SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC STUDIES ADELAIDE & FLINDERS UNIVERSITIES AAA FARMBIS SURVEY OF INDUSTRY ORGANISATIONS 2006 1. Contact Information 1.1 Name of Organisation: [Please type organisation name here] 2. Organisation Scope 2.1 How best would you classify your organisation? Please click the most appropriate box. Non-producer and / or non - commodity organisation (go to question 2.2) Producer and / or commodity organisation (go to question 2.3) 2.2 Which non-producer and / or non - commodity organisations do you represent? Please click the most appropriate box/es. Industry advisory body or similar organisation Natural Resource Management groups including, National Salinity Action Plan group, Landcare, Natural Heritage Trust etc Women’s Organisation Youth Organisation R&D Corporation Other (please specify) [If other, please specify here] 2.3 Which producer and commodity groups do you represent? Please click the most appropriate box/es. Multi-commodity groups (more than three) Vegetables Other livestock Fruits Sugar Grain Cotton Sheep Viticulture Beef Aquaculture Dairy Wild catch fishing Poultry Other (please specify) Pig [If other, please provide comment here] PO BOX 125, RUNDLE MALL, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5000 PHONE (+61-8) 8303 5555 FAX (+61-8) 8232 5307 FOURTH FLOOR, LIGERTWOOD BUILDING, UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 3. Page 2 Representation Geographic Coverage 3.1 Which area(s) does your organisation provide service to? Please click the appropriate box/es. National Northern Territory Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia New South Wales Representation 3.2 How many members does your organisation represent? [Please click here to select] 3.3 Does your organisation have a paid training officer? Please click the appropriate box. Yes No If no, go to question 3.5. 3.4 Is this employee full-time on training issues or only part-time? Please click the appropriate box. Full-time Part-time Go to question 3.6 3.5 Does your organisation have a committee or nominated member responsible for training? Please click the appropriate box. Yes No Training Plans 3.6 Does your organisation have an industry training plan? Please click the appropriate box. Yes No AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 4. Page 3 Identifying Industry Needs Priority of Training 4.1 From the following list of organisational priorities, rank the top three as they apply to your organisation: with “1” being the top most priority. Labour and industrial relations [Input number here N=.......] Lobbying [Input number here N=.......] Marketing and price issues [Input number here N=.......] Natural resource management issues [Input number here N=.......] Production and technical issues [Input number here N=.......] Tax or financial issues [Input number here N=.......] Training Other (please specify) [If other, please provide comment here] [Input number here N=.......] [Input number here N=.......] If training is one of the top three priorities go to question 4.3. 4.2 Why is training not one of your organisation’s top three priorities? Please click the appropriate box/es. Lack of resources in the organisation Our staff do not have the skills to handle training issues Members place a low priority on training Other (please specify) [If other, please provide comment here] 4.3 What do you see to be the benefits of training for your members? Please click the appropriate box/es. Improved ability to adapt, innovate and/or manage change Up-skilling of members Improved profitability Improved productivity Improved sustainability of natural resource base To meet government legislative/regulatory requirements Improved occupational health and safety outcomes Other (please specify) [If other, please provide comment here] Sources and Methods 4.4 Has your organisation sought to identify the training and information needs of your members? Please click the appropriate box. Yes If yes, go to question 4.5. No If no, go to question Section 5 (Activities and Barriers). AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 4.5 Page 4 Do you identify training and information needs through a formal structured process? Please click the appropriate box. Yes If yes, go to questions 4.6 and 4.7. No If no go to question 4.8. 4.6 What process(es) do you employ to identify training and information needs? Please click on the appropriate box/es. Workshops Focus groups Seminars Consultations Survey Other 4.7 From who is this information gathered? Please click the appropriate box/es. Information provided by: Member(s) of your organisation Other environmental organisations - Landcare, NRM bodies Other industry organisations Training institutions/businesses State agencies Financial institutions Other (please specify) [If other, please provide comment here] 4.8 Do you gather training needs information through informal unstructured feedback? Note: Informal feedback is defined as ‘information that is not sought in a systematic or planned way, and includes ad hoc comments and information from key stakeholders’. Please click the appropriate box. Yes No If no, go to question 4.9. If yes, is the information provided by: Please click on the appropriate box/es. Member(s) of your organisation Environmental organisations – Landcare, NRM bodies Financial