ITAC Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)
Tuesday, September 22, 2015, 1:10-3:00pm, Batmale 108
Committee Members: Craig Persiko, Jay Field, David Yee, Joe Jah, Jorge Bell, Chien “Ken” Lin, Shawn Yee,
Kimberly Ginther-Webster
Guests: Julian Prentice, JR Hall, Tim Ryan, Daniel Konhauser, Alex Gaesser
Absent Committee Members: Cynthia Dewar
1. Approval of minutes from last meeting – Approved
Old Business:
2. Plans for classroom projectors/smartboards – A task force formed last week, consisting of representatives
from ITS, BEMA, AV and Ed. Tech. Came up with a list of rooms for updating. The list will go to a capital
funds planning group, then to PGC for input. 50 rooms are designated for Ocean, and 25 others
scattered throughout the district. Rooms will be upgraded to standards set in ITS, modifications are
possible if deemed necessary. Rooms that already have equipment that is totally nonfunctional should
be reported to ITS. Long-term maintenance of smart classrooms is being addressed with requests for
additional AV support staff, existing IT staff training, and user training.
3. Replacement computers for faculty/staff – This continues, the list remains available via the ITAC site.
Roughly 50 workstations that meet the most urgent replacement need criteria remain. New employees
are also getting workstations.
4. Identity Management Project update – Testing synchronization between Active Directory logins and Office
365 logins is underway, to be expanded for larger group testing in October. The plan is to have a web
interface for password changes, since not everyone uses Windows.
5. Update on status of ITAC in Participatory Governance – It appears likely that at the next PGC meeting, ITAC
will be confirmed as a committee of the PGC. There is broad support for this.
New Business:
6. Proposed technology acceptable use policy for board approval, and accompanying procedures – The draft
documents presented are a framework for input, using a fairly recent policy from another California
Community College. A shared Google document will be posted for comments by members of ITAC.
Comments are due by the next ITAC meeting. Examples from other college policies are welcome along
with our own input. Once Board Policy and Procedures documents are drafted by ITAC, District Counsel
will provide input and the documents will work through the shared/participatory governance system.
We need this finished for this accreditation cycle so deadlines are important.
7. ITS Report, including Ellucian report on Banner and Help Desk – No report.
8. Education Technology Department report – No report.
9. Student report – Some input on technology issues of concern to students included adequacy and
consistency of wifi access and speed in the library; technology for submitting financial aid documents
rather than waiting in line in person. ITAC is interested in what are the most pressing issues students
have relating to current technology or other issues that might be improved with the use of technology.
There was some discussion of various methods for getting this information.
Future meetings: Tuesday, October 27 1-3pm in Batmale 108, and the 4th Tuesday of each month