
City College of San Francisco
UNAPPROVED Minutes from ITAC Meeting on September 23, 2014 in Batmale 108
Committee Members: Craig Persiko, Joe Jah, Cynthia Dewar, Shawn Yee, Jay Field, David Yee, James Rogers
Resources: Sue Homer
Guests: Tim Ryan, Robert Lam, JR Hall
Absent Committee Members: Jorge Bell, Martin Madrigal
The meeting was called to order at 10:09 am.
I. Announcements
A. Next meeting is scheduled for 10/28. ITAC is meeting on the 4 th Tuesday of each month this semester.
In December ITAC will meet the third Tuesday.
II. Approval of Minutes
A. Minutes from the August meeting were approved.
II. Old Business
Expansion of WiFi: Users will not need sign-in every week. They only need to sign in every month
now. Tim discussed the increase of equipment and the deployment. They are focusing on the
Science Building and planning on about XX additional access points. The goal is increase
coverage with the use of new hardware. The Wellness Center is also a challenge because of
the design of the building. The biggest challenge is getting access to the rooms. Some of the
structures of the rooms are also a challenge. They are working toward a standard level of
coverage and using tools to measure it. Well over 2000 simultaneous connections during
peak times. Users are calling the Help Desk for password resets and help. In the next month
the goal is to complete coverage of Science and Cloud. ITS is beta-testing some new wifi
radios, in exchange for free equipment. There are some intermittent connectivity issues with
the beta tested units, and IT is working to determine how to resolve those issues. Tim
suggested a notification that would let the user know that they are participating in beta
testing, to encourage reporting of problems. There is no end to the demand. By the end of the
year the goal is to have 100% coverage of buildings across all campuses and sites.
Classroom Projectors/Smart boards
a. There is a standard that has been selected by a collaboration with Broadcast Media
Services, the Media Center, and ITS. The VC of Finance and the VC of Academic
Affairs are looking at funding sources to build out 75 classrooms by the end of this
year. Chalkboards need to be replaced with whiteboards. Decisions need to be made
based on size of the classroom. The challenge will be selecting the rooms to build
out. The goal is to equip a classroom with an instruction station that is electric ADA
compatible, a PC, a data projector, an LCD projector, and a document camera. VGA
cables will be included, and instructors will bring their own adapters if needed. The
technology is a standard and common model. If it is a large enough room it will
have audio support and assisted listening support. Jay is just waiting for the list. He
will bring it to ITAC and we will disseminate the information to the College
b. There was discussion about where the installations would be put in some classrooms
for example, putting the screen in front of the whiteboard/chalkboard limits the use
of the classroom. It is important that faculty have impact in the design of the
c. If departments can justify a smart board then it is important that the information is
communicated to the dean and IT.
d. Once a room is on the list for updating then a conversation can happen as to the
design of the room understanding that the equipment is standard. It was suggested
that a point person be identified for each building so that the equipment can be
Minutes from 9/23/14 ITAC Meeting
installed to maximize teaching and learning. The project will be tightly managed.
C. Accreditation Update
a. Standard IIIC is complete. The feedback was very positive at the open forum. Tim
Ryan can do an overview about the connection between facilities based technology
and ITS.
D. Replacement Computers for Faculty/Staff
ITS purchased another 50 PC desktops. Robert and his team will provide a list to ITAC of
where the computers have been deployed. They are working through the refresh
list. There are some specific needs in departments such as DSPS. Documentation
of deployments will be posted on the ITAC website.
ITS is working on deciding on a standard laptop for PC and Apple so that users can be
offered a choice between the two. ITS is looking at Dell and HP, both have their
III. New Business
A. Tech Plan Revision
a. Jay attended the Planning Committee Meeting and updated ITAC about updating the
Tech Plan. The Tech Plan can be looked at on a yearly basis to update it. Currently we
have a two year plan. Some years the updates will be significant and other years the
updates will be minor. With the rapid changes in technology, the TP needs to be looked
at and updated accordingly. The Planning Committee agreed to this schedule.
b. The Distance Learning Plan will be updated this fall. The Tech Plan will be updated in
spring 2015.
c. The goal is to have each of these plans on a yearly cycle but not updated the same
B. Student Computer Lab Sharing
a. ITAC discussed possible ways to share computer labs. The challenge is that there is no
incentive for a department to allow their lab to be used by other departments. Craig will
work on establishing a centralized lab schedule.
b. Labs include the following department: Business, ACRC, Rosenburg Library, CNIT,
IV. Reports
A. CTO’s Report – Jay Field
B. Ellucian Report – Jay Field
a. There is an update from Ellucian on the ITAC site. Posted here:
b. FLAC is a significant project that Ellucian is working on currently.
c. Online requisitions are being tested.
C. Ed Tech Department Report – Cynthia Dewar
Continuing to train faculty.
Established the upgrade schedule for the next three years.
C. Student Report –No Report
Adjourned at 11:25 am
Submitted by Cynthia Dewar