institutions Training institutions/businesses Other Industry organisations Ad hoc meetings Introduction of new legislation or regulations (e.g. OHS requirements) New technology or new practices such as quality assurance systems, environmental management systems or Hazard and Critical Control Point Other (please specify) [If other, please provide comment here] AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 Page 5 Note: Industry Advisory Bodies are not expected to respond to Questions 4.9 to 4.13. Availability 4.9 In the last 12 months, has your organisation identified a business management education and training need but been unable to find a suitable training activity to meet this need? Please click the appropriate box. Yes No If yes, go to question 4.10. If no, go to section 5 (Activities and Barriers). Types of Training Sought 4.10 What type of education and training activity was your organisation looking for but unable to find? [Please type your comments here] 4.11 Have you taken any measures to address this unmet education and training need? Please click the appropriate box. Yes No If yes, go to question 4.12. If no, go to section 5 (Activities and Barriers). 4.12 If yes, did this involve any contact with a FarmBis networker or other FarmBis representative to facilitate delivery of the training activity? Please click the appropriate box. Yes No If yes, go to question 4.13. If no, go to section 5 (Activities and Barriers). 4.13 What other steps have you taken to address this gap in education and training activities? [Please type your comments here] 5. Activities and Barriers Activities 5.1 How many education and training activities has your organisation/group promoted / advertised for members over the past 12 months? (e.g. training courses, workshops, conferences). [Please input number here N= 5.2 ] How many education and training activities has your organisation / group specifically organised for members over the past 12 months? (e.g. training courses, workshops, conferences). [Please input number here N= ] AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 5.3 Page 6 Over the past 12 months approximately what percentage of education and training activities organised for your association members, if any, have involved FarmBis in some way? Please click here to select 5.4 Is your organisation linked to industry training advisory boards, training providers or processes? Please click the appropriate box. Strong linkages–we regularly work with them/consult/share information Moderate linkages– occasionally consult/share information Weak linkage – know of processes/arrangements but have little to do with them Have not heard of industry training/advisory boards /not applicable 5.5 Has your organisation worked with any other bodies or groups to plan or negotiate training activities? Please click the appropriate box. Yes No If no, go to question 5.6. If yes, which types of bodies? Please click on the appropriate box/es. Australian government agencies State government agencies Public training providers (eg. TAFEs or universities) Private training providers Research organisations Other producer or farmer organisations Other (please specify) [If other, please provide comment here] Barriers 5.6 Has your organisation/group identified any barriers to participation in training or education by your members? Please click the appropriate box. Yes No If no, go to question 5.7. If yes, what are these barriers? Please click the appropriate box/es. Availability of relevant courses Availability of time for them to do courses / farmers are too busy Cost of courses / too expensive Location / distance to courses / access to courses Negative attitudes to training Childcare Timing of courses not suitable i.e. mornings/afternoons/evenings Access to quality providers / lack of quality providers Other (please specify) [If other, please provide comment here] AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 5.7 Page 7 Overall, how satisfied is your organisation/group with the education and training activities available to your members? Please click the appropriate box. Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Please respond to question 5.8 if you have chosen ‘very dissatisfied’ or ‘dissatisfied’. Otherwise go to Section 6 (Training Areas). 5.8 What are main reasons for your dissatisfaction with the education and training available for members of your organisation? Please click the appropriate box/es. Availability or access to quality providers/people who understand the industry Providers not delivering what the industry requires/not much available for our industry Course design / more tailored / inflexible Other (specify) [If other, please provide comment here] 6. Training Areas 6.1 Please rank the FarmBis supported training categories in order of priority for your organisation, with “1” being the highest (please rank 1 to 6). People Management [Input number here N=.......] Financial Management [Input number here N=.......] General Business Management [Input number here N=.......] Marketing [Input number here N=.......] Production Management [Input number here N=.......] Natural Resource Management / Biodiversity [Input number here N=.......] Note: Question 6.2 – 6.13 seeks specific information on training categories. Please go to the training category that was your