Air pollutants which are not covered by ambient air
quality standards but which, as defined in the Clean Air Act, may reasonably be
expected to cause or contribute to irreversible illness or death. Such pollutants
include asbestos, beryllium, mercury, benzene, coke oven emissions,
radionuclides, and vinyl chloride.
hazardous chemical: An EPA designation for any hazardous material requiring
an MSDS under OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard. Such substances are
capable of producing fires and explosions or adverse health effects like cancer
and dermatitis. Hazardous chemicals are distinct from hazardous waste.
hazardous substance: 1. Any material that poses a threat to human health and/or the environment. Typical hazardous substances are toxic, corrosive, ignitable,
explosive, or chemically reactive. 2. Any substancedesignated by EPA to be
reported if a designated quantity of the substance is spilled in the waters of the
United States or if otherwise released into the environment.
hazardous waste: A subset of solid wastes that pose substantial or potential
threats to public health or the environment and meet any of the following criteria:
it is specifically listed as a hazardous waste by EPA; exhibits one or more of the
characteristics of hazardous wastes (ignitability, corrosiveness, reactivity, and/or
toxicity); o is generated by the treatment of hazardous waste; or is contained in a
hazardous waste.
health advisory level: A non-regulatory health-based reference level of chemical
traces (usually in ppm) in drinking water at which there are no adverse health
risks when ingested over various periods of time. Such levels are established for
one day, 10 days, long term and life-time exposure periods. They contain a large
margin of safety.
heat island effect: A "dome" of elevated temperatures over an urban area caused
by structural and pavement heat fluxes, and pollutant emissions.
heavy metal: Metallic elements with high atomic weights, e.g., mercury,
chromium, cadmium, arsenic, and lead; can damage living things at low
concentrations and tend to accumulate in the food chain.
herbaceous: Any of various types of non-woody plants with green stems.
Herbaceous plants die down to ground level in the winter.
herbicide: A pesticide designed to control or kill plants, weeds, or grasses.
Almost 70% of all pesticide used by farmers and ranchers are herbicides. These
chemicals have wide-ranging effects on non-target species (other than those the
pesticide is meant to control).
herbivore: An animal that feeds on plants.
heterotrophic microorganisms: Bacteria and other microorganisms that use
organic matter synthesized by other organisms for energy and growth.
high-density polyethylene: A material used to make plastic bottles and other
products that produces toxic fumes when burned.
high-level radioactive waste (HLW): Waste generated in core fuel of a nuclear
reactor, found at nuclear reactors or by nuclear fuel reprocessing; is a serious
threat to anyone who comes near the waste without shielding.
histology: The study of the structure of cells and tissues; usually involves
microscopic examination of tissue slices.
host: 1. In genetics, the organism, typically a bacterium, into which a gene from
another organism is transplanted. 2. In medicine, an animal infected or
parasitized by another organism.
hot spot: Localized elliptical areas with concentrations in excess of the cleanup
standard, either a volume defined by the projection of the surface area through
the soil zone that will be sampled or a discrete horizon within the soil zone that
will be sampled.
household waste (domestic waste): Solid waste, composed of garbage and
rubbish, which normally originated in a private home or apartment house.
Domestic waste may contain a significant amount of toxic or hazardous waste.
humus: Organic portion of the soil remaining after prolonged microbial
hydrocarbon: Chemicals that consist entirely of hydrogen and carbon.
Hydrocarbons contribute to air pollution problems like smog.
hydrochlorination: The application of hypochlorite compounds to water for the
purpose of disinfection.
hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is used to increase the dissolved oxygen
content of groundwater to stimulate aerobic biodegradation of organic
contaminants. Hydrogen peroxide is infinitely soluble in water, but rapidly
dissociates to form a molecule of water [H(2)O] and one-half molecule of oxygen
[O]. Dissolved oxygen concentrations of greater than 1,000 mg/L are possible
using hydrogen peroxide, but high levels of D.O. can be toxic to microorganisms.
hydrogen sulfide: Gas emitted during organic decomposition. Also a byproduct of
oil refining and burning. Smells like rotten eggs and, in heavy concentration, can
kill or cause illness.
hydrogeology: The geology of ground water, with particular emphasis on the
chemistry and movement of water.
hypoxic: A condition of low oxygen concentration, below that considered aerobic.
in situ: in its original place; unmoved; unexcavated; remaining in the subsurface.
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