highest (1) priority in question 6.1. You do not need to respond to the remaining training categories. Then, go to question 6.14. AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 Page 8 People Management 6.2 Under People Management training categories, which of the following does your organisation rate as a high training priority for your members/stakeholders? Please rank the top 4 priorities, with “1” being the top most priority. Human resource management, development and change management [Input number here N=.......] Retirement and succession [Input number here N=.......] Industrial relations [Input number here N=.......] Occupational health and safety [Input number here N=.......] Negotiation and conflict resolution [Input number here N=.......] Communication, selling, meeting and decision making skills [Input number here N=.......] Leadership [Input number here N=.......] Skills analysis, needs analysis, competency assessment [Input number here N=.......] Other human capital [Input number here N=.......] People management in general [Input number here N=.......] 6.3 For the highest priority identified in this category, what level of training do your members need? Please click the appropriate box. Basic or introductory Further or more advanced Both/all levels Unsure Financial Management 6.4 Under Financial Management training categories, which of the following does your organisation rate as a high training priority for your members/stakeholders? Please rank the top 4 priorities, with “1” being the top most priority. Taxation, tax reform [Input number here N=.......] Bookkeeping and reconciliation [Input number here N=.......] Financial statements [Input number here N=.......] Loans, mortgage, leverage and leasing [Input number here N=.......] Insurance and funds management [Input number here N=.......] Financial risk management [Input number here N=.......] Other financial management [Input number here N=.......] Financial management in general [Input number here N=.......] 6.5 For the highest priority identified in this category, what level of training do your members need? Please click the appropriate box. Basic or introductory Further or more advanced Both/all levels Unsure AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 Page 9 General Business Management 6.6 Under General Business Management training categories, which of the following does your organisation rate as a high training priority for your members/stakeholders? Please rank the top 4 priorities, with “1” being the top most priority. Information technology [Input number here N=.......] Business systems analysis [Input number here N=.......] Purchasing and inventory management [Input number here N=.......] Strategic planning [Input number here N=.......] Business/project/holistic/whole “farm” planning [Input number here N=.......] Laws, contracts, licensing [Input number here N=.......] Quality assurance, HACCP, TQM [Input number here N=.......] Benchmarking [Input number here N=.......] Other financial management [Input number here N=.......] Financial management in general [Input number here N=.......] 6.7 For the highest priority identified in this category, what level of training do your members need? Please click the appropriate box. Basic or introductory Further or more advanced Both/all levels Unsure Marketing 6.8 Under Marketing training categories, which of the following does your organisation rate as a high training priority identified for your members/stakeholders? Please rank the top 4 priorities, with “1” being the top most priority. Supply chain management [Input number here N=.......] Market access requirements and planning [Input number here N=.......] Market/consumer research and analysis [Input number here N=.......] Value addition/product medication/ new product development [Input number here N=.......] Market Competitiveness [Input number here N=.......] Consumer and whole of chain client interaction, exporting [Input number here N=.......] Other marketing [Input number here N=.......] Financial management in general [Input number here N=.......] 6.9 For the highest priority in this category, what level of training do your members need? Please click the appropriate box. Basic or introductory Further or more advanced Both/all levels Unsure AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 Page 10 Production Management 6.10 Under Production Management training categories, which of the following does your organisation rate as a high training priority identified for your members/stakeholders? Please rank the top 4 priorities, with “1” being the top most priority. Integration of new techniques/industries for sustainable production[Input number here N=.......] Integrated management [Input number here N=.......] Risk management in relation to production systems [Input number here N=.......] Managing plant, animal, fish and insect resources in production [Input number here N=.......] Other production management [Input number here N=.......] Production management in general [Input number here N=.......] 6.11 For the highest priority identified in this category, what level of training do your members need? Please click the appropriate box. Basic or introductory Further or more advanced Both/all levels Unsure Natural Resource Management / Biodiversity 6.12 Under Natural Resource Management / Biodiversity training categories, which of the following does your organisation rate as a high training priority for your members/stakeholders? Please rank the top 4 priorities, with “1” being the top most priority. Land management [Input number here N=.......] Salinity & dryland salinity management [Input number here N=.......] Water quality & waste water [Input number here N=.......] Ground water management [Input number here N=.......] Irrigation management [Input number here N=.......] Vegetation management [Input number here N=.......] Fisheries management [Input number here N=.......] Fauna management [Input number here N=.......] Natural resource planning & risk management [Input number here N=.......] Other natural resource management/biodiversity [Input number here N=.......] Natural resource management/biodiversity in general [Input number here N=.......] 6.13 For the highest priority identified in this category, what level of training do your members need? Please click the appropriate box. Basic or introductory Further or more advanced Both/all levels Unsure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please go to question 6.14. AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 Page 11 6.14 Are there any other business management training priorities for your industry that are not listed? Please click the appropriate box. Yes No If no, go to section 7 (FarmBis). If yes, please comment [type your response here] 7. FarmBis Perception 7.1 When you think about what you know or have read or heard about FarmBis, what is the first thing to come to mind when you think about the program? [Please click here to select] If other, please specify [Please type your comments here] Contact with FarmBis 7.2 Has your business ever been in contact with a FarmBis networker or some other representative from FarmBis? Please click the appropriate box. Yes If yes, go to question 7.3. No If no, go to question 7.6. 7.3 How often would your business communicate with a FarmBis networker or some other representative from FarmBis? [Please click here to select] 7.4 Who usually initiates the contact between your business and FarmBis? appropriate box. Both your organisation & FarmBis maintaining contact with each other Usually your organisation (either you or someone else) Usually FarmBis contact/networker Other (please specify) [If other, please provide comment here] 7.5 Thinking about the last (main) time you or your organisation communicated with a FarmBis networker or some other representative from FarmBis, what was the main reason for that communication? [Please click here to select] 7.6 For those who selected ‘no’ for question 7.2, why has your business never been in contact with a FarmBis networker or some other representative from FarmBis? [Please provide your comments here] Please click the AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 Page 12 Benefits and Accessibility 7.7 How beneficial do you think courses supported by FarmBis is to the profitability of enterprises in your industry (in your region)? [Please click here to select] 7.8 How beneficial do you think courses supported by FarmBis are to the sustainability of the natural resource base of enterprises in your industry (in your region)? [Please click here to select] 7.9 How easy would you say it is to access information about FarmBis? [Please click here to select] 7.10 FarmBis administration, including the approval of applications and payment of subsidies, is managed at the state level. How satisfied is your business with these processes? [Please click here to select] [If any, please type your comments here] Improvements 7.11 In your opinion, how could these administrative processes be improved? Please click the appropriate box/es. No improvement required Less paperwork /less bureaucratic /less forms to fill out Be consistent / transparent on approval Speed up the processing of forms / sending reimbursement More consistency in eligibility requirements from State to State Simplify application forms Need flexibility More advertising / promotion Other [If other, please provide comment here] Targeted Industry Initiative 7.12 Are you or your organisation aware of the new FarmBis Targeted Industry Initiative? Please click the appropriate box. Yes If yes, go to question 7.13. No If no, go to Section 9 (Comments and Feedback). AAA FarmBis Survey of Industry Organisations 2006 Page 13 7.13 If yes, has your organisation applied for funding through the Targeted Industry Initiative? Please click on the appropriate box. Yes If yes, go to question 7.14 No If no, go to question 7.16 7.14 Was your application for funding successful? Yes If yes, go to question 7.15. No If no, please comment. [ please type your comments here] 7.15 What was the industry training initiative? [ please type your comments here] 7.16 Why you have not applied for funding? [ please type your comments here] 7.17 Comment on any outcomes for your member(s) to date? [ please type your comments here] 9. Comments and Feedback 9.1 Do you have any other comments on your members/stakeholders education and training needs or the FarmBis programme and its administration? [Please provide your comments here] Thank you for your participation and support of the Annual Industry Survey. Please SAVE THE FILE for your records, attach and then email back to: